Big Monkey.

falling in love for Key, my gay best friend ~

I woke up to the rays of the bright Hawaiian sun, shining through the glass door. I propped myself up on the bed. Scratching my head, I reached for my phone to check for any texts. 1 New Text. I slid the icon to read the text. 

From:Kimmy ^.^

G'morning Rinnie. Breakfast is at my room (: Be quiet tho. Hyun is still sleeping (; I think he likes Cheska O: Did Baby Cheska sleep well? Hmm..if she wakes up tell her Appa said Good Morning. Ohyeah, how about my other baby? (; How is she? Did she dream about Oppa? hmm. lol, Come over fast (: 

I closed my eyes and chuckled, "Why am I dating this guy?" sliding off the bed, I slid my slippers on and wrote a note to Cheska saying that I was at Kimmy's room. Then I slid out quietly to Kimmy's room.

Once I arrived a bouquet of flowers was presented infront of me, "What are these for?" Kimmy handed them over to me. The bouquet was neatly placed with Hawaiian flowers that I could not name. They were so mezmerizing! each one of the colours complimened eachother and yet made a big blend. Not to mention they smelled wonderful.

"So you like them?" Kimmy said as he placed a pancake on my plate, Removing my eyes from the flowers and turning to him I said, "Yes! I love them. But why did you buy them?" "What? I can't buy my girlfriend flowers for no reason?" Kimmy said, his voice muffled from the food.

I took a seat at the table, gently placing the flowers on the table. "No, you can. It's just've never done that before. So I thought it was for something special" disatisfied with my answer, he just shrugged. 

There was a awkward silence in the room, but it was quickly broken by the knock of the door. Kimmy got up and opened the door, I turned to see who it was.

It was Cheska. She was still in her pyjama's. "Did you have a nice sleep?" I turned away to continue to eat my food, "Yeah. It was good" she said while taking a seat on the avalible chair. Shortly after, Dae-Hyun woke up.

Kimmy was giving me 'death glances' as breakfast came to an end, and I gladly returned those glances. "Did something happen between you?" Dae-Hyun said as he picked up his plate and placed it in the sink, "Yeah, what happened?" Cheska also lefted her plate and placed it in the sink.

Kimmy pushed off from the table,"Your unnie thinks I don't give her flowers enough." Cheska walked out from the kitchen and leaned on the counter, she smirked, "But you don't." I leaned back into the chair with a smug smile on my face. Kimmy clutched the top of the chair and turned to me with his mouth open. "Arraseo. From now on, I will buy you more flowers." he stuck out his pinky and I wrapped my pinky on his, "Promise." he whispered.

"Do you guys wanna go on the beach? Or do you want to go on a tour?" Dae-Hyun walked in with a pamphlet, he showed us the pamphlet. I gestured him to give it to me, "Well, it says that you get a tour of the whole island plus a free dinner at the best restauraunts Hawaii has to offer" "Sounds reasonable." Kimmy said as he brewed some coffee for both of us, "Yeah, I mean..we have a week here,so.." Cheska trailed off, tapping her lip. "So, it's settled. We're going on the tour!" I placed the pamphlet down, and stood up. I placed my hand in the middle of us, "Team Kim,Lee,Jung" we said in unison, and then we broke. "We need a better team name." Cheska said as she walked out of the room.

"No kidding." I left the room to go get ready.


We hopped onto the tour bus, shoving through the many people filing in. As we took our seats, a young man stood up at the front of the bus. He was wearing a cabanna outfit with aviators. The young man had stereo hanging on his belt that was attached to a small mic. "Alhoa! Welcome to the "Kahua o Mali'o" Resort. I am your tour guide today! My name is A'alona" he said cheerfully while clasping his hands, "If you have any questions you can ask me! Please feel free to take pictures, and we will make stops along the way for you too take pictures. Mahalo* for riding with us and Enjoy" the tour guide flashed smile an quickly sat down as the bus started to move.

"Hyunnie, smile!" Dae-Hyun turned to Cheska and striked an aegyo pose. Cheska chuckled as she showed the picture to Hyun, who also chuckled. "Cheska, take a picture of unnie and appa." I grabbed Kimmy's cheek and pressed my lips on his cheek, still clutching onto it.

The flash went off, and I'm guessing the picture appeared the screen because Cheska's started to smile. She turned the camera screen towards us, "You guys are so cute." I admired the picture, it was sort of cute..'Oh who am I kidding! It is totally cute' Kimmy placed his arm around me and naturally placed his head on my shoulder, "I think I'm cuter" he teased.

"No, no, I'm way cuter. You're just blinded by my cute-ness" I squeezed his little cheek while he rolled his eyes, "I'm cuter" he whispered. Cheska and I chuckled at Kimbum.

Cheska resumed back to her normal position as the tour guide started to speak, "Our first destination is the famous Mount Kilauea! it is a shield volcano, A shield volcano is a broad, dome-shaped volcano. It is currently active." the people in the tour bus became a bit edgy, "But, I assure you, it will not errupt today! it hasn't errupted in 6 months!" he said uneasily, a bead of sweat dripped down his fore-head.

