
I'm here, that's all it matters.[ON HOLD]


You were about to leave the school when a car horned in front of you. “Get in.” Luhan rolled down the window. You hopped in and he sped off.

“Where are we going oppa?” you asked as you fidgeted in your seat.

“Somewhere. I told you one too many times, it’s gege. I call you meimei so you have to return the favour.”

“Ge. Ge. Happy? Now tell me where we’re heading to. Myungsoo’s waiting for me and Chaekyung  sunbae said she wanted to give me the final list.” You eyed him.

“You and that guy. When were you close to him anyways?”

“We’re in the first week of October, school started in the last week of June. So about a month plus? Forget that, WHERE ARE WE GOING?”

“You forget it, I’m sending you to school,” Luhan shot glares at you. A month plus? I don’t think so.

What Luhan thought of doing was to ‘kidnap’ you and bring you to work with him, but since you brought up the school festival and Myungsoo, he became curious of this friend of yours.

He halted up just in front of your school and you palmed yourself. You looked at him, annoyed. He shrugged and gave you the most sheepish grin before getting off the car. You followed him out only to realise that many people were already there and they were watching you.

Oh yes, they had been watching you since the first day. All those chaos, you could still remember three months later. “Luhan gege, you’re going to be late for work. So get going before you die,” you jerked your thumb to his car. You grabbed Myungsoo and ran into the school.

Although running, you immediately kept your head down. People talked, you didn’t mind that. You just didn’t like attention, that was the reason why you weren’t in the same school as them before.

You entered the meeting room and greeted your leader. You apologized for your tardiness and listened to what she had to say.

“We’ll be separated into twos tomorrow. Since Aeree here has a performance later in the afternoon, Myungsoo and she will be in charge of taking photos of the activities held. We will be doing the entire event. Will that be alright?”

She went on to the details and the programmes list but you didn’t have to listen because you weren’t involved that much. You unconsciously put your pen in your mouth and started biting on the tip of it. Even as you walked out of the room, the pen was still in your mouth.

Myungsoo nudged your sides, shaking his head at the same time. You looked up at him, blinking. Cute. He pointed to his mouth and pretended to pull something out. You totally had forgotten about your pen. You pulled it out and chucked it in the nearest dust bin.

“You weren’t supposed to see that,” you hid your face.

“Too bad. The spotlight of Kyungin has a disgusting habit of biting her pen. Well, your fans would love that pen.”

“You sound experienced, my friend. My class is here so see you later,”


“See you later,” she said.

His heart pounded. It had always been this way. He had admired her so much that every minute she would find her way into his mind. He knew her about a year ago, he knew all about her. Call him a stalker, he doesn’t mind. It was the best and only way he could be close to her until now.

When he met her at the stationary shop, he knew luck was on his side. When he met her at the café, he knew he was certain. And now you two become closer than ever, the time has come.

But his past, he wondered, would she want to know? His best friend whom he lives with, would she want to know him? Especially when her brother’s cause of death was his best friend and he unknowingly became a part of it.

The frustrating life of a 17 year old. He prepared something special for you. He wanted to let his feelings out. He wants to, but whether he has the courage to do so, no one knew.

“Mr Kim Myungsoo. This period has ended and I have yet to receive your answer. Are you listening to me?” the teacher’s reprimand broke his train of thoughts.

“I don’t feel too well. I’m sorry.”

“You miss out on important lessons if you daydream. Go to the infirmary if you need to.”

He nodded off whatever he heard.

Back to the narrator’s view.

“Aeree, is Daehyun single?” Jimin suddenly blurted out.

“Him, yup. You, no. You have a boyfriend right? You told me that,” you replied in an outburst.

“Oh, right. I forgot that I had a boyfriend.” She hung her head low.

Something was off, you thought. Myungsoo was not around with you guys because he had to stay back. Lucky he didn’t hear her. Jimin kept mumbling to herself every time she looked away from you. She had a boyfriend, and yes, he was pretty good-looking. From her stories with him, he was caring and kind. She never shared any arguments or fights they went through. It was a bit strange though.

“You want to walk around for a while? It’s pretty stuffy here, don’t you think?” you wanted to talk more about her.

You suddenly realised that you hadn’t got to know any of your two friends more than what you asked for. She was not open about her background as she was open about her personality. You wanted to know her more.

“Hey, wanna go out after Chuseok? We had a two-day holiday. You can introduce me your boyfriend at the same time.”

“Where to? I can’t be anywhere further from our area. My dad doesn’t like me going off.”

You were suspicious about this. She had just gone to Gyeonggi with her boyfriend last week. What was she talking about?

“Hongdae or Itaewon? Just to relax for a while and freshen up ourselves. I’ll bring whoever I can along,” you answered.

She was about to reply when her phone interrupted her. She saw the caller’s id and her face immediately darkened. You watched her argue and scream to the person on the other side. Her hand gripping on the phone looked as if it wanted to crush it into millions of pieces.

This is interesting.

My internet died on me the previous days so I could only log in by my phone. Haish. Now it's back! YAY. And thank you new subscriber. <3 all of you. Thank you for reading this!



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I've finished my editing already! IHTAIM readers, you may read it now. :)


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Chapter 13: Wow. It's a little confusing though but I'm getting the hang of it.
Nice storyline! But i think there's is a mistake in the 1st chapter. You didn't state who's who.
Hannah12 #3
Like your story :)! There is alot of questions that would make me wanna read more ^.^ Updated soon :D:D Hwaighting <3!