He-He I own this poem/Song


All I wanted

(Bold is your part and Italic is Jongup’s Part)

I heard him call my name


In hearing his voice makes me feel insane


All I wanted to do was see her again.

All I wanted to do was hold her again,

but she’s gone crazy everytime I’m near.

She’s crazy whenever I’m near her.


It’s been days since I heard from him,

It’s been weeks since I saw him,

It’s been months since I left him,

and it’s been years since I started to love him


Its been days since I last spoke to her,

Its been weeks since I last saw her,

its been months since she left me,

and its been years since I fell in love with her


The time I said goodbye

It was raining tonight

But when I say goodbye it didn’t bring any fright

I just wish that

That goodbye was the final goodbye

But still when I hear his voice it makes my heart fly

I don’t know where I’ll end up

Do I want to be where I end up?


She had told me that this is our final goodbye

When i hear this I feel my heart sink

I wish that she'd stay by my side forever

Yet here we are in the rain saying goodbye

How did we get here?

How did we end up like this?


If I go to him

If I don’t go to him

I can’t move my feet

I can’t think of anything to do

Except to breath

I just want to be

I keep on walking

Not wanting to look back


I watch as she leaves me behind

She keeps walking never looking back

Her shoulders are hunched

Her head hanging low

All I can do is call her name


I remember the tears of that night

I was too numb to try and fight

Too numb to be filled with fright

I just wanted to get away

I still do

I don’t want to hear his voice

To hear or read what he has to say

It’s time to move on

And get away from his memories.


I remember the tears I cried

the things I yelled that night

All she wants to do is get away from me

i want to hear her voice

I want to see her face,

but it's time to move on

and let her go.

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this was my first time witing a song so please be nice to me and tell me if I did a good job. Truthfully I would of composed it... but I don't know how to

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)