


Even though I’ve done interviews before this one is before my debut stage with Jongup at my side.

I look at him nervous and he simply smiles over at me as they place some more makeup on me.

“don’t worry anything.”

I look up at him wanting to kiss him, but I know better.

I nod my head, “Alright. I just wish I could see Paisley or Brantley.”

One of the girls mess with my white dress as i stand up. I look at myself in the mirror too get a better look at myself. Personally I think my dress looks like the one Ariel made for herself aft3r she turned into a human with how it’s long on the sides and it looks like it has a rope around my waist. I notice they didn’t put a lot of makeup on my face. There’s enough that you can tell that I’m wearing lipstick and eyeliner. My hair is down and messy neat. They seem too look around and hand me a pair of white ballet flats. I place my hand on the necklace that they placed around my neck. I look at the slight collar necklace that looks like a branch with pearls on it. Around my wrists are a few bracelets that look like they are pearl or crystal. If I were to brush my hair back you’d notice that instead of fancy earrings I talked them into letting me wear fake white spiral gauges.



The makeup artist looks at me and whines, “I’m not sure why you don’t wear the nice pair of earrings that we had set aside for you?”

“Because it all seems to princess in need of saving. I want this girl to be feminine, but also strong. She’s able to push away the one she loves cause of his betrayal. I wanted her to be a free spirit not a girl who seems too just wear expensive jewelry.”

Before more can be said I hear my cousin’s voice, “You might as well drop it trust me if there’s anything she hates more than expensive jewelry it’s the earrings that regular girls wear.”

I look back to see Tae looking bored in a gray and orange striped sweater with what I guess is a sleeping Brantley in his arms.


Maria is at his side smiling aw Paisley starts to fuss waking up Brantley who starts fussing when he sees me.

I look at Maria to take in her simple green sweater and tan beret on her head along with her dark skinny jeans paired with a pair of tan books. Her make-up light but not light like my own.


I also take in the matching one sees that have little robots where one says love and the other says machine. Too hide the fact they are one sees Brantley was forced to wear black pants and Paisley was put into a black skirt. Paisley has a cute little beret in her hair that looks like the robot on her shirt while her twin simply glares at everything for waking him up.


I walk over to them without realizing that the makeup artist was a little peeved I ignored her and she was interrupted.

Paisley and Brantley reach out for me and I simply smile taking my niece in my arms, “Did you get bigger? Ooof, soon you’re going to be big like my cousin or your mommy. Hopefully your mommy.”

I hear my cousin mumble some colorful things.

“Hey, there are babies present. Maria if your kids start swearing blame your husband.”

Maria laughs at me, “I will don’t’ worry I already told him today.”

I’ve yet to have my debut stage, but since Jongup is to be on stage with me they decided that I would go with BAP too there most recent interview at Jjang. They thought it would be a good idea since I was from America to begin with.

I look up to see someone who works backstage with us waves us over, “You’re on soon.”

I nod my head and I hand Paisley back to her mother, “I’ll see you two later.”

Jongup jumps up from his seat in a simple dress shirt and very little makeup.

I smile as Jongup and I walk over to the host of the show and he fills us in on how everything will go.

BAP has their interview first and Jongup stands out dressed as he is.

The interview has just started and Jake welcomes the guest, “Hey everyone.  Now for our second interview of today and luckily we’ll also have the two perform Emma Song’s hit song that’s already rising on the charts.” Jake looks at us, “I know Jongup had just introduced himself a bit ago, but we should still have intros.

I smile and speak in perfect English, “Hi, everyone I’m Emma Song. I’m 19 years old and I was born and raised in San Francisco, California.

Jongup flashes a smile as he says, “Hi, I’m Jongup.

I nod my head and Jake looks at me, “So Emma what can you tell us about you?

Like I said I’m 19 years old and I recently moved to Seoul to live with my cousin who had recently had a twins with his wife. I wrote all the songs on my new CD by myself with little help unlike rumors say that I had someone write them for me.

Jake nods his head, “Did you base any of your songs on your real life experiences?

I wrote these songs in order for my new beginning her in Seoul. I had lived in the California where I was beaten by my ex while he cheated on me, which is what the first song on my CD is about. The song is about a girl who thought she had the one, but instead he decided to betray her and hurt her. Then there’s my cover song which is actually not about him, but rather it was about my cousin and his wife where at a while they were mad at each other. I wanted that song next since it was part of my new beginning here in Seoul.  Then my songs are about a new love, then it’s a song about confessing, and it ends with a song about a happily ever after.

We had gone over the questions when we all arrived here so Jongup has a good idea on what I just said.

Jake looks at my boyfriend that no one knows I’m dating and asks, “So Jongup what does it feel like doing a duet with Emma?”

It’s really fun. When they told Emma that she was too become a singer the guys and I were over since we became close friends with her after her arrival in Seoul. We’re all really happy for her. When she was talking about doing a duet in her first CD I thought they’d pick one of the hyungs since they wanted her to be comfortable first, but instead they told me I would.”

“Ahh that must have been a shocker for the both of you?”

I shake my head and answer bluntly, “Not really Jongup and I were the closest together and were always messing around with songs along with Zelo and sometimes the other guys.

“how do the two of you feel about how your song? I mean your debut stage isn’t until tomorrow night and you had released the music video only 5 days ago?”