"I'd hate to have this job" Kimmy whispered in my ear as he took a picture of the large volcano, "Yeah, same here. But, I think you would look cute in that cabanna outfit" Kimmy brought down his phone and looked at the picture, "You think so?" "W-well, yeah!" I imagined Kimmy in the cabanna outfit, him being the tour guide. 'It could work..' I thought, nodding my head.

"Arraseo, I will buy one for Dae-Hyun and I. But you have to wear a grass skirt!" Dae-Hyun turned around, his face was shocked, "De?! I don't want to wear that! It's so..tacky" he scrunched his nose in disagreement. Cheska then turned around and started to laugh, "Haha, c'mon be a good sport!" Cheska punched Hyun's shoulder lightly.

I smiled, "Yeah Hyun be a good sport" Hyun furrowed his eyeborws in thought, "Arraseo, I will!" we all cheered, "But" the cheering suddenly muffled down, "Cheska has to wear a grass skirt, like unnie" Cheska shrugged, "Easy. I'm game" 

"W-wait, but what if we don't want to do it?" Kimmy cautiously asked, I turned to him with a devil-ish smile, "Then you have to do a dare!" I laughed evilly, twindiling my fingers together, Kimmy shook his head, "I regret I ever asked."

"What's so bad about a dare?" Hyun looked at Cheska, Cheska shook her head and puffed her cheeks, she pulled Hyun down so that they could be hid from me. I was about to confront Cheska about telling Hyun about my previous dare, but slowly regretted it. I want him to know, so that they never messed with the 'Dare Queen' 


It was second year of high school. It was just us girls. Bom, Dara, and I. We were having a sleepover...more like a drinking party. We were playing the drinking version of truth or dare. The rules were if you chose dare you would have to take 2 shoju shots before and after your dare. If you refused you would have to drink the bottle of vodka. If you chose truth you would have to only take one shot of shoju, but one of the players have to make a cocktail for you and you have to drink it straight, (we were horrible cocktail makers). 

So it was the last round of the game, and to be honest, we have done every single illegal thing on campus! We were so wasted that we don't even remember half of the things we did that night. But I will always remember the dare I gave to Bom unnie that gave me the title 'Dare Queen'.

"Bom unnie. This is your last dare.." my voice slurred, Dara looked at Bom pointing her bottle at her, "Hah! you !" she laughed as she tipped over a bit, "C'mon just give it to me straight" she took two shoju shots, "Okay go over to Teacher Kim's home and moon him" Bom looked at me intently to see if I was serious;I was dead serious. Dara, on the other hand, was waaayy to drunk to control her laughter, "YOU HAVE TO FLASH YOUR TO TEACHER KIM! TEACHER KIM IS SUCH A DORK! BWHAHA, A DORK IS A WHALE'S !" Dara held her stomach in laughter.

"Arraseo, I will take a picture of me doing it." Bom placed her shot down, and left the room, and I was left with the overly drunk Dara. "Dara, you're annoying when you're drunk." 

Dara giggled, "Chaerin, your not korean. You are like American.." God, this girl does not make sense. This is the first and last time Dara will ever be this drunk and this annoying. In desperation of quietness, I picked up Dara and placed her in my room to go to sleep. Once she hit my bed her body completely knocked out.

Bom returned with her phone in her hand and with a big smile, "I did it!" my body lightened up. I ran to her, eager to see the picture. "Wow, you got guts." 

As she showed me the picture, Bom whispered, "You are the Queen of Dares. That was one hard dare. I mean I had to build the confidence to do it, even though I am three quarters sober" she took the last of her two shots. And with that, we both fell asleep. 

The next day, we all had pounding headaches. As we entered class, Bom was called into the office. "She mooned Teacher Kim" A girl whispered. I then face palmed myself, "Aish, look Chaerin you got you friend into trouble!" But as the meeting ended Bom reassured me that she was not angry and that were both drunk. 

*End of Flashback*

"The next stop we are going to make is at the Hawaiian wildlife reserve. Hawaiian is known to have many tropical animals! Like, those loveable rainbow coloured birds." The tour guide pointed to the window. There was an array of beautiful parrots, sqwaking and flaunting there fabulous feathers. Cheska quickly snapped a picture of the birds, while Kimmy took a picture on his iphone. "Woah, it's like a rainbow and a bird had babies." Hyun said as he pressed his nose on the glass window. 

"This is your time to get off the bus and take pictures! We have reserve tour guides to show you around. Be back by 12, or else the bus will leave without you" the tour guide said in a sing song voice. I placed a timer on my phone. 

We quickly got out of the bus and found a group to join. "Do not wander off. That is the only rule we have. Mahalo." The wild life employee said sternly. 


