1st Day of Summer Together

DAEHYUN!! OUR BABIES!! (Sequel to DAEHYUN! You Mask Freak!)


You and Daehyun walked separate ways after they left, you went to the kitchen, while he went to the bathroom. You went to grab a cup of of water and drunk it. *This is so weird, just me and Daehyun at home. Shouldn't the oppas be worrying about us?* you thought and then you saw a note besides the microwave. You picked it up and read it, which made you scoff. 

"Mianhae, but we're gonna be busy, like we said. MAKE LOTS OF BABIES!"

You sighed, while shaking your head and decided to make breakfast for the both of you guys to eat. You grabbed eggs, bacon, cups, and orange juice. That's where you start cooking and enjoying it. 

While you were in the kitchen, Daehyun went to take a shower. He came out drying his hair with his towel, and then put his towel around his neck. He walked to the kitchen to see your back, making breakfast. He smiled at himself and quietly walked towards you, where he put his arms around you. Then he started to sway from side to side, which made you look at him. "Yeobo, you're distracting me," you said to him, which made him smile. "Mianhae, but your so beautiful." That made you blush and you tried to focus on cooking. 

You were being watched by Daehyun with all of your cooking, until he slowly fell asleep on your shoulders, which you noticed. "Babe, what are you doing," you turned your head to see him sleeping. "Lazy bum," you mumbled and tried to wake him up. "Oppa, I have to cook. Wake up, jagiya," you said sweetly to him, which made him open his eyes a little. "Your gonna make me burn the bacon, you freak," you elbowed him, which made him back away from you. 

"You're so mean," he said and you rolled your eyes. "Your fault for sleeping." "It's not my fault. It's your fault for being so soft," he said and you looked at him with one hand on your hip. "Whatever, help me set the table for us to eat." 


"HMMM...I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GONNA HAVE  A WIFE, WHO CAN COOK FOR ME!" Daehyun shouted, while biting his bacon. You just looked at him weird, while chewing your eggs and blinked. "You're so weird. I've been cooking for the past 2 years and now you say it, you're so mean." Daehyun just did a sorry face, which you just shook it off. "Pabo. Just eat your food."

Then you and Daehyun ate in silence for awhile, he would take quick glances at you from time to time. When you finished, you didn't look at him and placed your plate in the sink, where Daehyun followed after you. You sat down on the coach and puffed your cheeks. Daehyun sat down next to you and looked at you and then at the blank TV. *Is she mad at me? Did I do something wrong?* he thought and scratched his head. 

"Yes, Daehyun. I am mad at you, you pabo." you said out of nowhere and Daehyun just blinked. You looked at him with your arms crossed. "What did I do wrong?" he asked and you looked at him. "We have to be home alone. It's weird," you said and Daehyun looked at you with a WTF face. "Really? We've been home together before. ALONE," he said emphasizing alone. 

You looked at him with a blank face. "We're engaged now and did you not see the note that oppas left, here look." you went to the kitchen and came back, sat down next to him. Daehyun read it and his eyes widened. "WHAT DO THEY THINK THEY'RE DOING!?" he shouted and you nodded. "I cna't believe they want us to do that." Daehyun said unsure and you nodded. "I know right." 

Then it was quiet again...out of nowhere, Daehyun took your hand and pulled you out of your seat. "We need to go outside and enjoy the sun," he said and before you know it, you felt the sun on you. You covered your eyes from all of this and smiled at him. "Pabo, you know how to make me smile," you pecked his cheek and ran on the grass with your arms open, spinning in circles. 

Daehyun ran to you and picked you off the ground and spun you in circles. "Yahhh..." you held onto him tight and then he stopped, which made you spin in circles...you gently hit him and walked dizzingly to the seat, but you flew to the ground, where Daehyun came and held onto you. "You okay?" he asked and you nodded. "But, someone had to spin around in circles." he smiled and helped you up.

Daehyun helped you to the seat, where you looked at him and then at the flowers at the side. "Hey, Joyeon..do you think you will be able to tell you parents about this?" Daehyun asked and you looked at him. "Maybe." you said biting your lips. Daehyun sighed and took your hands and interlaced them.

“You need to tell them sooner or later, we need them to give us their blessings,” he said and you nodded. He kissed your hands and you smiled at him. “Let’s go wedding shopping then,” you said and ran away from him and to your room, where you went to get ready.

After you changed into shorts, a white shirt, and a black tank underneath, you slipped on your sandals and walked down the stairs, where Daehyun was waiting. He had his hands behind his back, while waiting for you.

“Ready?” he asked and you nodded. That’s where you two left off and went to the wedding stores. “Oppa, doesn’t this one look pretty,” you said holding a pretty pink color. “Neh,” he said nodding. “I want pink flowers for the wedding, since it’s my favorite color,” you said and Daehyun nodded again. “Anything for you.”

