Accumulation 11

Accumulate This Love


"Jinki Hyung, have you seen Jonghyun?"Kibum happily skipped down the stairs for breakfast after checking if the older was still sleeping in his room, "I can't seem to find him anywhere."

Today he had done a little extra out of his clothes and hair. He knew that he probably shouldn't get his hopes up, but he had to at least recognize that the butterflies, which harbored in his stomach, were due to Jonghyun.

Regardless of what name the feelings he had was called, he didn't care anymore. Acquaintance, friendship, love - it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that he had Jonghyun right beside him, and that it brightened up his life.

His skinny jeans were might a little tighter than usual, and he had made sure to wear his favorite pink t-shirt that was a bit too loose - but he knew that he looked great in it.

He had might used a bit too much gel, when he did his hair, but it amounted to the right kind of messiness that he wanted, and it still showed off the black highlights beneath his blonde hair.

"No, I haven't seen him yet," Jinki yawned sleepily poking to his food, before resting his head on top of his hand. The two of them were alike, when it came to mornings - neither of them liked them.

Small noises were made from the kitchen sink were his grandmother was busy cleaning after the breakfast, but she turned carefully around to stare at Kibum with sad eyes just a moment too long, "He left this morning."

"Did he have somewhere to go?" Kibum pondered out loud, as he sat down at the table taking a bite of the toasted bread that had been laid on the plate in front of him, "He didn't mention anything about it yesterday."

She stopped everything she was doing and took the two steps it took to stand in front of her grandson. Placing a hand on top of his cheek she locked eyes with him, "No, he really left."

"What do you-" Kibum almost choked on his words, "What do you mean by left?"

Jinki shifted uncomfortably in his chair running his fingers through his bed hair, before he with a hoarse voice tried to calm his younger brother down, "he didn't tell us much either Kibum. He just said goodbye."

"But why would he say goodbye?" A tear fell down his cheek not giving him a chance to hold back. He hated this. He hated being this weak in front of anyone. He hated that Jonghyun had just left him like that.

He had left just as quickly, as he had arrived in his life.

"Kibum-ah, he's not coming back," his grandmother patted his shoulder awkwardly, as she stood still by his side. Except Jinki they were all bad at showing their emotions to others. It was a weakness both he and his grandmother had, and he knew it was tough for her to see him like this, as it probably made her feel helpless.

Wiping away the tears he had trouble holding in with the back of his hand, he smiled brightly to his grandmother, "Don't worry. It's nothing - it just came as a shock to me, that's all."

Standing up Kibum felt another tear drop from the corner of his eye, but this time he made no move to wipe it off. It didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.

Without a word he left the kitchen. It hurt. As he walked up the stairs more tears followed the first, he held his hand up against his mouth as if to suppress his sorrow.

Hurriedly he got into his own room, locking the door, before he fell onto his bed to lay in fetal position hugging his pillow, while he just stared onto the wall at the other side of the room.

"What's wrong with me?" He sobbed into his pillow, as a weird noise left the back of his throat from trying to hold back his tears, "I didn't even know him."

It was true, even if he didn't want to admit it. There had been so many secrets between them that they had never gotten to know each other. But it didn't matter to Kibum. The only thing that mattered was that he had had fun.

"He can leave whenever he wants," the blonde boy mumbled heartbroken to himself clenching to the pillow, "he wasn't anything to me."

They had not even once mentioned anything to each other about how they felt. They could still be friends for all Kibum knew. It had felt like something more to him though. It had might been far from love, but at some point they had crossed the line of friendship - but now he would never get to find out, what it was.

"I must be crazy," tears kept falling and a knot in his stomach was starting to form, "it wasn't like I didn't know this could happen."

His hair had probably become way messier than it was meant to be, and his pink t-shirt was crumbled after he had been lying in his bed, but he didn't care anymore. The reason why he wanted to look good had left without a word.

Why was it every time he started to feel something again, he would end up getting hurt? Was he destined to be heartbroken forever? Maybe he should just stop feeling love - maybe it wasn't meant for him.

A knock could be heard on his door, he ignored it. Another knock followed and the person behind it tried opening the door, but failed as he had locked it earlier. Once again he ignored it.

"Kibum-ah," Jinki's soft voice called for him through the door, as he tried knocking once again, "Kibum-ah, please let me in."

Shaking his head uncontrollably Kibum rejected Jinki, even though he knew that it couldn't be seen. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

"Go away," he choked, as he cried out loudly, "please just leave me alone."

Jinki tried to open the door once again, but failed miserably. Kibum sat up in his bed, as loud sounds left his mouth as a cry for help. His heart was clenching tightly, he was finding it hard to breath and his tears were pouring down his cheeks in a steady stream.

He was left all alone again, and he couldn't bear it. Not again.

"He left a note," Jinki desperately said out loud still knocking on the door. He had no idea what he should say or do to comfort his younger brother, but he knew that he at least could be with him. Listen to all his thoughts, before he drowned in them by himself.


"Jonghyun - he left you a note," He had finally gotten through to the blonde boy, and Jinki sighed in relief as he squatted down to push the note through door slot.

Kibum almost flew out of his bed to get over to the note, which was now lying in the middle of the floor all lonely waiting to get picked up. Even though it was just a piece of paper, Kibum did nothing but stare at it at first.

Should he pick it up? Should he read it? Maybe Jonghyun was just bidding him goodbye? Maybe he had written that he found him disgusting, and that he should stay away from him forever?

