Harry Potter?

falling in love for Key, my gay best friend ~

The day ended awkwardly. Although I learned a lot about Edward, everything was awkward with the rest of my group.

We were on our way to our hotel rooms. It was rather quiet in the hallway, despite the sounds of our flip flops scruffing agains the carpet. There was an awkward silence.

"The view was magnificent!" We all looked at Cheska, who had an awkward smile on her face, she glanced at Hyun who jumped realzing what she was trying to do, "Oh,Oh yeah." He nodded with creased eye-brows.

We all nodded in agreement. As we approached our rooms, Kimmy quickly got into his room and slammed he door shut, causing the sound to echo in the almost vacant hallway and making Cheska and Hyun jump.

"Hyun, you know what to do. I have Unnie covered." Unnie covered? What do they got covered? What are they up to? I was about to ask when Cheska quickly unlocked the room and threw me into the center of the room.

"What do you think you were doing with Harry Potter?" Cheska pursed her lips and placed them on her hips.

"Who?" I leaned my head in foreward, creasing my forehead.

"That British Boy." she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh, Edward? Yeah, what about him?" I jumped onto my bed, and dug my face into the pillow.

"Why were you talking to him Chaerin?" 

"Wae? I can't talk to other boys?" I sat up, scratching my head.

"No, it's fine to talk to other boys. But it's NOT okay to flirt with boys." 

"I wasn't flirting." 'I think..' I said creasing my forehead.

"Yes you were, and you made Kimmy appa cry." Cheska snapped. 

"I-I made him cry?" I stuttered at the shock of how much I hurt him. 

"Yes, and you also made him angry. What kind of girlfriend are you Lee Chaerin?" 

She said my name. Lee Chaerin. The way she said it made my heart break. It was so harsh, I almost cried.

"Okay, look. How about we drop this topic?" 

"NO! How about we NOT drop this topic? And talk about it. Do you know how heartbroken Kimbum is? He cried on the bus! Hyun had to try to calm him down. He saw you smile with him and he was about to come over then and kill that guy. I swear, Chaerin..Kimbum is very well derserving of any girl. Out of all those girls in the world, he chose you! His bestfriend. You are like his keeper of secrets, his partner in crime! His soul. And what do you do? Push him away. Do you want that? You are so ungrateful." then she stormed off before I could respond.

'She used his actual name. She must be mad at me. Are things that bad? Have I really screwed up this time? Probably. Kimbum cried because of you. You monster. How can you screw up on vacation? Go apologize' I quickly scrambled to the door to head to Kimmy's room. I flung the door open, already to find Kimbum leaning on the wall with his head hung low.

I gasped. I quickly ran up to him and clinged onto him, "Kimmy! I'm sorry." my voice was muffled into his shoulder. Kimmy let go of my hug, and started to carry me bridal style. "W-what are you doing?" Kimmy didn't answer. He then shut the door and slowly set me down. He then clutched my shoulders and pinned me against the wall. 

I was dazed, my mouth hung open and my eyes were wide, "Kimmy." I whispered, "Shhh" he leaned his forehead on mine. He then let go my shoulders and went to close my hands with his, "Now, close your eyes." I did as he said. His lips slowly touched mine, but they didn't move. I attempted to part our lips, but his lips were firm.

He then pulled his head back and looked at me, "Rinnie, you love me right?" I slowly opened my eyes. I looked ino his deep brown eyes,"Yes. I'm really sorry for doing that to you. Sorry, it was my fault. I was being too sensitive." A tear fell from my eye.

Kimmy wiped away my tear with his thumb, he chuckled "Don't cry. I mean, you can't help it. Your a girl." I giggled, "Yes Kimmy, and your a boy." Kimmy then pecked my lip again, this time with a smile.

"But if you were a monkey, you wouldn't be the biggest. You would be the cutest!" Kimmy flashed his dimple. He then dragged me to the bed. He then layed down and I placed myself on top of him. "And why is that?" 

He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Well, because you have the smoothest and cutest cheeks" he brought his hand up to my cheeks and caressed it, "Also, you have the prettiest almond shaped eyes. The best kitty like hands. But best of all, you have the biggest heart." He placed his hand on my heart.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Kimmy scoughed, "Jagiya, let's not talk about him now. Besides it's over!" I nodded.

Kimmy smirked a dirty smirk, he slid his hands onto my waist, "Come here." I laughed as he turned me sideways and pulled the covers on top of us.


"Don't Leave Me"



"Yes Kimmy, and your a boy."



A/N: THIS ONE IS REALLY SHORT. I made this one short cause It was like the continuation of Chapter 14..so yeah $; Hope you liked it :3 Aw, they made up ^^ Aren't they cute <3 #Chaekey.


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Okay, done Chapter 11 :D Hey did you see the featured stories lately? Wow, aren't they soo good?


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Please update this story. I've been miss you so much
Chapter 21: author nim update this story pleasee :(((
its kinda long to wait ... :(
Chapter 21: why Kai did this to her sister... i'm so curious now to find out... can't wait to read next chp... Is Kai jealous of Key or wat???

Update Soon :)
Believe it or not this is the 1st fanfic i EVER read! And i have never commented it before! Ok! Enough of me! Man i just love this story! Good work Unnie!....I think?
KimKeyBummi #5
O__O......... NOOOOOOO!!!
Kai! Kai! Kai! Wae wae Wae Wae !!!!!!!!!!!! Omo is he with jonghyun too?
Have just read the latest chapter.. Can't wait for more..
Aaah poor Chaerin.. BUt don't worry.. Deep inside Cheska loves you so much. Fighting.
Your plot is really good.. >__<
arggghhhhhh Jonghyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheska please remember your unnie!!!!! Im gonna cry now:(