You and Daehyun then went to get something to drink, which you two got a smoothie to drink. “Want some,” you said pointing your straw at him, and he took a sip out of the smoothie. “So yummy.” He said and you smiled.

You two then went to sit down on  a bench with your head on his shoulder, while drinking the smoothie. “Oppa, what happens if my family can’t come?” you said out of the blue. “You’re making any excuses okay. We need them to come and we also have to go somewhere today too,” he said kissing your forehead. You pouted and nodded.

When you finished your smoothie, you were pulled by Daehyun and took a bus somewhere. “Where are we going?” you asked and he looked at you. “You love those two little buggers. That’s a hint,” you tried to remember what he meant by that.

After 30 minutes, you both arrived at the place, where your eyes widened. There in front of you was Jay and Sora, eating ice cream, while sitting on a bench. “They’re so big,” you said and walked with Daehyun towards them.

“Oppa, what flavor is yours?” Sora asked his older brother and he looked at his. “Chocolate flavor.” She nodded and continued her ice cream. “Hey, what are you guys doing here,” Daehyun asked and Jay just his ice  cream. “Mister, you shouldn’t mess with us, when we’re eating ice cream,” Jay said and Sora turned to see you waving at her.

*Unnie! * she thought and started poking Jay to look at them. “What!?” he said annoyed and turned his head to see his hyung and you. “HYUNG!” he shouted and knocked him over. You laughed and giggled at the sight of those two.

Sora then came and hugged you, which you gladly hugged her back. “You’re so big now,” you said to her and she smiled. “See, Unnie! I’m big than before. You’re my role model too,” she said and you smiled. You pecked his cheek and then quickly pecked Jay’s cheek too.

“Ewww…” he said, while wiping his cheek. You chuckled and then looked at Daehyun, he interlaced your fingers together. “Hey is something going on here,” Jay said looking at our fingers. You looked at him and Daehyun came in and pecked you on your lips.

“So hi to your new aunty!” he said and Sora’s eyes widened. She came and kissed your cheek. “YAY!!! I knew you would be our new aunty!” she said and you smiled, “No problem, Sora. I love you too.” “Wow. Hyung, smooth moves,” Jay said and finished his ice cream.

“Sora, finish up your ice cream,” Jay said and she nodded. Sora started to finish her ice cream and you just laid your head on Daehyun’s shoulder, which he smiled at. “Mianhae, but me and your new aunty has to go, we’ll see you guys soon, araso,” Daehyun said to them.

“But, I just finished my ice cream,” Sora cried and you smiled. You kissed her forehead. “I promise, we’ll come back araso.” Sora nodded and Jay just shook his head at his hyung. “We need to visit,” Daehyun said and that made Jay understand. Daehyun then walked away with you, while you looked back at Sora and Jay. “Come back soon,” she waved and you waved back with a smile. Then you faced forward with a sigh. “I hope my kids will be like Sora,” you said and Daehyun looked at you. “Talking about kids already,” Daehyun teased and you pushed him away from you. “Whatever.”

There you were in front of Daehyun’s parent’s grave. You looked at Daehyun and then at them, you had your hands in front of you. “Umma, appa. Welcome your new daughter-in-law, the first girl I brought here,” he said and you smiled a little when he said that. Daehyun motioned you to come closer to him.

“Please bless our wedding from heaven. Protect us from whatever comes in our way and take care of your future grandchildren.” You nodded, while staying besides him. “Umma, appa,” you smiled slightly. “Thank you for everything. I hope you’re watching from up above knowing I will be marrying your son.” You bowed and then looked at Daehyun. He just kissed your lips and you just smiled at him.

Out of nowhere, a bird flew and stood on the tombstone and a butterfly flew past by. Daehyun  turned his head to see them. “Komawo, umma and appa.” Daehyun turned to you and gave you a smile. “Let’s go play with Jay and Sora.”For the next couple of hours, you and Daehyun went to play with Jay and Sora, before the busyiness of the wedding come.  




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Demilee_16 #1
Chapter 30: That was such a great way to end a story!
Chapter 29: HahA BABY MAMAS
Chapter 2: HAHAAHA ROFLAB At this on dae's proposal:
"Yoo Joyeon, the girl who came in my life, by kicking my shin and making me fall down. I got a big bruise from that and I still remember it clearly."
OMG XDDDD Y U NEED TO SAY THAT? *dies of laughter*
Been re-reading both fics. This is just really addicting!
Chapter 11: Omgg the story just killed me ahhh, great job Author Nim<3
^^ very good
Chapter 3: these cuties XD oh my goodness too cute
Chapter 29: Aww.. I love the sequel as well can you do another fanfic where Yongguk gets his girl?? Niways you're a genius!! ^-^
Chapter 29: thank you for the awesome story, author-nim! ^^