Maybe he told him to never try to contact him again. Maybe it was a goodbye forever.

"Read it," Jinki's voice cut through his thoughts as a sharp knife, "don't get any weird ideas by yourself. Read the note."

"But-" Kibum choked, as his fingers ran over the note, as he squatted down to reach it, while his other hand hugged his knees tightly.

"Read it," Jinki persevered, "no buts!"

Taking a deep breath Kibum finally picked up the note, which was folded once. Before he even opened it, he knew it wasn't a long message. The note was too small, and seemed like it had been torn of a larger paper.

Slowly unfolding the note Kibum's hands couldn't stop shaking, his tears started falling once again and his heart were clenching even harder than before. A lot of what ifs were going through his head. What if.

A number. A number was all that was written. Confused Kibum stared at all the numbers written beside each other. What was it? A phone number?

Counting the numbers in his head he figured it had to be a phone number, but Jonghyun hadn't had a cell phone, while he lived with them, so it couldn't be his. Could it?

Desperately he stood up, as he needed to get to the phone right away. Fumbling with the key he couldn't unlock the door and the key fell down onto the floor.

. Did everything really have to be against him?

Picking up the key once again, he angrily wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, before he, as calmly as he could, tried to unlock the door - this time successfully.

As he opened the door Jinki almost flew up to stare at him with worried eyes, but Kibum just decided to ignore him, as he pushed himself past him to get to the phone that was hanging on the wall between his and Jinki's room.

"What did he write?" Like a lost puppy Jinki followed Kibum to the phone, but Kibum just waved him off as he feverishly entered the number that was written on the paper.

His heart was running like crazy, and he had to take deep breaths to control himself, so he wouldn't break down as soon as the phone would tell him that the number didn't exist. It was stupid of him to believe it was a phone number to begin with.

One beep, two beeps, three beeps. Nothing.

He was crushed, but he hung onto the phone with his life on the line. He couldn't believe it. Not yet anyways. He still wanted to believe that Jonghyun had left him a connection directly to him. That they weren't cut off from each other just yet.

One more beep.


Kibum's heart stopped beating for a second just to be followed by the fastest heartbeat afterwards. Jonghyun's voice sounded husky, as if he hadn't slept for days, and Kibum couldn't help but worry - even though he probably shouldn't.

"Jonghyun," He was on the verge of tears and his voice sounded hoarse after crying so much, but it didn't matter.

It was silence for a little bit, and Kibum was starting to wonder, if Jonghyun had hung up on him, but he guessed, that he probably would had known, if he had.

"I'm sorry," it was a mere whisper, but the blonde boy heard it clearly. It cut right through his heart like a knife and opened the wound once again. Not trying to hold back his tears anymore he started to cry holding his hand against his mouth, so Jonghyun wouldn't hear his sobs, but of course he did, "I'm so sorry Kibum."

"Why?" The younger boy sobbed loudly as he devastated sat down against the wall beside him. In the corner of his eyes he saw Jinki silently walk into his room to give Kibum a bit of privacy, "why did you leave?"

Another moment of silent. Neither of them wanted to talk. Neither of them wanted to admit that this was probably it. That they would never see each other again - but they had to end it somehow.

"You don't know anything about me," Jonghyun finally spoke up, he sounded worse than before now that Kibum could finally hear his voice properly, "I had to leave."

He felt furious. It wasn't even a good excuse, how did he want him to reply? With an 'okay'? As the anger welled up in him, he almost yelled into the phone, "THAN ING TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF."

"Key," The older brunette spoke softly, as he tried to calm the younger down, "Key, please."

It was right, he was the key to his happiness, but who left their happiness behind? Shouldn't he at least have brought the key with him? It had probably been one big lie. He hadn't meant it at all, probably.

The nickname had come up in one of their many conversations together - but at that time it had been merely a joke, why did it have to mean anything now?

"Why?" Kibum cried once again. He had somehow entered a big emotional rollercoaster, and he had no idea how to get off it again. If this kept on, he would end up having a hard time picking all the pieces of his heart up again.

"I'm sorry," Jonghyun sounded just as devastated as the blonde, and if he listened closely, he could have sworn that he heard him sob as well. Was he crying as well? But why did he leave him then? "Kibum, you're my key to happiness. I'm so sorry Key."

Kibum's heart made a somersault, before it fell down onto the bottom of his stomach and broke its neck. How was he supposed to reply? Nothing had never actually happened between them. They were nothing to each other. So why was he feeling like this?

Acquaintances, friends, lovers? There was no title between them. Which lead them back to being strangers.

"I've saved you!" Kibum almost fell over the words as he desperately said them out loud, "I saved you from the river. You still owe me!"

The silence were about to drive the younger boy insane. Why did it have to be like this? They had laughed so much together, why did it all have to end with tears? Did happy endings really not exist?

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing," He cried, as he clutched the phone between his fingers trying to keep the last bit of sanity, he had left, "Just come back."

"I'm sorry Key," it was barely a whisper, but to Kibum he could just as well had screamed it out loud, "Goodbye."

"No!" He exclaimed loudly in chock, "Don't say goodbye! Don't hang up! Don't hang up!"

One beep, two beeps, three beeps.

All Kibum was left with was a splintered heart, a phone hanging by his side and Jonghyun's words echoing through his head, "Goodbye."

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD