The Script



Emma walks in wearing an elegant dress and sit at a piano as I sit down a voice rings in my head like one did a long time ago.

As Emma sits down a flash of Jongup wearing a simple dress white shirt flashes in the corner of the screen.

Emma shakes head and slowly start playing piano.


Soon the girl had stopped the piano and is standing wearing a lacy white dress standing in an empty looking room with Jongup.

The room is decorated with flowers that mean sadness, anger, regret, and love.

The only other decoration is a black coach in the middle of the flowers.

They start singing.

I heard him call my name


In hearing his voice makes me feel insane


All I wanted to do was see her again.

All I wanted to do was hold her again,

but she’s gone crazy every time I’m near.

She’s crazy whenever I’m near her.


It’s been days since I heard from him,

It’s been weeks since I saw him,

It’s been months since I left him,

and it’s been years since I started to love him


It’s been days since I last spoke to her,

It’s been weeks since I last saw her,

it’s been months since she left me,

and it’s been years since I fell in love with her


The room fades to a memory.



We’re now outside in the rain and Emma is handing a ring back to Jongup who is wearing a leather jacket, a white V-neck T, and dark wash pants.

The music stops playing as you hear Emma tells Jongup, “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

She starts to wake away the camera gets a close up of what looks like tears in her eyes. Emma reaches up to wipe them away.

Then the camera moves to Jongup who seems to be staring at the ring.


Back in the white room as they keep singing.

The time I said goodbye

It was raining tonight

But when I say goodbye it didn’t bring any fright

I just wish that

That goodbye was the final goodbye

But still when I hear his voice it makes my heart fly

I don’t know where I’ll end up

Do I want to be where I end up?


She had told me that this is our final goodbye

When i hear this I feel my heart sink

I wish that she'd stay by my side forever

Yet here we are in the rain saying goodbye

How did we get here?

How did we end up like this?


It fades to Emma playing the piano in her pink dress as she slowly sings in a light sad tone.

If I go to him

If I don’t go to him

I can’t move my feet

I can’t think of anything to do

Except to breath

I just want to be

I keep on walking

Not wanting to look back

When her part ends. She stands up and pushes her piano stool away and seems to leave it on its final note.


It fades to the rain scene. The camera is behind Jongup as he watches her walk away from him.

I watch as she leaves me behind

She keeps walking never looking back

Her shoulders are hunched

Her head hanging low

All I can do is call her name

As his part is playing he silently screams out to Emma.


They are in the empty room that only has a black coach in it and decorated all over the room are flowers.

Emma is wearing the lacey dress as the camera does a spin to show Jongup in his white dress shirt.

They are singing.

I remember the tears of that night

I was too numb to try and fight

Too numb to be filled with fright

I just wanted to get away

I still do

I don’t want to hear his voice

To hear or read what he has to say

It’s time to move on

And get away from his memories.


I remember the tears I cried

the things I yelled that night

All she wants to do is get away from me

I want to hear her voice

I want to see her face,

but it's time to move on

and let her go.



They are back in the piano room with Emma as she picks up a bag and slowly leaves the room into a bright light.

She had exited a building and is now outside walking down a street and she slowly passes Jongup.


They don't’ acknowledge each other like they are nothing but strangers.

When Emma is far enough Jongup stops and looks back at her with a look of regret.

Emma’s face is nothing, but sadness as she truly leaves the memories of them behind her.

the video ends with one final note of Emma saying of screen, “I had to let him go. Every time I was with him i felt crazy. I just wanted…”

Jongup voice is heard, “I didn't’ want to let her go because I love her, but I’ll let her walk away. Though I just want her.”

Their voices join together as they say, “To be herself/myself.”

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)