The Grumpy Teacher

Maybe It's Time...


“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to visit for the past two weeks,” I said, sitting down on the grass. “We were at India. But I never stopped thinking of you.”

I sighed.

“You know, I’ve dreamt of you again. As much as I don’t want to witness the same happenings again right in front of my eyes, it seems like I couldn’t just erase them in my thoughts. I just couldn’t let go of them. I just couldn’t let go of the past.”

I paused. My hands ran past by each of their names carved on the gravestone. When I did, my tears fell endlessly. I quickly wiped them off.

“I’m sorry I cried again,” I said, then continued. “Dad, I had a fight with Sajang-nim. I know that you taught me that being disrespectful is always bad. But, he was being…” I paused. “I think I have to apologize to him, right? Oh, Jae’s doing fine, by the way. For nineteen years, he stayed by my side, not even once leaving me. I’m so thankful to him.”

I looked at my watch. Lunch break’s going to be over soon, I have to go back to school. I stood up and dusted myself.

“I met a jerk today, Mom. I think he’s more annoying than you, Sanghyun…” I said, trailing off. “…that’s if you’re even alive today.”

I wiped the tears off my face again. Gosh! I’m messing my face again. I have to reapply the makeup on my face. Aish!

“I have to go back to school now…” I sniffed. “Dad, Mom, Durami, Sanghyun…” I trailed off as another set of tears fell down my cheeks. “I missed you...”


I arrived at school. When I was going to head to the comfort room to retouch, I met Mister Kwon.

“Oh, Miss Park!” he greeted. “I believe you still –“

But I passed by him.

“Are you alright?” he asked. “You look like you were crying.”

I faced him. “Mind your own business.”


When all of my afternoon classes ended, I headed to the club. When I arrived there, the agents were already waiting, chit-chatting with each other. But when I stepped off my car, they immediately quieted down. These fools, they treat me as if I’m Sajang-nim.

The club just opened and we’re the first customers. When we settled down on a table, the atmosphere immediately became awkward. I stared at each of them.

“Where’s Jae?” I asked.

They all flinched. It’s like they practiced this. It’s like they were in sync when they flinched all together.

Since no one answered, I pounded my fist on the table. They flinched once again. I stared at the nearest agent and he looked away.

“Where’s Jae, Agent Seungri?”

He looked up and trembled. “He… he… he can’t c-come.”

I nearly laughed at all of their reactions. They all looked scared.

“Order all the drinks you want,” I said.

They all looked excited as they dictated to the waiter what they want. I fished out my phone and dialed a particular number.

“Hello?” he answered.

“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” I shouted. When I stared at my co-agents, they were all cowering in fear. I looked away and stood up. I went outside so no one can hear me.

I didn’t notice that Jaejoong has been laughing his off.

“What are you laughing at, Jae?!” I demanded.

“So-sorry!” he said, panting. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come.”

“You couldn’t come?! Huh?! If I know, you planned this all along!”

“Don’t you go accusing me, Agent Dara,” he said, trying to get serious and suppress his laughter.

“I am not accusing you, Agent Jaejoong,” I imitated his tone.

“Fine… fine!” he said, still suppressing his laughter. “I wanted you to befriend them, Dara. You should really start trusting them.”

“AISH!” I said and hung up.

When I returned inside, there were already a few customers. The music was already banging off the stereo and the DJ was already getting ready. There were also a few people on the dance floor. I even noticed a few of the agents there.

I sat on the table where a few of them were already drinking. Agent Seungri, the youngest of the agents, was already drunk after a few glasses.

“Noona!” he called me. The other agents shoot him a glare as if asking him to stop. “I like you!”

I gasped.

“Why don’t we trust us, noonaaaaa? We all want you to trust us toooooo. Why do you only trust Jaejoong-hyuuuung? I’m jealooooouuuus!”

He leaned his head on my shoulder and eventually lost consciousness. I pushed his face away from me and chug on a bottle.

After a few bottles, my head started spinning. I looked at my watch and the numbers flew out of it. I tried to focus but I can’t. I blinked many times until my eyes focused. It took me a while when I finally read what time it was – 10:45 PM.

I gasped and when I did that, the numbers flew out of the watch again. Omo! I still have a class tomorrow. I’ll be late! I have to leave now.

When I was about to stand up, something moved on my lap. I looked down and saw Agent Seungri sleeping peacefully. I pushed his head off my lap and stood up. I heard him groan. He woke up and stared at me.

“NOONA!” he called, then his head fell to the table and fell asleep again.

This time, I finally noticed that the table was already empty except for me and Agent Seungri. I looked for them through my hazy vision and saw them shaking their hips off. Some of the girls started dirty-dancing with their partners. I was surprised that the agents have this side in them.

I finally decided to leave. I staggered most of the times, almost stumbling. I stopped and tried to stand straight. When I recovered, I walked again but I was still staggering. I finally reached outside and felt the air on my face. I smelled it and realized that it was polluted so I coughed out. I started heading to my car while still swaying from left to right. I opened the driver’s door and sat. I know I’m not supposed to be driving while drunk but the cops wouldn’t be able to catch me.

I started my car but it won’t. I tried once again, but it failed again. I tried to focus my eyes and found out that my car was out of gas. I stepped out and cursed into the air. I angrily walked away deciding to get back to my car tomorrow instead. I have to go home now. However, I stopped on my tracks and returned to my car.

“Stupid car!” I shouted and kicked the wheels. “OW!”

Oh, so drunkenness can make you stupid eh? Why did I kick my car, anyway?

I limply walked away while still swaying from left to right. I was singing to myself while staggering. Suddenly, I wanted to puke. I bent forward and puked all over the ground.

