The Manhunt

Maybe It's Time...


Two hours have past when the senator asked us to guard the door. He also told us not to disturb him. My legs already hurt. I hate standing for so long. I want to lie down on the middle of the carpeted floor. Aish!

I stood in the middle of the two men in black. Although I'm part of them, I looked like I was the one they were guarding. Aish! This would even be better if I was taller like them. Anyway... enough of that. I have to keep my head on the game. Right now, I'm waiting for the signal. Jaejoong is supposed to already signal me since an hour ago. I don’t know what the hell is taking him longer than he usually does. He’s actually an expert in hacking the surveillance system. He was also the one who planted a hidden camera in the senator’s bedroom few days ago.

Finally, I heard his voice on the communication device on my ear. Good! I have to finish this once and for all.

“Err…” I started and cleared my throat. “Do you know where the restroom is?” I asked one of them.

“Just at the end of that corridor,” he said, pointing to a certain corridor.

I hurriedly ran towards the restroom. I widened my eyes when I saw a couple of other bodyguards guarding the elevators and the stairs. Good! The senator’s taking good measures alright. Damn it! This is going to be a longer night than I imagined. I passed by them quietly and I finally reached the restroom. Good thing that it was empty. Of course, it is. It’s the middle of the night.

I turned my communication device on for all the active agents in this building to hear me clearly.

“Can you hear me?” I asked them.

One by one, they gave out a short response. Everyone was present except for Jaejoong.

“Agent Seungri, where’s Agent Jaejoong?” I asked.

“After he blocked every surveillance camera all over the building, he went home and went to check the recorded clip caught by the hidden camera inside the senator’s room,” he answered.

“Okay, listen up! Bodyguards are all over the building. I want you all to eliminate each of them first. But keep it clean and silent. We don’t want to alert the staff, do we?”

I gave out more orders while I was already changing out of this damn uniform. Good thing everything was ready even before this mission started. I threw the wig and kept my hair down. I wore the mask to cover my face so the senator wouldn’t recognize me. Only my eyes were seen. Besides, we bodyguards use shades so I’m confident that the senator wouldn’t recognize me. The only problem is my body size.

When I finished, I stepped out of the restroom with the gun firm on my hands.

I smirked as I saw the unconscious bodies of the bodyguards on the floor. The other agents are working on some of those who are still up and fighting with them. I quickly ran towards the senator’s room to finish off the two other bodyguards there.

Before I turned the corner, I took a peek first. Good thing that they’re almost dozing off. This is a good opportunity. I grabbed a coin from my pocket and rolled it towards them. As I expected, their eyes followed the coin until it finally steadied and just lied on the floor. The two of them eyed each other first then one of them walked towards it and picked it up. He stayed crouched down on the floor while inspecting it as if it’s so unusual to see a coin. The other stood there hesitantly at first, then walked towards the one who picked it up.

“Where did this come from?” one of them said, eyeing it carefully.

Both of them looked back and when they did, their faces met with the sole of my feet. They fell back to the ground because of the intensity of my flying kick. I smirked under the mask as they lied helpless on the floor.

One of them quickly took out his gun and stood up. The other one stood up too and readied himself to a fighting stance. But I stayed still on my spot. He was about to shoot when I was able to kick the gun out of his hand. But he already pulled the trigger so the bullet hit his friend. The other one staggered downward as he felt the gunshot on his shoulder.

To be fair, I also threw my gun to the ground. We have to fight hand in hand.

The woundless one ran towards me and gave me a punch but I caught his wrist and twist his arm. He fell to the ground. The wounded one stood up and raised his free arm to catch me from behind. I quickly turned and caught his raised arm and I twist it again. He fell to the ground too.

I stood there as I was watching them struggling through the pain they had on their arms. The other one was worse with both of his arms disabled.

The woundless one stood up again and was about to attack me when I kicked him on the gut and he hit the wall hard. I was smirking at his state that I didn’t notice the other one. He quickly swiped a kick and I fell on my .

I turned to him for revenge. He was smirking. Oh, smirk all you want. You’re finished now, jerk!

I kicked him on his groin and he clutched on it. I grasped him by his collar and asked him to stand up. I hit him hard on the wall and punched his face again and again. His nose started oozing blood.

Again, I forgot another one but sensing him behind me, I quickly brought the now unconscious wounded bodyguard and threw him at the one who was going to attack me. He missed me. Hah! Now, they’re both lying on the ground. The unconscious one was on top of him.

He threw the unconscious one to the side and stood up again. He advanced and was going to punch me but I dodge it when I bent forward. For a while, I was face to face with his stomach. So I grabbed on his tie and twirl him around with it and made him hit hard on the wall. He just slid to the ground. I thought he was already unconscious. But he started raising his arm with a gun on his hand. Damn it! I didn’t notice it. There was a gun near him.

Quickly, I snatched the gun away from his hand and aimed the point at him. He had his arms raised in surrender. He stood up, fear all over his face.