Jongup seems to be thinking about it so I answer first, “I’m really happy that so many people like my song. I even did some high light melodies and some random vlogs together on my YouTube channel with the guys. A few of the videos were us talking about the concept I was aiming for.

Which is?

The concept is about how things can end up, but there’s always new beginnings. Most of my songs all go together even if they don't’ in real life which is why the order is the way it is.

Jongup nods his head, “She wanted the concept to fit how she felt about love and how others feel about love so it all can connect. A few of her friends had weird concepts of love so these came from her view point.”

I nod my head again and smile as the interview went on the subject always got brought onto love.

“Alright before we have you perform for us I want to know? What kind of chemistry do the two of you have?”

I answer perfectly, “We’re really close friends. I confide in Jongup about my love issues and he helps when he can. truthfully I would date him if I didn’t have a slight dating ban and worry about losing such a great friend.”

It wasn’t a lie I do have a dating ban… which is I’m not allowed to tell others that I’m dating as a matter of fact dating Jongup.

He seems to be okay with that, “So will you perform your song Remember?”

We nod our heads as I take up the microphone and we start singing.

We perform the song and dance a sweet ballet like dance to the song.

When it ends I smile and almost jump up and down from excitement.

The host walks up to us, “Now you’ve seen them perform it live. Now let’s hope that the debut stage goes well for Miss. Emma.”

I nod my head and clap with them.

“Hope you two the best of luck tomorrow.”

I nod my head, “Thank you so much for having us.”

They call it a wrap and I add, “I’m sure BAP feel the same way about being on Jjang again after so long.”

He nods his head, “Well it’s good to know someone remembered.”

I laugh, “they remember it’s just a matter of it’s been a while and they work so much they are probably tired.”

He nods his head as we walk off the stage and Jongup is slowly following behind us.

I sigh in relief when I hear my cousin tell me that we’re leaving already.

“Bye,” I wave to everyone and give all of BAP hugs Jongup’s was just longer.


Jongup and I are looking at each other as I stand in a dress just like the one I wore yesterday except it’s black along with my flats and I have checkered tights on under the pair of black shorts. My gauges are still white and my jewelry is the same as well.

Jongup is wearing a black and white dress shirt with a pair of comfy pants that he can dance with me in.

The only difference is around my ankle is a small charm of Jongup’s matoki, Dada.

“Are you two ready?”

We nod our heads and they tell us to walk to the opening so when Block B ends we’re up.

I smile as I look at Jongup and he says to me, “Are you up for some awesomeness?”

When Block B walks by us they stop for a small bit since the MC’s (Chanyeol, Yuri, and Amber hehe random) are not even half way through talking.

They race off when we heard the keywords that says we need to get on stage.

Jongup and I walk on stage and I get in position for us to start.

When they MC’s introduce us I let go of the breath I’m holding as the music starts.

I start to sing as I slowly start dancing with Jongup around the stage with the backup dancers.

When the song ends we walk past each other about 2 feet before we both look back at each other with longing eyes.

I hear the clapping and cheering as we smile at each other and bow to the audience real quick before we walk off stage while waving to everyone.

We stop backstage to see that the MC’s are waiting for us.

“So we have to ask Emma how do you feel after your debut stage?” Chanyeol asks me.

I smile brightly, “I feel amazing. It’s a lot less frightening than I thought it would be.”

“That’s good,” Chanyeol says.

I nod my head, “Yeah I’m really glad to get too debut and meet so many people who are amazing. Yet I hope that I can keep this up and work with all kinds of people.”

We speak a little bit longer and Jongup and I are allowed to go sit down until the end of the show.

Soon everyone gets up on stage to see whoever won this time.

I’m standing next to Block B and I joke around with U-kwon until I hear that I had won or something.

I look up purely shocked and Jongup seems to be laughing at my reaction.  

I pick up a microphone and say, ‘I just want to thank all my sunbaes that have been helping me get ready for my debut, too Jongup and the rest of BAP for being there for me since I’ve come too Seoul, too those who have become my fans. Thank you so much and I hope that we’ll be able to look at this moment with smiles on our faces as we create more music together.”

I hear cheering from fans and soon it’s called a rap. Everyone heads backstage to their dressing rooms and I happily pull on a regular pair of jeans with a simple grey knit sweater.

Jongup had changed into jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

I had moved my charm bracelet onto my wrist and show Jongup who had given it to me as a joke, but every time he sees me wearing it he always seems to have a huge smile on his face.

I notice the fans screaming for Jongup as we leave, but it’s not just his name and the other idols near us I hear my name as well.

I smile as I turn and wave to them.

I even stop when a few fans looked like they got hurt or they asked me to sign something for them.

When we reach the van Jongup looks at me as he helps me in and he says, “You are a natural at this.”

“Thank you,” I answer purely happy for what he said.

When the door is closed and the fans can't see us Jongup leans over and kisses me a chaste kiss on the lips causing my cousin to groan in annoyance.

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kpoplilperson #1
Chapter 22: I started crying. Omg. It's amazing. ;A;
Chapter 17: love the plot :))
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Chapter 14: I LOVED IT!!!
RainaSeoyounKo #4
they're going out now~
plzz update soon~
Ami-chan #5
I lovee it soo much! Please keep writting! :)