What did you dream about?

falling in love for Key, my gay best friend ~

After a stressful day of learning about different fabrics and brand name, Key and I just wanted to go to sleep. "Ah...Louis Vuton, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Chanel, Timberland..just so many names!!" Kimmy said as he shut the door. I dropped my bag on the leather couch and then slapped myself onto it, "Yeah!..this course isn't as easy as I thought!" I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed. Kimmy took a seat next to me, and rested his arm behind me.

"Last night, I had a dream." I looked at Kimmy, who was staring blankly at the flat screen. "What was it about?" I said scoohing closer to him, "Well, in my dream there was halemeoni" he said placing his hand horizantaly onto of the on on his lap, I nodded, focusing on his dream. "And I was in a field, like the one near my hometown, she was at the end of the field..she just stood there,motionless. I yelled out to her, but she couldn't hear me. I finally caught up to her at the end of the field, I hugged her tightly, but she didn't hug me back. I asked her whats wrong...and she just said "Your gay, Kimbum isn't gay, he's a good looking boy..he's not gay." And then she dissapeared. I was in a daze 'What kind of dream is this? It's so depressing.' He finally looked at me with a shocked face, "Kimmy, are you okay? It was just a dream. If halemeoni was alive, she would accept who you are right now."

"Rinnie. I know it was just a dream, but it was all too real. I think I need to change, like literally CHANGE.. I can't be gay anymore. No more, mascara, and eyeliner, and nails done, and no more boys!Oh! that means, I have to cancel all those dates!" I furrowed my eyebrows at Kimmy, "Are you serious? Like, Kimmy. You don't have to if you don't want too. This is a really big change! Are you sure? And ~ DATES?! What?! Already??" I jumped up from the couch and placed my hands on my hips. He looked at me innocently, "Wae? why you didn't know I had so many dates on me? And yeah I'm sure. It's a sign from halemeoni!" 

I snatched his phone and checked his calender. It was all filled. "What?! How do you do that?" he smirked, causing his chest to lift, "What can I say? I'm good lookin' " I leaned over to him and pinched his little nose. He smiled and ruffled my hair, "Rinnie, your eyes..." 'My eyes?' I thought, "Why,what's wrong with them?" I released my pinch on his nose, "No,no,nothing..it's just that there so,so,perfect. Like honestly, there the perfect almond shape." I kept my eyes on his, and he did the same. As he got up, he clutched my hands and pressed his forehead on mine. I blushed, "What are you doing Kimmy?" he let go, and placed his hands on my hips and softly swayed, "I just noticed. We haven't been like this for a long time." in a hushed tone, I responded,"What do you mean 'like this'?" Kimmy left my hips and,once again reached my hands and lifted them to his shoulders.

"Like, we haven't sway danced in awhile, Remember Rinnie, we always did this when we wanted to just talk and not let anyone distrub us?" "Ne. I remember" 'Wow.' I thought,'things have really changed since Key turned gay. All those days where I was at home watching useless things on the t.v and eating ice cream, All those days where Key would spend and hour applying make up and straighting his hair just for school, All those years where we never did stuff like this...We never bonded.' I lifted my forehead from his and rested it sideways on his shoulders. "Key, are you sure you want to forget about being gay?" a sigh came from Kimbum and landed cooly on my neck, "Yes Rinnie I am, why are you so worried?" I lifted my head to face him,staring right into his hazel eyes,"I just don't want you too, get hurt. Girl's are viscious ya'know!" he chuckled, "Rinnie,it's going to be okay. Trust oppa" he smiled and winked at me. 

"Oppa, don't do that." I said shyly, "Oppa don't what?" there was a mischevous smile heard in his voice, "That thing..you know what it does to me" in embarassment I burried my face into his chest. Suddenly, I felt his arms around his body in a hug. He softly whispered into my ear, with a tint of jokingness in his voice he said, "Rinnie, don't be embarrased. Your too cute when you're embarrased." his soft hand caressed my exposed cheek. I looked up to him and smiled widely,"Kimmy, let's play a game!" Quickly, I snatched his phone and ran upstairs towards Kimmy's room. "YEAH! Rinnie, give me my phone back!!" 

When I got there, I shut the door behind me and jumped ontop of the bed and hid under the bed;Like a child. "Lets see what Kimmy has been doing.." I unlocked his phone and quickly looked for the 'histroy' button. "RINNIE!" Kimbum screamed as he jumped beside me and onto the bed, I squealed and the opposite side avoiding Kimbum. He quickly got under the  covers and reached over for his phone. I laughed and laughed and so did Key. "Rinnie, c'mon give me my phone back" the tint of happines in his voice was slowly fading. I shifted my body towards Key, I caught my breath at how close his face was to mine. Slowly, I slid the phone inbetween us. 