"Woah, look at the monkey's" Kimmy, Hyun, and I followed Cheska's gaze. They swung gracefully from tree to tree making wild yelp calls, all of them were so strong looking..except for one. It was a little monkey with blonde,tan fur. He was rather frail in appearence but was awfully clever, the group of primates rejected the monkey and kept swinging from tree to tree without him.

The tour guide stopped the group and pointed to the group of monkeys, "As you can see, these monkey's have rejected the tiny litte fellow over there. This is very common in the wild, for it is the circle of life." the tour guide shrugged his shoulders and gestured the group to move forward.

The forest was filled with the sound of the camera's shuttering. "I feel bad for that monkey..I wanna bring it home and carry it" Cheska pouted, "We have enough monkey's here!" I chuckled ruffling Cheska's hair. "Yeah, you're the biggest monkey here" Kimmy pinched my cheek lightly while smiling.

"Pabo." I mummbled under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest extended my foot infront of Kimmy making him trip an bump into a tourist. Dae-Hyun,Cheska,and I snickered behind his back as he flusteringly tried to apologize, "Sorry, I tripped" his face was red like a firetruck.


He then turned to me with his hands on his hips, "Why'd you do that?" "It's for calling me a big monkey" I retorted while moving further into the group. 'God, he can be such a sometimes..Always teasing me.' It's not like I don't like to be teased, it's just that..I don't like when people are being rude and teasing. I find that being called a "Big Monkey" is unattractive. The One & Only Baddest Female doesn't stand for a 'Big Monkey'.

"Tough break Hyung" Dae-Hyun said to Kimmy, "Go apologize!" Cheska loudly whispered. As I walked with the group and listened to the tour guide rambling on about Hawaiian animals and weather, someone's hand clutched mine. 

"Kimmy let go! I'm mad at you!" I attempted to shake his hand off, but to my surprise it wasn't him, "Ma'am are you okay? You seem a tad tense" I was stunned, his accent was amazing. It was a British Accent. " I'm fine!" 'My god...he's so beautiful. I mean those hazel brown eyes and that messy hair. He's just so beautiful...' I was lost in his eyes.

"Ma'am!" the person's hand shook infront of my face, "Are you okay?" I nodded. We started to walk together, "My name is Edward James." Edward's so classy! "Lee Chaerin" Edward's eyebrows furrowed and pursed his lips, "That's a rather perculiar name, are you korean?" I nodded, "So your first name is Lee?" I burst out laughing, 'This guy is so cute!' 

Edward was blushing. "No, I'm sorry you misunderstood. In America my name is Chaerin Lee. So my name is Chaerin! But in Korea last names come first! So in korea, my name is said as 'Lee Chaerin' " I added many hand gestures for him to understand. Edward continually nodded, "Ah, I see. Did you want to go to the cinema? Like, on a date?" 

I was stunned, 'Is he asking me out on date?' Edward's covered his mouth, "Sorry for being rather forward. It's just that you look very stunning! I got lost in your eyes." I blushed, "No, no it's okay. Sorry though, I have a boyfriend..but I'm mad at him at the moment." 

"May I ask why?" I sighed, "He called me a Big Monkey" Expecting him to laugh, I was prepping myself for humiliation; He didn't laugh. Instead, he comforted me, "Well that's not very nice. Let me talk to this fellow, I should straighten him out." Edward looked behind us, rolling up his sleeves.

"No, no. Don't you'll cause a scene." 'Wow, he really cares about me..Maybe..No, Chaerin why would you think of doing that? Kimmy and you are on vacation! That would be horrible and awkward. Edward may be charming, but Kimmy is your bestfriend. He would be crushed! And besides..this is his first time slipping up' 


"But You're Worth the scene"





"I'm cuter"



A/N: This one is really long :D Ohhhhh, how do you like the new guy, Hmm? Edward James (; I think C.l is overeacting...Kimbum can slip up sometimes you know? Like, give him a break. ~ Ahh, Chaekey are such diva's . I'm currently hooked On Chaera :D Soo...yeah, there so cute together :3 Kbai now unnie's Hope you enjoyed :D 









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Okay, done Chapter 11 :D Hey did you see the featured stories lately? Wow, aren't they soo good?


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Please update this story. I've been miss you so much
Chapter 21: author nim update this story pleasee :(((
its kinda long to wait ... :(
Chapter 21: why Kai did this to her sister... i'm so curious now to find out... can't wait to read next chp... Is Kai jealous of Key or wat???

Update Soon :)
Believe it or not this is the 1st fanfic i EVER read! And i have never commented it before! Ok! Enough of me! Man i just love this story! Good work Unnie!....I think?
KimKeyBummi #5
O__O......... NOOOOOOO!!!
Kai! Kai! Kai! Wae wae Wae Wae !!!!!!!!!!!! Omo is he with jonghyun too?
Have just read the latest chapter.. Can't wait for more..
Aaah poor Chaerin.. BUt don't worry.. Deep inside Cheska loves you so much. Fighting.
Your plot is really good.. >__<
arggghhhhhh Jonghyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheska please remember your unnie!!!!! Im gonna cry now:(