Snack time Suggestions


Your POV

Secretly I watch the boys practice dancing every day learning their moves by watching them. I didn’t know that they knew I was out there everyday.

Today is no different except the guys are annoyed with the two maknaes. In their frustration, they screamed at them causing me to lose balance, and burst into the room.

Rubbing my head, you start cursing about my bad luck and how I hate life.

I stop when I hear Jongup call my name in a strained voice like he’s tired and worried.

Looking up I see him right there with his face in mine.

I pull away hiding my blush behind my hair.

"Are you alright?" Jongup asks reaching forward as he moves some of my hair but not in time for Zelo to notices Jongup and me.

“Hey, Noona why are you here?”

Looking up at Zelo I smile glad my blush is gone, “Oh I was bored at the house and I heard you guys were practicing so I wanted to see what dance you were doing.”

They laugh at me and Yongguk tries to reach over to mess with my hair but I grab his arm and bend it back a little surprised that I caught him off guard and had a good hold on him.

I pull away quickly and laugh nervously, “Sorry that’s kind of a reflex still. I'm so used to people trying to hurt me that I have a reflex that always kicks in.”

Turning to Yongguk, I apologize but he simply shrugs well rolling his shoulder acting like it didn’t' hurt him, when really it seems to hurt a little bit.

“Emma, it’s alright I shouldn’t have tried to do that.”

I laugh nervously as they look at me but they simply shrug and tell me to sit down at the couch in the corner. I watch them practice for a while and smile.

When I spot one of them do something wrong I stop them and go, “Aren’t you supposed to do this,” and show them the right move.

They were surprised that just by watching them I had learned their dance so easily.

After a while, all of I hear is stomachs growl.

I laugh at them and smile slightly as I grab my bag.

“Who wants to get snacks with me?”

They push Jongup towards me and without asking I grab his hand and drag him away from his group so that I can buy food for everyone.

As you leave the room, I place a mask over my mouth and pull a hat on. Slowly Jongup does the same but also he slips on a pair of sunglasses.

I take Jongup’s arm in my own and ask, “Where’s a good place to buy some snacks?”

“Oh this way,” he gently leads me towards a small shop.

I ask Jongup what everyone likes when we reach the store and he simply walks around with me as I grab things to eat. When I reach the counter, I pay for the food and drinks.

Jongup mumbles so I can hear him, “You know I can pay for the snacks.”

I shake my head and hand Jongup the bags with snacks in them, “Nope, you can just stick to carrying the bags back. Now come on we shouldn’t make them wait any longer.”

We walk back to the TS building and slip inside and slowly the two of us take off our hats, masks, and his sunglasses. I smile as I take his arm and drag him back to the practice room.

When the two of us enter back in the room, everyone is lying on the floor.

Seeing Zelo with his eyes closed I get an evil idea.

I put a finger to my lips as the guys seem to look up towards the door to see us enter.

They keep silent as I walk over to Zelo.

When I reach Zelo, I look at him, and do a piledriver onto his stomach not a hard one more like I just plopped on him from my full height. There was a big oomph sound making everyone laugh. Zelo looks at me; his eyes slowly grow in size, and he does a little aegyo as he’s looking at me.

I laugh and mess with his hair, “It’s not my fault you’re the one that fell asleep on the floor.”

He simply pouts but holds out his hands and I place a few cherry tomatoes in his hands. He laughs and starts eating them. I place a few in my salad as everyone else ate junk food. I grab my bag of croutons. As I grab it and look in the bag for the small package of ranch to pour on the lid of my salad container. I feel a little weird. Looking up I see them giving me a look.

“Mwo?” I say right away.

They laugh at me.

Yongguk is the one that asks me, “Emma would you like to help us practice our dance moves?”


“Because you have a good idea and could help us out a lot and you get out of the house.”

I have to hand it to them they have a point, “What about when school starts?”

“You’ll go to school with Jongup and come to practice with him if you don’t join any clubs.”

I think it over real quick, "Ok it sounds like fun, but don’t be surprised if I get annoying.”

Zelo plops up and goes, “That’s a difference from now, how?”

I jump at him and start to play wrestle with the maknae and he simply tries to get out of my hold but I have a good grip on him. The two of us stop when I hear Himchan yell at the two of us.

“I’m sorry mama-chan did I interrupt your snack time?” I ask Himchan in a teasing tone.

He gives me a stink eye as he takes a bite out of his sandwich.

Everyone just laughs at him and I gladly keep eating. Soon we're finished and the boys wait a small while until they start practice again.

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)