Where it all started


Your POV

It’s been awhile since I moved to Seoul. Already I have a schedule ready for almost every day.

In the mornings, I wake up. I straighten out my room, change into running clothes, take a few block run, and when I get back I clean up the house doing as many chores since I need to leave at 11.

By noon, I change in a plain tank top, shorts with leggings under them, and utility boots. I usually beat the guys to practice and will be all warmed up. A few times they beat, me there much like today.

Everyday when breaking for lunch they hand Jongup and me money to buy lunch, but today though I brought kimchi and other foods in little lunch boxes.

So when they stop their practice I pull out the lunch boxes and set them on the floor. I set the boxes down and then start to open them up to show the guys what I had made just for them.

“Wow Emma you made all of this?” Jongup and Zelo ask.

“Ne, I had some free time so I made lunch it's also easier than running around buying junk food. We can’t have you guys getting fat or something now can we?”

Youngjae puffs out his cheeks making me laugh. It’s a while and no one moves to take a bite until Jongup reaches over taking some kimchi and takes a bite. I hold my breath until he smiles and takes another bite. Soon after everyone is taking food and eating. As they eat, I hear random compliments on my cooking. Simply smiling at them I start to eat since the guys seem to be fast eaters.

“Guys don’t eat so fast if you get sick well practicing I’ll laugh at all of you.”

Himchan glares at me, “Why are you our mother? I thought you knew that position was taken by Youngjae?”

Smiling sweetly I pull out the spiciest hot sauce I ever had and point it at him well asking, “Want some?”

The bottle cover was changed so they didn’t know that it wasn’t mild, nope not at all it’s just the opposite. He places a lot on a piece of his food and eats it. It’s not until he swallows the last bite that his mouth starts to feel like it’s on fire and freak out. Everyone doesn’t get it until I peel the fake wrapper off.

“Now that’s a warning to be a smartass.”

He goes to hit me but I move out of the way, “Now Him Channie do you really want to be an idiot?”

He reaches out again but I move out of the way, grab his arms, twist them behind his back, and kick his legs out from under him.

“Why do you think I was sent over here? Are you going to calm down and think straight?” he nods and I let him go and say, “Man you reminded me of a vampire set on fire.”

The only person holding back his laughter was Zelo and the others simply shaking their heads as I let Himchan go.  

After I’m done helping them with practice by five I sneak off and find an empty music room instead of going home for dinner.

In the corner of the room is a piano. Walking over to it, I sit in front of it, and start to play a melody that was just pure sadness.

I didn’t realize that I was crying until I feel someone wipe away my tears. Looking up I come face to face with Jongup.

“Why are you crying?” he asks in a soft tone that is barely audible.

“I miss home. I love it here but all at the same time, I hate it. I miss my best friends and just friends just not those two,” I didn’t notice the venom in my voice as I talk, “My parents or the rest of my family haven’t even called me or anything but I still miss them. Do they hate me that much?”

Jongup sighs and grabs my hand, “Let’s go.”

“Mwoh? Where are we going?”

I can tell he’s a bit awkward about holding my hand. I smile and let him drag me out of the music room.

I don’t ask questions as we leave a building and walk a bit far from anywhere I’ve been,

Soon we reach a place with high stairs reaching up.

I look around and smile finding something magical about this place, “Where are we?”

“This is where I first started dancing with a few of my friends only to start off as a hobby but then it became my passion.”

I smile as I sit down, “That’s so cool I just wanted to fit in with the rest of my family, but I couldn’t draw, sing, write, or anything like that. So one day I found out that I could dance and I was so excited I had to show everyone but they didn’t’ care about what I could do. I was five,” I mumble the last sentence, “My grandmother was the only person who helped me pursue my dream of being a dancer. She always said I had potential in doing everything like the rest of my family. I could be better than all of them.”

He smiles as he sits down and pulls me over next to him, “Well I’m glad that you found out about your love for dance.”

“So tell me your story and no I won't’ go find it on the net.”

He laughs nervously and tells me about his life since he already knows about mine. His beginning and where he is now isn’t that different except a few changes here and there. I smile and let him tell me his story.

“So if you think about it this is the spot where this all started and I wanted to share this spot with you so if you need time to think and to by yourself I’ll share it with you. We’ll meet up here and I’ll be a wall that you can talk to but I’ll talk to you to help make you feel better.”

I smile at him and hug him, “Then let this place be a start of a wonderful friendship.”

He nods, “A place for new beginnings.”

I nod as I hug him tighter and bury my head in his chest to let tears fall, “Thank you so much, Moon Jong Up.”

“There’s no need to thank me, Emma, because no matter what I’ll be here for you.”

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)