Tell me.

I'm here, that's all it matters.[ON HOLD]


You headed to school alone. The house being empty was something you were used to. But having it empty most of the time, it was hard. Especially when only Butler Jung would be there to accompany you. Your phone vibrated but you ignored it.

Times like this, having a girl friend was greatly appreciated. Not that the boys were not fun enough, just that Luhan might make a fuss out of it and Chanyeol would make a much bigger one. But it was hard trying to find a girl who was not after your brothers. You gave up on the second day of school for every single girl you met were forcing you to be their friend.

You trudged your feet into class. Only a few people were there. You, the smarties and Daehyun. Yes, Daehyun. You wondered why he was there because just a few minutes before he said he was at home sleeping…

“Hi, yeobo. What are you doing here so early?” Daehyun waved at you and greeted you with his smile.

“I got kicked out of the house.”

“MWO?!” he screamed as he pulled you by the arm. The people in the class then didn’t care. Heck they didn't care if someone died in the class.

“Hehe. Kidding. I just wanted to go to school early,” you giggled and smiled sheepishly.

“I thought I had to give up my room to you. Why didn’t you reply me yesterday?” Daehyun asked leaning on his arm facing you.

“It’s just- Myungsoo. Should I accept his friendship? I mean you don’t like him that much so I’m unsure.”

“Hey, I can’t control you. do what you think is right. No matter what your decision is, Daehyun will be by your side.”

You grinned at his words. You went on telling him how the house would be empty today and about your brothers’ departure. You sighed and continued about how you didn’t have a single girl as a friend.

“Can I follow you to send them off? I mean, they have to meet your bestfriend once before they leave. You said their flight was at 8pm, right?” Daehyun asked as he sat up straightening his jacket.

You nodded, hoping your brothers’ reaction to Daehyun was the complete opposite of Chanyeol’s that other time. Having dyeing his hair brown, hopefully that would give him a better first impression as to when he had his bleach blonde hair. That hair colour still gave you the bumps.

First period was homeroom. You knew it was homeroom that was why you came prepared with a book to occupy that time. Daehyun had to plug in his earphones one ear so that the teacher would not be suspicious about it.

The teacher fortunately did not catch anything but he did come up with what everyone thought was the stupidest idea. Seating arrangements.

“AWW! SAEM! Can we remain where we are? Plus the other teachers like this arrangement already!”


“Bastard. SAEM!”

“What is this?!”

You turned to Daehyun and he glanced at you. You guys immediately hugged your table, trying not to let it go.

“ALRIGHT CLASS. I DIDN’T CHOOSE TO DO THIS. Blame the head of your level. If I were her, damn, I would let you guys stay. It’s according to your rankings. Jung Daehyun and Hong Aeree, no use. Let go of your tables. Jang Eunseo, Kim Jaemin. Last seats from the left,” the teacher spoke loudly.

The both of you let go of your tables and you started whining. At least he tried; the homeroom teacher wasn't so bad. This was where you hated the most. Making new acquaintances.

“Hong Aeree, move three seats to your right. Baek Jimin next to her,” the teacher ordered.

You reluctantly stood up and waved goodbye to Daehyun before heading towards your seat. The girl, Jimin, was already there. You were hesitant of making new friends but luckily for you, she initiated the first conversation.

“Annyeong! I’m Baek Jimin. You’re Hong Aeree. Am I right? Nice to meet you, new seat mate,” she held her hand out.

You took her hand and she shook it. Hard. “We’re gonna be great friends.” Oh, well.

You sat through half of the day with her. She seemed to not care that you were related to the jjangs in the school. She was really optimistic and smart. You wondered how she was just a rank above you.

Lunch was about to come within 15 minutes and you were looking forward to talking to Daehyun when Jimin asked, “Aeree-sshi, can I eat lunch with you? I don’t have anyone to eat with.”

You were a little closer to her and thought that eating together was harmless, so you agreed. She seemed sincere and you couldn’t spot any ulterior motive from her.

The two of you soon had picked up your lunch and you were heading toward the boys when Jimin pulled you back.

“Why are we going there? Don’t you know if we sit there every girl will hate us?”

“Um, Jimin-sshi, if you didn’t know, I’m the girl who have been sitting with them since we transferred here. Don’t worry, if anyone hates you, you’ll have me as a friend,” you tried to assure her since you never had any girl friends.

“Meet my new friend and seat mate, Baek Jimin. Be nice to her,” you introduced her to the boys. Youngjae was the first person to speak up and greet her.

Daehyun pulled you next to him and you made Jimin sit next to you. Daehyun whispered something about adapting before he was told to introduce himself to Jimin.

“Yah, I feel so awkward here. Look at all the glares we’re receiving,” Jimin mumbled incoherently.

“Don’t worry. If you’re a friend of Aeree, you’re a friend of ours too. Just that Aeree never had girls as friends before. We’re her only friends,” Youngjae heard her and spoke.

“Come to think of it, Aeree-ah. Why didn’t you have any girls as friends before?” Joonhong asked and everyone’s attention was on you.

You simply shrugged and continued eating. Jimin was getting along pretty well with the other boys and you could almost say that they liked her personality. You couldn’t deny that you did too.

Your phone vibrated and you quickly shoved it in your pocket. You ate while staring at your phone from underneath the table. It was that text again. You suddenly had a loss of appetite.

Daehyun realised it and took your phone from your hand. He saw what he should not have seen.

We’re not over yet. Hong Yunwoo’s family. You know what we want.

“What is- Aeree, come out for awhile,” Daehyun murmured to you, frowning.

You hung your head low and refused eye contact with him. You told Jimin not to wait for you and you dragged off with Daehyun.

“What is this? What do they want, Aeree?” Daehyun yelled at you, shoving the phone in your face. You felt tears threatening to fall but you kept it in.

“Eversince Yunwoo oppa’s death. They kept sending me messages. I don’t even know where they got my number from,” your voice faltered, your head still facing downwards.

You were at the rooftop and Daehyun made sure he locked the door. You wanted to share this problem to him for a long time, but under dire circumstances, you just couldn’t. You wanted to scream your heart out and kill yourself. So that they couldn’t find you and they would stop disturbing you.

Daehyun noticed your head was still down and was filled with guilt. He crouched down in front of you and wiped your tears for you. he did not know what to do when he saw your text.

For the past months he couldn’t meet you, he was worried sick about you. when he heard youngjae was going to pass medicine to chanyeol, he hoped it was your chanyeol. Now, he felt helpless. He didn’t know what to do. And meeting your brothers later made him worry even more.

“Should I reveal it to them after your brothers’ departure?” Daehyun asked.

You nodded as you wiped your tears with your sleeve. You hugged him tightly knowing that he’ll comfort you.



YAY FOR DOUBLE UPLOAD! I wrote this within a few hours ago. I should do this more often. See, that call from last chapter and the text from this chapter are related. Daehyun plays an important role here so YAY for Daehyun! And Jimin is added because I needed a consistent female character. 

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I've finished my editing already! IHTAIM readers, you may read it now. :)


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Chapter 13: Wow. It's a little confusing though but I'm getting the hang of it.
Nice storyline! But i think there's is a mistake in the 1st chapter. You didn't state who's who.
Hannah12 #3
Like your story :)! There is alot of questions that would make me wanna read more ^.^ Updated soon :D:D Hwaighting <3!