As I said, I wanted to make it fair so I threw the gun away again, making sure this time that it’s farther than a while ago. He grabbed my shoulder but I turned around and went under his arm. When I was already behind him, I kicked him hard so he was face to face with the floor. He struggled getting up. I walked towards him, finally deciding to finish it. Actually, I could have finished this since a while ago but I wanted action.

Finally, he was able to get up, though weakly. I smirked once more. Before he could even turn to me, I hit his nape hard that he fell back to the floor.

I bent my knees and grabbed his head by his hair. Oh well, he’s unconscious alright. I went to the other guy, he was unconscious too. And I must say, this one guy was bloodier than the other. I feel sorry for him. Tch! Anyway, back to the mission.

I walked towards a gun and picked it up. I walked up to the senator’s room and kicked the door open. I heard gasps and rumbling from inside the bedroom. With the gun firm on my hands, I kicked the bedroom door open. I met the scared face of the senator. He was grossly . Eew! I looked behind him. The e cowered under the covers. I aimed the gun on the senator’s head. He started trembling.

“Who are you?!” he demanded.

“Give yourself up!” I said.

“Tell me who you are!”

“There’s no time for introduction.”

“I’m going to call the securities if you won’t!” he threatened, his hand on the phone.

I stayed still.

He dialed a number but no one answered. It kept on ringing. Duh? All of his guards are unconscious.

He threw the phone and stared at me again.

“Don’t!” he said. “I won’t sue you for trespassing! I’ll pay you! Just don’t say anything!”

I pulled the trigger and the bullet shoot straight at the wall behind him.

He smirked. “You missed.”

I smirked under my mask and aimed the gun back at his head. He cowered again.

Another gunshot… but it wasn’t from my gun. I knew it was from behind me. By now, I expected to feel pain, but no. the one who shot wasn’t aiming at the senator too, since he was woundless. Obviously, the one who shot me had missed. I turned towards him and recognized one of the newbies.

But, I felt a push behind me and I fell to the ground.

“!” I cursed. I saw the senator running away the room. I saw that he managed to wear a bathrobe to cover that grossly-looking body of his. As much as I didn’t want to and as much as Sajang-nim ordered us not to shoot him, I couldn’t help it. I pulled the trigger and aimed it at his feet. But I missed. Damn it!

The bodyguard led the senator outside. They were about to escape when I quickly got onto my feet and grabbed the newbie by his shoulder and pushed him to the floor. I grabbed his tie and twirled it around his neck and then hit him to the wall. He was about to punch me when I caught his fist and twist his arm. As he was struggling through the pain, I hit his head with the gun and he went unconscious.

I panted and shot a glare towards the bed. I removed the mask from my face. It gets on the way of my breathing. The e was surprised.

I turned to get out of the room. I shouted orders to the other agents. “Get to Room 1256. The e is here. Get her quickly.”

I ran as fast as I could. The hallway was already empty of the unconscious bodies. I assumed the agents took care of it. I headed to the elevator and saw it was occupied. Every elevator was occupied. Damn it! I headed to the emergency stairs. I’m on the 12th floor. How am I going to chase after them? When I finally decided, I grabbed hold on the railing and jumped over it. It’s quicker this way. However, every time my feet landed on the floor, I feel every part of my body vibrate from my feet upwards. Okay, so, that’s weird. Whatever! I’m still doing this.

When I reached the final floor, I stumbled before getting up again. The jumping-over-the-railing thing made my knees weak. Whatever! I quickly ran towards the elevator. Of course, I know it’s impossible to outrun the elevator, but I’m still hoping. Fortunately, all of the elevators were still running. They were currently on the second floor. I aimed my gun towards the elevator in the middle with a smirk on my face.


Oh, good. It finally reached the ground floor. The middle elevator began opening slowly. But what I saw made my eyes widen.


poster credits to nanaISyeoni 

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LiLa_Lo #1
Chapter 41: Thank you for a great story.
LiLa_Lo #2
Chapter 31: Omo, why do I have this feeling about this ninja. Naaah, of course not.
Chapter 40: I love this story you feel the meaning of true love of two people who deeply in love by each other.
Unixai21 #4
Chapter 41: I loved the story... Thank you authornim
dummyfan #5
I like it. And I love reading Jiying's POV too. Actually I enjoyed reading them simultaneously... Great job!
Chapter 41: ahh , unnie , i love this story , i cry and smile and cry like a pabo while reading it , haha !! but what happened to jiyong after he got shot? thank you , unnie ! love it !
seungbros #7
Chapter 40: What.... Happened to jiyong?...
DaragonButterfly #8
Chapter 40: great authornim love your story...congrats...
iamnay #9
Chapter 41: this is so good !! you nearly make me crying ><
Chapter 40: i almost need a day and a night to finish this story.. ASDFGH >.< why i just found this story of yours?? T___T such a bittersweet story (which is become one of this other side)..
emotions and tears.. waaaaaah~~ T_____T i love this story.. <3 <3 <3