The Nature's Beauty

Maybe It's Time...


It was already Spring Break the next weekend. The school decided to have an excursion on Jeju Island for three days. I wasn’t supposed to join them but Jiyong insisted. I was afraid that there’ll be missions while I was away. I don’t want that to happen. However, Jaejoong assured me that he’ll call me if there’ll be one and he’ll fetch me through helicopter.

When we arrived at Jeju Island, I was my usual uncaring and indifferent self, but Jiyong helped me lighten my mood by being his talkative self.

That night, after the dinner with the students and the other teachers, I settled myself on the bed. This has been a tiring day while we strolled throughout the island. The students enjoyed their time here. As for me… well, I did too, especially if you have someone who adds up to that enjoyment.

My phone’s beeping interrupted my thoughts. I quickly picked it up expecting a text from Jaejoong about a mission. But it was from Jiyong.


                Jiyong: U stil awake?

                Me: Yep. But I’m too tired. *yawns

                Jiyong: I want 2 see u.


I frowned at his last message. At this hour? Okay, so it’s not that late, but still! I’m too tired. I want to take a rest.

My phone beeped once again.


                Jiyong: if u’r not coming, im barging in ur room.

                Me: ooooh… I’m scared!

                Jiyong: im not kidding.


My eyes slowly dropped until they fully closed. Then, I drifted into unconsciousness.

Blood. Roses.

Gunshots. Screams.

The same nightmare has started again. I don’t want to see them anymore! Oh, please, just stop it already!

I felt tears falling endlessly down my cheeks as I felt the cold darkness looming over me while I was lying on my back under the bed. Beneath me, I felt some warm liquid which I know even without looking that they were blood.

I felt my body all frozen as if I was pinned down by an invisible weight over me. Many times did I struggle to get up but I can’t. That was when I gave up and just let the invisible force take over me.

However, my tears just can’t stop falling. I wanted to stop them. I just wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare. I hate this! I hate being in the same situation every time!


I screamed and screamed. I was planning to not stop screaming until my throat will burn out.


And then it did…

My eyes suddenly snapped open. I was panting and there are still tears falling down my cheeks.

The place was dark. And it was warm in here. Not to mention, it’s a little too tight. Am I still in a dream? Perhaps this is a different dream this time. What kind of dream is this then?

Then the place tightened. The same time it did, all of my senses started to work again.

“Dara… Dara…” a familiar voice called out repeatedly.

That was the time that I realized I was being hugged. I pulled away, still panting from the nightmare. I squinted through the darkness to make out the face in front of me, though I already knew him from the voice I heard.

When my eyes already adjusted, Jiyong’s face became clearer.

He cupped my face on his hands and stared me straight into my eyes. My breathing got even and my whole system started to relax.

He wiped the tears away from my face with his thumbs and a smile slowly curved on his lips.

“Thank goodness you’re awake now,” he whispered.

Realizing his words, I hugged him again.

It took him by surprise. I could tell because his whole body stiffened, but he relaxed. He my disheveled hair and hugged me back.

“It’s okay… it’s alright now… I’m here…” he kept on whispering on my ear.


Jiyong came back with a glass of water. He watched me as I chugged down on it. When I finished, I placed the glass on the side table.

I stared at him back. He was just standing on his spot like a statue.

“How did you come in?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“I told you that I’m barging in if you won’t come out. And when I did, I saw you sleeping, so I slept beside you,” he said casually.

“What? How did you even get in? I was sure that I locked the door. And why do you even want to see me?”

Unexpectedly, he chuckled. “I was bored,” he said as he sat on the edge of my bed.

“How did you get in?” I asked again as he didn’t answer that particular question.

He stared at me with serious eyes. “It’s called talent,” he said and then he chuckled. “Okay then I’m taking my leave.”

But when he stood up, my hand circled on his wrist. He stared down at me and I looked away, embarrassed at the next words I’m going to say.

“Stay,” I said.

He had his back on me while I was lying on my back while my eyes were on the ceiling. I don’t know why I let him stay. It seems very inappropriate. I mean, he’s a guy. And I’m a girl. And we all know I got trust issues. But right now, I don’t care at all. I already said that I’ll be starting to trust this person now. And besides, he really is my personal remote controller.

As I was screaming in my sleep a while ago, he was there. He immediately grabbed me into his arms and hugged me into his chest and the nightmare stopped. I don’t know what he has, but he’s able to do that. Somehow, I am very grateful to him. But I don’t know how to show it to him.

Eventually, my eyes started to close, but even before my consciousness drifted into dreamland, a pair of arms started to gather me up.


