Accumulation 8

Accumulate This Love


Every thought about shopping clothes for Jonghyun had been forgotten, and at least five things from the grocery list hadn't been bought, but Kibum didn't care. It wasn't important anymore.

"Please Taemin, can't you help me?" It was rare that Kibum retorted to pleading and this was definitely hurting his pride - but he saw no other way, as he told himself over and over, that is was worth it all.

"Kibum, you already know that I don't speak with the others at school." After Kibum had told his best friend the whole story, there had been a long break without anyone of them saying anything, but even now when Taemin finally gave up his vain reply, there was a short break, before he added:  "They think I'm weird."

"Please?" Taemin was definitely one of the persons Kibum cared about the most in the entire world, but this was important to him, which was the only reason why he pushed on, "Just this once?"

"You owe me." finishing off the conversation Kibum hung up the phone, as he stared around in his room trying to figure out what he should do, while he waited.

They had came home earlier than expected, since Kibum suddenly had rushed to get home, so it was too early to start making the dinner - and his grandma had fed the chickens, while they had been gone.

Staring blankly at the wall across the room, as he sat in his bed making it comfortable to himself, he tried to come up with a way to entertain himself the next few hours, but nothing came to his mind.

Somehow it felt empty, when he didn't have some homework, that he could do, when he was bored, but he did realize that it had been his own choice - and he didn't regret it. He just needed something to fill up those empty hours he spent by himself in his room.

Shifting his stare from the beige tape-based wall his eyes fell on his feet without any reason than he wasn't really looking. Stating to himself that his socks were black, he shrugged a bit. Maybe he should wash some of his clothes, but then again - why? He washed all of it Sunday evening.

Actually Kibum didn't cope very well with boredom. It scared him. He always started to feel all alone in the world, and that was the feeling he was trying to escape. He wasn't alone - he knew that - but sometimes it just felt that way, and to escape that feeling he would keep himself occupied the most of the time.

Of course it was hard for him to keep himself busy all the time, which usually resulted in him sitting isolated from the rest of the world in his room trying to remember when the last time he washed his clothes was.

Moving a bit around in the bed - covered with green linen - he laid down on his back staring upon the ceiling, which was just as interesting as inspecting his own black socks.

A loud knock could be heard, and before Kibum even got the chance to answer, Jinki walked straight into the room with the biggest smile plastered over his lips.

Kibum tried not to seem too annoyed by the fact, that he just walked into his room without asking, and shifted his attention to his brother's clothing. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it had been before, and Kibum felt a small spark of hope that the older boy had actually listened to some of his advices about fashion, he had given him.

"Hey," Jinki smiled sitting down on the edge of the bed, as he tugged his thumps into the pockets of his dark jeans, "you bored again?"

"Not bored - dying," Kibum said dramatically rolling his eyes, as he rolled over on the side, so he could get a better sight of his brother, who stared down at him with the smile that never seemed to disappear, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know, that I'm going out with some of my friends to drink, so you don't have to cook me dinner," As Jinki spoke, he had stood up once again making his way towards the door, so he could leave as soon as possible. It was rare that he got a chance to hang out with his friends.

"I thought we were going to watch a drama tonight?" Kibum pouted a bit saddened by the fact, that his older brother had no time for him - even though he knew that he wasn't being fair.

The older guy smiled even bigger, as he moved across the floor once again just so he could ruin his younger brother's hair by ruffling it up, "Let's watch it together tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," A bit annoyed Kibum tried to give his hair first aid, as his brother left the room with a small laugh. Jinki was aware, that he was the only person in the whole world, Kibum wouldn't get annoyed at for ruining his hair, even though he did push the line a bit sometimes.



An hour - or maybe two had passed since Jinki had left Kibum's room, but he hadn't noticed, as he suddenly had gotten the great idea to look through all of his clothing, so he could give away some of it, that he didn't use anymore. It was pointless to just have it lying around taking up space, as it was.

The radio was playing in the background to help him keep the loneliness at a distance, but as another DJ started talking about how everyone was trying to break into the American market, Kibum sighed in annoyance. How wonderful it would be, if they at least shifted between two topics, instead of mentioning the same thing over and over - or maybe just tried considering playing more than five different songs on repeat.

