The Fifty-Second Scar

✖ T H E B E A U T I F U L S C A R ✖



“It's okay even if I can't touch you,

It's okay even if I can't hug you,

Lonely love,

Yes I love you,

Like my destiny I can still feel you.






If not, I will disinherit Jaejoong as my adopted son.


The words of Jaejoong’s father rung in his ears, and he chuckled bitterly as he heard them. From day one, ever since he’d been born, his father had already disinherited him. Jaejoong never remembered ever calling him “Father” to his face - their relationship had been so estranged ever since he was a child, he never associated him with any empathetic feeling at all. And on a business scale, it was the perfect trade off - after all, President Kim never announced him as his son unless it was under the public eye. Jaejoong was used to being insulted and isolated by his father like this, but to take Jonghyun, his younger sibling, and put him through it too - Jaejoong couldn’t stand it. His father had already made this mistake once in his life, and yet he dared to make it again? His blood ran cold at the thought of it, and he pushed the table angrily, standing up abruptly with his hands clenched into tight fists. His strange behaviour evoked the surprise of the reporters and journalists, who had instantly grabbed their cameras and began snapping furiously, wondering why the heir of the Kim enterprise responded so angrily.

However, before Jaejoong could say anything in protest to his father, the lights suddenly dimmed and the whole room was cloaked in a blanket of darkness.


“What’s going on?”

“Is the President losing money to the point where he can’t even afford a hall with the proper light fixtures?”

There was chaos as Jaejoong felt his father stand up from his chair behind him and walk blindly into the darkness, trying to gather his crew to fix the problem. He heard him whisper angrily into a bodyguard’s ear, and the muscular figure disappeared swiftly into the crowd. Taking advantage of the sudden situation, Jaejoong grabbed Jonghyun’s arm and snuck behind the podium, taking the exit door to the left. Thankful that Jonghyun was staying quiet for a second, they walked out of the hall and into the lobby that housed the secretary’s desk.


“What exactly was that?”

That is what your father is really like, ” Jaejoong snapped. “Miss him?”

“Well, I haven’t had a father for all my life, and I sure as hell don’t need one now.” There was a small pause of silence at Jonghyun’s remark, until he cut through the quiet again.


“Are you really my brother?”


Jaejoong closed his eyes, sighing. He remembered when he’d first found out-he’d been rejected all his life, and now his father was telling him about another son he’d had? He’d been shunned for life because of this boy, his “half-brother” that was undergoing treatments for a terminal illness, and he was supposed to take care of him? Though Jaejoong knew life wasn’t fair, he felt that the brunt of the fairness had always been pushed towards him. He’d always gotten the leftovers, the parts everyone left after they’d picked meticulously at their food. Gritting his teeth, Jaejoong made an attempt at keeping the conversation light, hoping not to betray any of his true feelings.


“Half. Don’t be too cheeky, your genes can barely compare to mine.”

“Do you think this a joke?”

“No. But do you think my father takes it as reality?” 


Jonghyun’s mouth suddenly gaped open, and Jaejoong wondered if he’d let something surprising slip. Trying to think back and retrace his words in case he’d said anything inappropriate for the situation, he tapped Jonghyun’s shoulder. “Jonghyun-something wrong?”


Jonghyun just pointed in front of him, and Jaejoong turned around.


There, right in front of them, was a  girl with a beautiful red scar on her face.


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬



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BlueSolified #1
Chapter 1: I agree on most of what you said but imagine of Junho and Changmin decided to not continue as singers. The same exact thing happened to HOT except the two members that stayed did continues as a duo and how HOT hasn't come back since. At least JYJ has something to MAYBE come back to. And I'm not a Stan or anything even though Minnie is my ultimate bias. I love all the boys and I'm looking forward to your story~
Chapter 59: Ha Jae is right but I don't think that it is right of Yunho to slap her because of his anger. She's still a girl & I think it's more reasonable if Yunho have just screamed at her rather than hurting her physically. will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen to all of the characters especially on whether her decision is right. update soon :)
Chapter 58: She choose Jonghyun but I was hoping she'll choose Jaejoong. This is getting sad :( will continue reading :)
Chapter 47: So Jonghyun & Jaejoong were brothers? Jaejoong wanted to get revenge to Jonghyun but he didn't expect that the one he will use will be the one he love. this story is getting drama but that makes me more interested with this story so will continue reading :)
Chapter 29: curious on what Yunho meant that everything that Jaejoong done was a lie. will continue reading :)
Chapter 23: That was sweet of Jaejoong to comfort or help her to sleep peacefully after watching that horror movie! I find him cute on how he become jealous of Junsu with her ;) hoping she'll like him also. will continue reading :)
Chapter 19: She's so kind to save him. And Junsu even told her that it was Jaejoong who saved her from the accident. will continue reading :)
Chapter 18: finally Junsu told her who Jaejoong is that she kinda forgets! that makes me more curious & to continue reading this story of yours! will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: so it was an accident that happened that cause her that scar! I was really surprised to know that Jaejoong saved her during that accident & Jaejoong was in love with her. really wanted him to show his love for her rather than making her hate him. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: I already guess that it was Jaejoong who will be sitting beside her & who was late that they are waiting. Curious on what will her reaction after knowing the seating plans will be the same with the room plans. will continue reading :)