
falling in love for Key, my gay best friend ~

Cheska was all packed and ready to go. She was outside the door, clutching her suitcase in her hand, "I'm going to miss all of you." she said through tears. Kimmy, Daehyun, Me, and the rest of the group huddled in towards her with our arms open for embrace. So this is it. Your baby sister is leaving Korea to go back to America to live with ... your unstable mother and father. God, how could I not do anything about this? Chaerin. Do something. "Are you sure you want to live with Mom and Dad Cheska? I mean, your free to stay here. I can work out all the paperwork and stuff. It won't be such a hasssle." Cheska smiles at you with a look that says I wish. But I can't. "No no unnie, you've done enough. I'll cope." her hands swing back an forth in rejection of staying here.

"Cheska, really! I mean it's okay!" "No no. It honestly is too much trouble for you unnie. I mean, all the papers and documents and confirmation of birth ..." her hands are wringing over each other while listing the all the things to make her a permanent resident in Korea, "Oh! and who can forget the annoying documents?! You see it's just too much trouble! Thanks anyway." I sigh and so does the group. A pair of headlights run up the driveway. You glance at the black van and then back at Cheska. Her face is crest fallen, "I guess this is goodbye." Her body slowly turns towards the drive way. I watch as the  leopard printed suitcase bounces on the cemented steps and rolls into smoothly into the driveway. Cheska enters the van, tossing her suitcase into it. She shuts the door and looks out the window. We all wave back to her, trying to all look happy for her. As the van quickly pulls out of the driveway and away from your home, a sudden feeling of uneasiness comes upon you.

"I feel weird." clutching my stomach, I slowly move towards an empty chair. Kimmy runs towards me with concerning eyes, "Rin, what's wrong?" he places his hand behind my back. My stomach is churning. Something is wrong ... so, so wrong. I can feel it. "Get her some tea, she's turning green." Kimmy orders. Dara is the first to move into the kitchen. Everyone's eyes are just staring at me. I hunch over, placing my head between my knees. What is so wrong? I first start with all the things that she could have mis packed; Her camera? No, no she packed that. Her phone? no, she would go crazy if she forgot that. Maybe her designer glasses? No, she was wearing them when she left. Why is she wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night? Dara brings the tea over.

I slowly sit up. Kimmy presses the rim of the cup on my lips. I sip it slowly, still thinking. It then suddenly comes to me. The Van. "Who called the van over?" The room goes silent. We all look at each other in confusion. "I thought you did." Daehyun points to me, I shake my head "I thought Kimmy did." Kimmy does a 180 degree turn to face Dara, "Didn't you noona?" Dara pouts her lip and shakes her head. "Bae?" Taeyang raises his hands up in the air, "Nope." The last is the ailens. They simaueltaneously shake there heads. I crease my forehead, "Than who did then?" "Maybe Cheska did." Kimmy looks at me. 

I purse my lips, "No. She would never spend money on a van." We all sit in silence. "Than who ordered it?" Daehyun asks. My hearts thumps out of place. No no no no. It's can't be him how? How can it be? "You don't think..." Dara's voice is shaky, "Don't think who?" Daehyun looks at Dara than back at me. Kimmy stood up from the ground. His face was infuriated, "I'm going to kill that guy. If he doesn anything to Cheska I swear to god I'll ..." I place my hand on his shoulder, "Kimbum. calm down. You don't know for sure." He turns around with sharp eyes. You know he wants to scream, "Kimbum." I softly say to him. 

He shrugs in response. Seunghyun walks over to the back of the couch and rests his hand on it, "Chaerin. You don't know for sure. You should tell the police." he non chalantly runs his fingers through his hair. I guess there all right. I get up and walk over to the phone. As I was about to pick it up, it rings.

I answer it, "Hello?" there is a lot of noise in the background as the person speaks. It's a man, "Ah yes, is this the guardian or parent of a Lee Cheska?" "Yes... who is this?" I ask uneasily. Everyone in the room is staring at you with cold looks mixed with curiousity. The man coughs, "Uhm, she has gotten into a car crash. And she highly requests of her unnie and appa." "Oh, okay. Tell her we'll be there shortly." I then slam the phone down onto the table. 

Everyone is looking at me. I look at them with all the seriousness I could conjure up, "Cheska is in the hospital. She got into a car crash." There is a sudden gasp in the room, and as if all the air left the room, everyone looks light headed.

"Jonghyun." Kimmy snarls, "C'mon we have to get there fast! I'll drive!" He rushes towards the door, unhooking his keys from the hook on the wall. I quickly follow after him, and the rest follow. I say a little prayer as we make our way to the hospital. Lord, if there is one, please make Cheska alright. Amen.


Kimmy quickly parks the car. We all rush out, and head into the hospital. We rush to the counter, "Where is Lee Cheska?" I ask, my heart pounding heavily. The lady at the desk points to the side of her, we all look in that direction.

There she is, she looks okay. Sort've ... There's a big bandage wrapped around her forehead. We all rush to the room where Cheska is located but quickly stop from the sudden Ah - ah - ah from the lady at the front desk, "Two at a time please." Kimmy and I turn to the group, "We'll go first." I say. The group nods in agreement.

Kimmy is the first one to enter the room. He quickly rushes to her side and reaches for her hand. He places his cheek onto hers, "Oh my baby girl. Are you okay?" I make my way over to Cheska. We make eye contact.

You smile at her, but she doesn't smile back. Instead she her eyebrow and tilts her head to the side. This isn't right. She always smiles back. I twindle my thumbs. I keep smiling at her. She doesn't smile back. I take a step closer to the bed. She tucks deeper into the sheets.

I break in a cold sweat, "Ch - Cheska. It's me." I point to my chest. She than smiles, but it's more of an awkward one. She leans towards Kimmy, who is pressing her hand against her forehead, "Appa, who is that?" Kimbum looks up at Cheska, "It's your unnie Cheska." he laughs at what seems to him, her being silly. Cheska quickly disagrees, "No, my unnie is Dara. She is the one who gave me the bear when I first came to Korea." she smiled cheekily, flashing her dimples.

"What no. That was me. I'm your unnie!" Cheska was about to open when the doctor called you out to the hallway.


"Chaerin. Your sister has suffered amnesia."



"Ch - Cheska. It's me."



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Okay, done Chapter 11 :D Hey did you see the featured stories lately? Wow, aren't they soo good?


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Please update this story. I've been miss you so much
Chapter 21: author nim update this story pleasee :(((
its kinda long to wait ... :(
Chapter 21: why Kai did this to her sister... i'm so curious now to find out... can't wait to read next chp... Is Kai jealous of Key or wat???

Update Soon :)
Believe it or not this is the 1st fanfic i EVER read! And i have never commented it before! Ok! Enough of me! Man i just love this story! Good work Unnie!....I think?
KimKeyBummi #5
O__O......... NOOOOOOO!!!
Kai! Kai! Kai! Wae wae Wae Wae !!!!!!!!!!!! Omo is he with jonghyun too?
Have just read the latest chapter.. Can't wait for more..
Aaah poor Chaerin.. BUt don't worry.. Deep inside Cheska loves you so much. Fighting.
Your plot is really good.. >__<
arggghhhhhh Jonghyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheska please remember your unnie!!!!! Im gonna cry now:(