"Kibum do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?" Just as Kibum was about to fold one of his white printed t-shirts, Jonghyun walked into the room, as if he owned the whole house and Kibum stared at him in disbelief, but this didn't stop the older guy from smiling brightly at him.

"Do you need to borrow a hand as well?" The blonde boy didn't mean to snarl at the clueless guy, but he didn't seem to get the point, if he didn't.

"What do you mean?" Jonghyun raised his eyebrow, as Kibum sighing laid his t-shirt onto the pile of the other white t-shirt's he was going to keep. Somehow it seemed like it was harder to throw his old clothes out, than he had imagined.

"Have you ever heard about knocking?"  Pointing towards the door the brunette just had entered through, Kibum rolled his eyes picking up another t-shirt to look at it. A keeper or not?

Jonghyun glanced at the door, before he moved his way back to it once again, "Just a second then!"

The older guy left through the door properly closing it, and a moment later a loud knock could be heard on the door, and not even a second later, he opened the door again to walk inside Kibum's room.

"You're really stupid, aren't you?" Kibum sighed, as he rolled his eyes placing the t-shirt in the keeper pile.

"What are you doing?" Jonghyun sat down beside the younger guy ignoring the insult, which had just been thrown at him, as he looked at the piles of clothes spread all over the floor in the usually clean room.

Another t-shirt got folded and ended up in the keeper pile, as the blonde looked at Jonghyun with a raised eyebrow, "I'm trying to sort out my clothes, since I have some, I never wear anymore."

Of course it was only his logic speaking, and it was hard for him to even consider giving away any of his clothes - and it was really hard for him to imagine anyone look as good in the clothing as himself.

"Do you have anything I can wear then?" The shorter of the two looked over the piles, as he slowly realized the system Kibum had made by then. There were the piles, he hadn't looked through just yet - and then there was the keeper pile, "you do realize that you actually have to throw something out to make this ideal, right?"

"I just haven't gotten to the clothes, I don't want anymore," Kibum glanced at the clothes, as his lips formed a pout, realizing that he probably wasn't going to throw any of it out.

Jonghyun, who of course had realized that the second Kibum told him, what he was doing, grinned at the younger boy, trying hard not to mock him too much about it, "I can help you put it all back into the closet, if you want?"

"And then not be able to find anything with the mess, you'll probably make? No thank you," the blonde boy sighed frustrated, glaring at all the clothing, regretting that he even started sorting it a few hours ago - and that was when he made a suggesting that even surprised himself, "how about we just leave it and go cook instead?"

"You sure you want to leave all this behind?" Raising an eyebrow the brunette tried reading the younger's expression, but it was blank. Jonghyun couldn't help but feel that Kibum was acting strange that day, and it was starting to make him feel uncomfortable.



"No!" Kibum exclaimed, watching the older boy trying to cut cucumbers turned out to be more frustrating, than he thought it would be, "what are you doing? Have you never cooked before?"

Pushing the brunette aside he took over once again slowly trying to show him what to do, but Jonghyun didn't seem to understand that much of it.

"I'm sorry," Jonghyun grinned not feeling sorry at all.

Glancing over at the older boy Kibum sighed, "It's okay. Just go prepare the rice."

Leaving Kibum's side Jonghyun went to go prepare the rice the way the younger boy had just instructed him to do it, but even with all the instructions it seemed harder than it sounded.

Soon there was water everywhere, and the rice seemed to have been soaked way too long. (Apparently it was possible, if your name was Kim Jonghyun.)

"Kibum?" glancing to his left Jonghyun saw the blonde boy stare in his direction, as he lowly had said his name, hoping that he wouldn't hear it, "I think I've done something wrong."

"How is that even possible?" Raising an eyebrow Kibum took the three steps over to the sink to look at the disaster Jonghyun had made in the few minutes he hadn't been watching.

A loud sigh left his lips, running his fingers through his hair in a frustrated gesture, before looking at Jonghyun, not knowing whether or not to be mad at him, "Have you seriously never cooked in your entire life?"

A broad smile crept upon Jonghyun's lips, as he shrugged in a carefree way, "why should I?"

"Because you need to eat!" Kibum exclaimed, annoyed by the fact that he now had to cook it all by himself, "just go sit down. I'll cook."

