The Nineteenth Scar

✖ T H E B E A U T I F U L S C A R ✖




“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,

While deeply loving someone gives you courage.






After the beach and a short dinner, they had decided to go watch a horror film. It was more of Yunho and Changmin’s idea, because they enjoyed testing their “scare” factor. Jaejoong really didn’t feel like celebrating much, but he decided to go along with it, though he was tired after the argument. The whole night, even during dinner, ________ had been avoiding him and sticking along with Junsu. Every time he heard them laughing or talking, he felt infuriated. What were they hiding? Even when he entered the theatre, he noticed that Junsu and _______ were sitting together again, which made him feel unsettled. 


Why were they so close of all of sudden? 


As the movie started, Jaejoong yawned. Horror films never scared him, because he knew they weren’t true. Though romance films and dramas were at the bottom of his list, at least they had a decent storyline, instead of weird serial killers popping up at strange moments. As if just by thinking it, Jaejoong had planned the story-suddenly, a bloody corpse rose and grabbed a knife, getting ready to kill someone.



He turned his head, watching _______ and Junsu. They were already screaming, hugging on to each other, while Yunho looked unfazed and Changmin calm. Yoochun, on the other hand, was white as a ghost, because he was often scared easily. Though Jaejoong wanted to tell Yoochun to lighten up, his eyes were mostly attracted to ________’s-she was hiding in Junsu’s jacket, and not his.


Jesus, Kim Jaejoong, you can’t even get the girl you like.


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬


“So, see you in the morning. We’ll be heading over to Robson Street.” Yunho was staring at a guidebook in Korean, flipping through the pages while scrutinizing over them. He looked rather tired but his eyes still had that spark to them-this was the first time that they’d had a vacation during debut, and he was bound to make the best out of it. As the role of their charismatic leader, Yunho was impeccably independent, organized and logical, and Jaejoong felt happy that he didn’t have to be the one to round them up.


“Where’s that?” Junsu asked, putting an arm around Yunho.


“It’s an outdoor shopping area with tons of brand names and designer clothes. I’ll be with Yoochun, swimming in Hudson Bay, while _______, Junsu, Yunho, and Jaejoong will probably be on the streets. We'll join you at night.” Changmin answered tersely, ignoring the complains of Junsu’s “why can’t I go swimming too?” and “It’s not fair that the older hyungs always get to do the best things!”


“Yeah, well, Junsu, you can’t swim.”

_______ piped up, and her voice made Jaejoong turn his head.


“_______-ah, at least I can play in the water!”


They laughed together, like they were sharing some inside joke. Already worn out from the day’s events, Jaejoong sighed and quickly dismissed himself from the group. He really didn’t want to stick around and watch all the Junsu/______ moments. Damn, they were already so close that they could practically be in a drama as the main leads. 

"I’m going to head in first then, alright?” Jaejoong said, shoving his hands into his pockets, feeling unease work its way through him. 

“Tired already, Jaejoong?”


Yoochun raised an eyebrow, while Changmin looked surprised. “You’re usually the one partying the latest.”


“Yeah, well, today I’m just drained of energy.”


Yunho looked towards him, and his eyes flickered towards his sister and Junsu, who were now running around and trying to chase each other. “________!” he barked. “Jaejoong’s tired, it’s time to head back into your rooms.” He gave a glance at Jaejoong, who gave a halfhearted smile back at him. He was grateful for his friend’s help, but if she really hated him - he didn't want to force her either. He wanted her to like him because of who he was, not because he had saved her or done anything for her. 




Did she really hate him that much? The way she said his name was full of loathing.


“Let’s head back.”


Surprised, Jaejoong’s eyes widened. Did she just admit that she was alright with going back to the room with him, instead of staying out with Junsu?


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬




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BlueSolified #1
Chapter 1: I agree on most of what you said but imagine of Junho and Changmin decided to not continue as singers. The same exact thing happened to HOT except the two members that stayed did continues as a duo and how HOT hasn't come back since. At least JYJ has something to MAYBE come back to. And I'm not a Stan or anything even though Minnie is my ultimate bias. I love all the boys and I'm looking forward to your story~
Chapter 59: Ha Jae is right but I don't think that it is right of Yunho to slap her because of his anger. She's still a girl & I think it's more reasonable if Yunho have just screamed at her rather than hurting her physically. will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen to all of the characters especially on whether her decision is right. update soon :)
Chapter 58: She choose Jonghyun but I was hoping she'll choose Jaejoong. This is getting sad :( will continue reading :)
Chapter 47: So Jonghyun & Jaejoong were brothers? Jaejoong wanted to get revenge to Jonghyun but he didn't expect that the one he will use will be the one he love. this story is getting drama but that makes me more interested with this story so will continue reading :)
Chapter 29: curious on what Yunho meant that everything that Jaejoong done was a lie. will continue reading :)
Chapter 23: That was sweet of Jaejoong to comfort or help her to sleep peacefully after watching that horror movie! I find him cute on how he become jealous of Junsu with her ;) hoping she'll like him also. will continue reading :)
Chapter 19: She's so kind to save him. And Junsu even told her that it was Jaejoong who saved her from the accident. will continue reading :)
Chapter 18: finally Junsu told her who Jaejoong is that she kinda forgets! that makes me more curious & to continue reading this story of yours! will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: so it was an accident that happened that cause her that scar! I was really surprised to know that Jaejoong saved her during that accident & Jaejoong was in love with her. really wanted him to show his love for her rather than making her hate him. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: I already guess that it was Jaejoong who will be sitting beside her & who was late that they are waiting. Curious on what will her reaction after knowing the seating plans will be the same with the room plans. will continue reading :)