“HA!” I panted, straightening up. “That was…”

I continued walking and singing as if I didn’t just puke. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Seriously! What are with these people and my shoulder? Does my shoulder attract too many people’s attention? It was as if my shoulder has a magnet in them. I swear I’m going to twist the arm of the next person who rests his hand on my shoulder.

I turned and shoot him a glare, though it wasn’t effective because the guy’s face was dancing in front of me and I know that I looked stupid while staring at him.

“Who are you?” I asked, still trying to make out the face.

“You sure have a pretty face,” he said.

“Your hand smells, jerk!” I pushed him away from me. Considering I was too drunk, it wasn’t of much help, though, I was successful to get his smelly hand off me.

I started walking away again as my legs crisscrossed with each other. I thought that the jerk left me alone but he once again rested his hand on my shoulder. Angry, I was about to grab his arm and twist it then let him kiss the ground. Then, I’m going to puke all over him.

The plan was already fixed in my mind. I was about to execute it when another guy appeared in front of me. At first, I thought that he was the smelly jerk’s companion. But, instead of harassing me too, his hand rested on the smelly jerk’s hand.

“Don’t touch her!” the guy in front of me hissed.

He sounds familiar. But I couldn’t recognize his face. My vision was still blurry.

The guy in front of me started punching the smelly jerk’s stomach. Then, the duel started. They exchanged punches and curses to each other, while I was still standing on my spot.

“Aish! He can’t even fight!” I said. “He doesn’t know that I’m an agent and I can take care of myself in times like this! Ha!” I walked away and let the two of them fight with each other. I don’t care anymore.

I started singing my lungs out so I could drown their grunts and groans. While singing, I fell backwards, my back hitting hard on the ground.

I laughed out loud. “Why are there so many shooting stars tonight?”

Why are the stars flying everywhere? I used to admire this night sky full of stars. But, right now? I hate them. Why are they being thrown everywhere? Oh no, I must dodge, one of them looks like it's going to fall towards me.

I rolled to my side to dodge the star. When I did that, I puked on the ground, causing more mess. I sat up and puked more. When I finished, I stood up and walked again. But I couldn’t stay fixed and so I fell to the ground again.

I laughed once more and then I drifted to unconsciousness.


I had the same nightmares again. Please make them stop! I don’t want to see them anymore! Just please! Please…

I sat up panting. Thank goodness. Every time I have those nightmares, I always feel that I couldn’t escape from it. Like I will be part of it until it ends and then repeat itself. That’s why, every time I wake up, I can’t help but to feel grateful. But my tears still fall endlessly.

When my breathing got even, I realized I wasn’t home. What? Where am i? Am I at a hotel?

I jumped to my feet and looked down on myself. I was still wearing the clothes I was wearing since yesterday. Then, it hit me. My head pounded. Ouch! What’s with this throbbing?

Oh! I got drunk!

I looked at my watch. 4:20 AM.

I still got time to go home and change.

I ran to the reception area and approached the girl behind the counter.

“Who brought me here?” I asked her.

“What’s your name, ma’am?” she asked.

When I gave her my name, she stared at me.

“What?!” I demanded.

“He doesn’t want to reveal his identity, ma’am.”

“WHAT?! Are you kidding me? I was dragged here without my permission and you couldn’t even tell me who brought me here?!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am…”

“I was dragged here. I suppose that I have to pay for it too?!”

She shook her head. “No, ma’am. He has paid for it all.”

“He did?!” I gasped. “Then, give me the form. He must have left his name.”

I gaped when I read the form. It was my name written on it.

“Ma’am, please excuse me by saying this, but, at least be thankful to him. You were drunk last night, so he brought you here, saying that he doesn’t know your address.”

I shoot her a glare. “Tell me his name!”

“I’m sorry, I can’t!”

This leaves me no choice. I know I’m not supposed to do this, but no one will know. I fished out my NIS badge and showed it to her.

She gasped as she saw it. I kept it again and asked her the same question.

“I really can’t reveal that, ma’am.”

Oh, so it didn’t work, eh? Now, I just revealed my identity to a civilian. Aish! I stomped away when she spoke again.

“But he had a bruise on his face…”


I arrived at school. As usual, I was grumpy. The morning didn’t start good. And I even received a sermon from Jaejoong when I got home, saying that I could have called him to pick me up. Aish! Couldn’t he just let me sleep more?

While mumbling to myself, I bumped onto someone. I cursed right away. I looked up and saw Kwon Jiyong.

“Oh, good morning, Miss Park,” he greeted.

“What’s good with the morning?!” I hissed.

I started walking past him when I noticed something I haven’t noticed at first. I turned to face him again.

“What’s wrong with your face?” I asked.






poster credits to SapphireQueen of Sapphire Dimension Graphic Shop 

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LiLa_Lo #1
Chapter 41: Thank you for a great story.
LiLa_Lo #2
Chapter 31: Omo, why do I have this feeling about this ninja. Naaah, of course not.
Chapter 40: I love this story you feel the meaning of true love of two people who deeply in love by each other.
Unixai21 #4
Chapter 41: I loved the story... Thank you authornim
dummyfan #5
I like it. And I love reading Jiying's POV too. Actually I enjoyed reading them simultaneously... Great job!
Chapter 41: ahh , unnie , i love this story , i cry and smile and cry like a pabo while reading it , haha !! but what happened to jiyong after he got shot? thank you , unnie ! love it !
seungbros #7
Chapter 40: What.... Happened to jiyong?...
DaragonButterfly #8
Chapter 40: great authornim love your story...congrats...
iamnay #9
Chapter 41: this is so good !! you nearly make me crying ><
Chapter 40: i almost need a day and a night to finish this story.. ASDFGH >.< why i just found this story of yours?? T___T such a bittersweet story (which is become one of this other side)..
emotions and tears.. waaaaaah~~ T_____T i love this story.. <3 <3 <3