"Thanks." he smiled and rolled off the bed, chuckling. "Hmph. You tricked me. You aren't even mad!!" I rolled out of the bed and chased after Kimbum, who was sprinting downwards and into the living room. Running down the hallway, almost catching up to him. Kimbum turned around causing me to bump into his chest and, thus creating the domino effect. With my head nestled on his chest, partly aching, I whispered harshly "Why did you turn around?" I scrambled to my feet, as he did the same. "Oh, I just wanted to see if that falling ontop of eachother thing really happened in real life" he slipped his phone into his jean pocket. Which reminded me, I haven't changed yet. I just shook my head Kimbum with a questionable face. "Nite!" he said cheerfully while brushing passed me, I twisted my doorknob and turned to only see the back of his body "Nite Kimmy" and then I got ready for bed.


.The Dream.

"Kimbum." It looked like my room. It was my room. My head was nestled on his chest (like when I bumped into him in the hallway of my house.) His hands were running through my hair;from back to front, letting my bangs repeativly fall on my forehead. "Yes Rinnie" he had a smirk plastered on his face while he was staring at the ceiling. "Do you remember that song that you always sang to me over the phone?" I looked up to him. He looked down to me, "Oh you mean Your Love?" "Yup." "Okay. Here it goes. Close your eyes." I closed my eyes, but I wasn't really going to sleep. I just wanted hear his soft beat box and liquid voice.

.Shawty Imma only tell you this once, you the illest (dat for dat dat dude)
And for your lovin' Imma Die Hard like Bruce Willis 
(bah ba dah dah oh)
You got spark, you, you got spunk
You, you got something all the girls want
You're like a candy store
And I'm a toddlor.
You got me wantin' more and ma ma more of

Your love,your love(yeah)

Your love, your love.


As the song  came to an end, Kimbum's soft lips implanted on my forehead. "Rinnie, I know you're not sleeping" I lifted my head off his chest. I noticed now, that his chest was bare. I placed my head on the pillow so that were at eye level. We stared into eachothers eyes, and slowly. Kimbum's breath was getting intensly hot (probably because his face was really close to mine) His eyes shut, he leaned in. I leaned in and. Well, we were kissing. Not like, shy kissing.. like hot,vigarous,y kissing. 'Wow.' I thought.


Yes, the weekend. I streched my arms out followed by a slight sigh. The alarm clock beside me blinking a comforting 10:00. Not to late, not early. I rolled out of bed, as I did everyother day. My eyes were half open, "Woah, watch out sleepy head" he chuckled. I pushed my hair back, and slowly walked towards the kitchen. "I will cook okay Kimmy." Kimmy grunted and sat down on a seat. While getting out the eggs and the 'usual' I admired Kimmy's complexion. Usually, on Saturday mornings, Kimmy woke up with his designer silk made pajama's. But today, he wore just a plain tee and sweat pants..very manly. His hair was all over the place, his bangs pushed up and flipped to the opposite side creating an arch. Very boyish.

"Here it is" I said as I set down to plates of food for us. I slumped down onto my chair, poking my food with my chopstick. "Yeah, I know. I'm not so fond of your cooking either!" I raised my eyebrows and let my jaw hang low. I picked up a piece of beaf and through it at his face. "Ouch! it's still hot!" he said chuckling while peeling it off. He leaned in closer over the table and looked me straight in the eye. Picking up a piece of egg. "What did you dream about?" he said raising his right eyebrow. I looked down at my legs and smiled. Bringing my head back up, shaking the hair of my face like a lion. I responded with a tint of teasing-ness in my voice;

" I Dreamed a Dream, I dared 

To Dream"




"Woah, watch out sleepy head"




A/N: sorry this one took so long $:just had alotta stuff to do this week. (tests..mostly) hope you like it. Do you think it's going a bit fast for only the 4rth chapter? I will try to slow it down if it is. Please tell me :D Thanks Unnies (: ~Lovely Donsaeng.



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Okay, done Chapter 11 :D Hey did you see the featured stories lately? Wow, aren't they soo good?


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Please update this story. I've been miss you so much
Chapter 21: author nim update this story pleasee :(((
its kinda long to wait ... :(
Chapter 21: why Kai did this to her sister... i'm so curious now to find out... can't wait to read next chp... Is Kai jealous of Key or wat???

Update Soon :)
Believe it or not this is the 1st fanfic i EVER read! And i have never commented it before! Ok! Enough of me! Man i just love this story! Good work Unnie!....I think?
KimKeyBummi #5
O__O......... NOOOOOOO!!!
Kai! Kai! Kai! Wae wae Wae Wae !!!!!!!!!!!! Omo is he with jonghyun too?
Have just read the latest chapter.. Can't wait for more..
Aaah poor Chaerin.. BUt don't worry.. Deep inside Cheska loves you so much. Fighting.
Your plot is really good.. >__<
arggghhhhhh Jonghyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheska please remember your unnie!!!!! Im gonna cry now:(