'Sleeping' with Him

Bring It, Kris Wu


"Kris, what in the hell are you thinking?" I asked, making my way to him.
"It's just some old building, no big deal." He casually says with his hands in his pockets.
"Oh yeah? That's easy for you to say. What if we get caught?" I asked.
"Oh about that." Suho cuts in "since we're on weekend break, we're all allowed to leave the company."
"But that doesn't mean we can just--"
"Manager!" Xiumin cuts me off from behind, "You don't have to worry, if there are any monsters, Kris will protect you." He smirks.
As much as I hated myself for doing this, I sighed in defeat. I'm already at the short end of the stick, since these guys already have a ton of excuses up their sleeves.
Really, how crappy can this get?
For a few seconds, I just stood there in silence, eyeing the giggling devils in front of me. Kris was still as nonchalant, as none of this mattered.
Now that I think about it, this whole thing is a total trap. I mean, I fear empty and dark places, especially if it's rumored to be haunted. It's not something these guys know, and I really, really don't want them to find out. Especially not Kris.
Just imagining the endless pranks they would pull gives me the chills.
"Well, I guess the silence means yes." Luhan states.
"Okay let's get going!" D.O. exclaims.
Before I knew it, I was being pulled and dragged out of the room, with a jacket thrown on me and then pushed out of the main entrance. The same happened to Kris.
"Alright you two, have a safe trip!" Suho shouts while standing outside the entrance. The rest of the guys crowded around the stairs, waving and giggling.
"Good night leader! Take good care of manager!" Tao calls out.
Kris just nods and begins to walk. Letting out a breath, I turned to face the guys once more.
"After tonight, you guys promise not to make up random stories alright?" I asked, to which they all nodded in unison.
Facing the road once more, I walked behind Kris towards the tower of doom, with a bunch of "bye bye"s echoing from behind.
By now, the roads were completely empty, only a few cars passed down the roads. But what was really odd was that Kris was quiet. I mean usually he would have me want to use a flamethrower on him.
"Hey...Kris?" I called.
"Hm?" He slightly turns his head.
I kept my pace. "You're not...saying anything."
He chuckles. "What, are you scared?"
"Yeah right." I answered in defense, but I could tell he was smirking again.
"Really? 'cause we're here."
I looked up to see the 5 story tall building with countless windows facing us. From the outside, it just looks just like any other tall building, but the inside is a completely different situation.
At that same moment, I felt my legs freeze, and my feet wouldn't move.
"What are you doing?" Kris asks while standing in front of the double doors. "You are scare aren't you?" He smirks and begins to walk over to me.
"No, umm, I'm just taking in some fresh night air before going in." I managed blurt out and looked around.
But then, Kris takes my left wrist and pulls me towards the doors.
Oh crap. Here we go.
Upon opening, goosebumps invaded my entire body when I saw the complete emptiness of the lobby. Seriously, even if it was dark, the peeling white wallpaper was really creepy.
By instinct, I hid behind Kris, walking in wherever direction he went. Now I just hope nothing attacks me from behind.
Kris POV
I was trying really hard not to smile.
She was definitely scared, seeing how she was standing so close behind me. Yet, being such an iron-headed girl, she was doing a pretty good job hiding it.
Everything inside was just the same, still old and empty. There really isn't anything to this X-2 building other than it's ancient and no one uses it. Besides, the DBSK myth was just an exaggeration; what really happened was that the old wall outlets didn't connect properly and so the videos didn't play. But since not everyone knows this, so the whole haunted thing naturally got popular.
"Where are we going?" Yumi asks while we both walked up a flight of stairs. My hand held onto hers as I walked in front of a door.
"Here I guess." I answered before turning the knob, revealing a completely empty room. With the floorboards creaking, I led her further into the room and sat down against the wall. She followed, leaving a good arm length of space between us.
I exhaled and looked over at Yumi, who had herself wrapped in her jacket.
"This is it manager, I hope you don't mind sleeping with me tonight." I said.
"That sounds really misleading." She stated.
I laughed quietly. "I'm sure that doesn't bother you."
From the corners of my eyes, I could see her arms crossed, hands caressing her elbows. Her legs were close to her, a sign that she was trying to preserve body heat.
"Are you cold?" I turned to look at her.
"I'm fine."
I chuckled. "That jacket doesn't seem to be helping."
"Great job for noticing" she says back, trying to wrap it tighter around herself.
"You're so stubborn." I sighed, "You know I'm the warmest thing in this building right?"
She scoffs. "And?"
"And this source of heat is going to waste since you're not using it." I said, forming a smile.
"Wow, real smooth Kris." she answers, using her sarcastic tone.
"I'm serious manager." I continued, "I don't want to see you all cold like this."
Yumi's POV
