Enough with the Word Hate


Your POV

It’s been a few weeks since I started training to become a singer like B.A.P. They help me train every day not that I need help in that department but they make me dance until I almost faint from exhaustion that takes awhile for me. They fall down before I do and they have years of training but so do I. They look at me like I’m some kind of robot and I laugh as I keep dancing around like a little kid.

“Come on guys you can’t be tired already we barely started.”

Jongup looks up at me, “Are you some kind of robot or something because we've been working on this dance straight for three hours and you’re still jumping around.”

“No, but I’ve been training with dance since I was a little so there isn’t much to say about it also I do other sports besides dance.”

They still give me an ‘are you crazy’ look. I sigh and sit down as everything seems to catch up with me and I lie down on the cool wooden floor. My phone starts to go off and I see who it is. It’s my parents and you also realize that for the month that I’ve been in Seoul living with my cousin this is the first time that they had tried to contact me.

“Yoboseyo,” I answer my phone.

“Is that a way to answer your phone to your mother?”

I hold the phone away from my ear and glare at it and mutter under my breath, “Why is that the only people that seem to treat me right are right here in Seoul and not when I was living back home?” I pull the phone to my ear, “I’m sorry mother. May I ask why you’re calling after being here a month or so why are you calling now?”

“I want to know what this is about you training to be an idol over there.”

“Oh well you see mother they heard me sing at cousin’s and they liked my voice and the song I was working on and since cousin is my legal guardian so he has the right to say if I can be an idol and not you. So sorry mother but I think I like it over here.”

I hang up and ignore that a little bit later my phone starts ringing again. I look up at them and smile.

Jongup sighs and slides over to me and gives me a look that says ‘I know you're holding it all in.’

I start crying and hug him as hard as possible. I keep saying things about how no one really knows how to treat me. Everyone is silent and slowly they all get up and hug me as I hug Jongup and cry. When I seem to calm down and stop sniffling they pull away. When I’m completely done I let go of Jongup and blush to realize that once again I cried in front of them and even hugged one of them so suddenly.

Himchan starts picking on me and I hit his hand and glare at him.

“There feel better,” he says after I yell at him.

I realize what he did and laugh as I smile and nod.

Zelo walks back over to me, “Just for you to know we all care for you, you're our friend.”

I look at Zelo in a new light and chuckle to myself and say out loud, “I didn’t’ know Zelo could be more like an adult instead of a bratty child like Himchan.”

I hear the two of them shout hey well the others are telling them that they can’t deny it. I sit there and laugh as they start to argue about stupid things. My cousin comes into the room to see them fighting and Jongup and I are sitting on the floor laughing at their childish.

“What is happening here?”

They look like deer in headlights making Jongup and me to laugh harder and to get glares for everyone.

“Matt why does mother hate me so much?”

“Wow you're using my name that’s surprising… Your mother doesn’t hate you.”

“Yes she does everyone back home hates me because they didn’t’ even try to say bye to me they just sent me off.”

“Did you think that maybe some people were just afraid to say bye to you making it seem like you were leaving forever instead of possibly seeing you tomorrow making them sad.”

“Nope they hate me cause they’d still be trying to talk to me instead I have no messages from anyone back home.”

That stumps my cousin and I go to leave, but before I can reach the doors that exit the building someone grabs my hand. I turn around to see Jongup

“Emma no more talking about hate and sad things well you’re here but please don’t hold them in.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?”

“Talk to me and I’ll listen,” Jongup looks down hiding his blush.

“Alright so I’ll talk to you when I need someone.”

I lean over and hug him again but this time he doesn’t take too long to hug me back.

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)