Doing as he was told the brunette sat down at the table without losing his smile once - not even when Kibum glared at him, before returning to the cooking - it felt like butterflies had decided to live in his stomach, and it made him smile every time, that he was near the younger boy.

Kibum starting cutting the carrots into perfect cubes, as Jonghyun watched his every move. Kibum were everywhere at once, as he cooked, wanting to get done, but Jonghyun, who was no help at all, interrupted his thoughts about cooking, as the older boy pondered out loud, "Why are you so good at everything?"

"I'm not," Kibum responded not looking over at the other boy, as his cheeks turned pink by the sudden compliment.

"You are! You know a lot about being on your own! - I on the other hand, would probably starve within a week," Jonghyun pushed on, as he scared imagined himself lying in an empty apartment just waiting for death to find him.

The blonde boy had almost the same picture in his head, but something wasn't right. Jonghyun wouldn't just wait around like that. No, he would probably find some strangers house and start living there - even if they didn't agree to it. A smile played on Kibum's lips, as he finally replied, "No you wouldn't. You would find a way to survive.

"I would start to cry and call you for help," the brunette showed no shame admitting, that he would call for help. He didn't see why he should be ashamed to need others in his life. It didn't make him weak, it made him honest.

"Me?" Raising his eyebrow Kibum stopped in the middle of cutting some vegetable Jonghyun had no idea what was.

"Because you're good at everything," Jonghyun smiled brightly at Kibum. A small tingle could be felt in his stomach, and once again his cheeks were turning bright pink.

"I'm not," He disagreed strongly, as he started stirring the soup, he was busy making.

Jonghyun replied right away, as if he had had the remark ready for a long time, "You're right. You're really bad at being honest to yourself."

"I'm-" about to disagree once again, Jonghyun cut Kibum off in the middle.

"You're not?"

"Shut up." The blonde boy sent the brunette a glare, turning around to stir his soup once again.

"I know what to do! We should just live together, than you would be able to cook me dinner every day, and I wouldn't starve!" It was a brilliant idea in Jonghyun's head. It seemed perfect. He wouldn't have to starve, and he would never get bored, as Kibum would always be around.

"I don't want to live with you." Kibum blurted out, as he turned around to stare at Jonghyun in horror, "you're such a pig, and I would end up being in charge of all the chores!"

"Of course you want to live with me! I'm cute," Jonghyun smiled, as he blinked a few times, acting as cute as he could muster, without starting to laugh in the middle of it all.

"God, you're so full of yourself," it was a mere mumble, but Jonghyun heard him, and stuck his tongue out in a childish manner.

"I predict, we're going to live together in the future," he said full of confidence, and once again the butterflies in Kibum's stomach woke up, but he quickly replied, before Jonghyun had the chance to get more ideas: "We're already living together, you idiot." 


A/N: Hi everyone! :) Once again I would like to apogolize for the long wait. (I'll try to get myself together now.)

I've been really busy with life lately, and I had no inspiration what-so-ever every time, I tried to write, but I hope it was worth the wait! :)

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AudrayLiAr #1
Oh, please write this to an end! I'd like to read what happened to Jjong and how they'll come together! I see, maybe it's not that easy after a year, but I know you can do it!
KPOPMonstahh #2
Chapter 18: So like, you're not going to talk about how dinojjong ended up in the river at all? No?

Are you gong to keep writing this??
Chapter 17: omg I'm in love with you story <3 gishhhhh i loooove this.chapter you're a great author
Chapter 18: Ohhh.. really good story^^ :) I love a lot^^ <3
Kekke.. now jjong is key's BF??? I hope it^^
Chapter 18: This story is so adorable! I can't wait to find out why Jjong was in that river *-*
magicbananas #7
Chapter 18: lol dummy jjong >.<
"you want me to go drown in the river once again?"
lol love that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miji96 #8
Chapter 18: FINALLYYYYYYYY! Good going Oppa! :D <3
eunhaeshipper15 #9
Chapter 18: Jonghyun, please. xD Not so early in the morning. This chapter was adorable~ Thank you for updating :D
Milielitre #10
Chapter 18: WTF are they talking about so early in the morning XD