About 2% of brain was suddenly stunted by his somewhat nice words. Well, even if the rest of the 98% still thinks he's crazy, seeing his non-harassing side was always a pleasant surprise.
Or maybe my shivering too obvious and he felt bad. Either way, I was really cold, and it might really help if I sat closer to him. With my back still against the wall, I slowly scooted closer to Kris while trying not to make it too awkward.
With my left arm much closer to him, I was actually feeling a small sense of warmth even through the layers of fabric.
But my right side is still cold.
"Jeez manager..." Kris whispers before I miraculously felt my whole body being lifted.
Kris had hooked one arm under my legs, the other around my shoulders, lifting my body up and sitting me across his lap.
"Wha-- what're you--again?" I gasped.
I really don't know what to expect anymore, because here I am, sitting on Kris with his arms around me. Normally, I would have given him a judo throw, but right now I'm partially frozen from the cold, and he really was warm.
"Isn't this much better?" He says in content. I quietly gave up and leaned my head against the side of his neck. Either way, tomorrow I'm gonna pour vinegar in his water.
He then chuckles. "I remember we used to do this as kids." He began. "I always carried you when you would randomly fall asleep."
Oh not this again.
"That was a million years ago." I added. Trying to block out those embarrasing memories.
He smiles. "But you were so adorable back then, always running to me and such."
An uncomfortable chill ran down my spine. The only reason I did that was because he actually used to be nice.
He sighs and continued, "You were so lovable, but now you're just..."
Excuse me?
"Whoa Kris, I wouldn't be talking if I were you." I sat up to face him. "At least I wasn't the one who went from a good samaritan to Cinderella's step mother in a day."
"Wha--" He scoffs, "I've always been a nice person, you're just too inconsiderate to see that."
I almost busted out laughing.
"You? Oh please, tell me one thing you have done that was nice." I stated.
"This, right here." He says. "I'm keeping you warm aren't I?"
Wow. How cheap.
"I never asked for it. And you did this to make fun of me." I huffed. "Either way, you're just a jerk."
Right then, that smirk of his appeared. "I'm a what?" He asks in a whisper.
I turned to him, looking at him straight in the eyes. "You're. A. Jerk."
In that moment, something slithered around my waste. I felt a sudden pinch there which made me let out a very unattractive shriek.
With that, I immediately stood up and backed away from creepy Kris.
"Kris...don't." was all I could say as I saw him stand up and move towards me.
Oh no no no, he better not start tickling me.
"Kris, I'm seriou--" In a moment I felt his hands attack the sides of my waist and I no choice but to continue my reckless blustering.
Ugh, if only I can see, then I'd actually be able run away from him. Damn you darkness!
"STOP! YA--YOU BLOCKHEAD--" I was half shouting and laughing.
"But you're hurting my feelings manager." He says from behind, still tickling me without mercy.
By now, I was crying and laughing at the same time, throwing my arms all over the place in attempt to pry away from him. As a last resort, I reached forward and pinched him, and to my surprise, I got him in the stomach.
He suddenly jerks away, and I finally had a moment to catch up with my breath.
But that freedom didn't last when I started to sense his motion coming closer towards me.
I was ready to get him first when two loud knocks suddenly echoed through the room.
Like, really loud knocks.
Even with Kris just an inches from me, we both froze.
After a good five seconds, I turned to him. "What...was that?"
"...Don't know." He whispers back.
The two knocks then started up again, to which we both cringed.
Holy smokes this place really is haunted.
Kris looked around for a bit before turning around. "I'll go see what it is." He states.
"What? No wait, it's probably just...the building since it's old and all." I said.
"Old buildings don't knock like that Yumi." He whispers back.
I let out a breath. "Then I'll go with you."
"You're not scared?" He smirks.
"There's nothing to be scared of." I lied.
We both moved towards the source of the knocking, with Kris walking in front.
Okay I admit, I was freaking out. Dark places rumored to be haunted with weird noises coming at you is not a pleasant scenario.
The knocking started up again, and I instinctively grabbed onto Kris's sleeve. I know, I'm being a huge weakling.
But then I felt Kris moving his arm towards me, taking my hand in his.
I had no time to react, as his walking stopped. Looking up, I could see the lining of a door with an impaired, silver knob.
With his other hand, Kris grips the door knob and slowly turns it.

Dun dun dun okay I  

but I hope you liked this one <3

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144 streak #1
Chapter 16: This was such a cute and fun story!! I really enjoyed it :)
144 streak #2
Chapter 1: Such a fun concept!
compopanda #3
Chapter 16: reread this again.....
Chapter 16: I do not read short stories or oneshot stories. But this is too cuteee. Gah! Sequel pleaseee
Chapter 16: Sequel pls author nim.... it's driving me crazy...
Chapter 16: pls do the sequel ! omg this story is soo beautiful thank you author-nim for the great story ! i really like it :)
Chapter 16: Love this story, one of my favourites ;)