The next day… the students asked us to go with them to visit the attractions in Jeju Island. The first stop was Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak. The site resembles an old fortress on a coastal cliff and was originally a volcanic island. It was said that the sunrise seen from the peak is considered one of the most fascinating scenic views in Jeju. Now the students regretted not coming here earlier.

The next stop was the Manjanggul Cave. It has been well preserved, revealing a splendid interior that is out of this world. As the students and the teachers took turns in taking pictures of the grand interior, I stood impatiently on my spot. I just wanted to go home. I’m dead bored.

A heavy arm draped over my shoulder. I looked sideways and saw Jiyong holding out a camera with his outstretched arm. It took me by surprise when the camera flashed.

Jiyong turned his head towards me and flashed his boyish grin. He turned to the camera and looked at the picture he had just taken. Then he laughed.

Thinking that it was me who he was laughing at, I snatched the camera from his hand and looked at the picture.

Okay, so I looked funny. Of course I do. I haven’t had the time to flash a smile unlike him. I shot him a glare as he was stil laughing.

“Ya! Stop laughing, will ya?” I shouted.

“Aigoo… my stomach…” he said, clutching his tummy dramatically. He snatched the camera from me before I could even delete the picture.

“Ya! Give that back!” I yelled at him as he stretched his arm up so that I couldn’t reach it.

Impatient, I turned my back on him and had my arms across my chest.

“Ooooh…” he said behind me. “Look who’s mad.”

I didn’t respond.

“Okay fine. I’m sorry,” he said.

Still, I didn’t respond.

“Fine! Fine! I deleted the picture,” he said and then sighed.

With that, I roughly tuned to him to see if he really did, but another camera flash met my eyes again. I blinked rapidly to adjust my eyes.

When my eyes could already focus, I saw him laughing loudly while clutching his stomach.

“YA!!!!” I shouted angrier this time. Stop laughing and delete that!”

He continued laughing. I started attacking him by slapping his arm, as if it could stop him from laughing. Then he wrapped one arm around me to stop me from slapping him. He was still laughing as my face was pressed on his chest I could breathe in his scent. I could hear his heartbeat while I could feel mine stomping against my chest. Afraid that he can feel it too, I tried freeing myself. Then I felt his hand on my head to stop me from getting away. I can still hear him laughing. Again, I struggled getting away but to no avail.

Then, another camera flashed. Jiyong stopped laughing. Therefore, I assumed it wasn’t from his camera. We both turned sideways to look for the source.

“Ooooooohhhhh….” the students said all together. “Teacher Park and Teacher Kwon are in a relationship. Kiss! Kiss!”

I immediately pushed Jiyong away from me and felt my face heat up. I can almost see my face on its darkest shade of red.

Jiyong went towards them and took a look on the photo. Then he smiled. He looked up at me and motioned me towards them. I walked towards them and he showed me the photo. No wonder the students thought that we’re in a relationship. In the photo, it looked like we were hugging each other.

“It came out good, didn’t it?” Jiyong said.

I turned to him. “Delete that and the other photos too.”

He shook his head then he returned the camera to one of the students.

“Take another picture of us,” he ordered.

He then went beside me as he draped his arm over my shoulder then pulled me closer to him. The students started to get giddy and excited seeing us.

“Smile,” Jiyong said.

Despite everything, I did.


After we took our lunch on a restaurant called GwangWon, we headed to our next destination which is the splendid Cheonjiyeon Falls. Although they wanted to dip in to swim, they couldn’t because it was renowned as a habitat for Mutae eels. So, they just took another set of pictures.

Bored, I split up with the group to appreciate the beauty of nature. All of them are too engrossed with picture-taking that they tend to forget the awesomeness of the place. Truly, as an agent, I didn’t have all the time to lighten up my mood by breathing in the fresh air that wasn’t present in the cities. The sound of the water falling from the steep cliff was so beautiful. I think this is the best waterfalls I have ever seen so far.

While I was too absorbed with nature, a warm hand enclosed with mine. I looked down on our clasped hands and then looked up.

Jiyong wasn’t looking at me. He had his eyes closed while breathing in the air too.

“I’m bored,” he said, still with eyes closed. When he opened it, he looked at me intently. “Let’s go somewhere else.”


We were riding on a limousine. I looked back at Jiyong questioningly.

“Do you own this car?” I asked.

He shook his head. “This was borrowed.”

I stared at him suspiciously. “Where are we going?”

“Jeju Stone Park,” he said.

“You pulled me out of the superb Cheonjiyeon Falls and then you’ll take me to the boring stone park?”

“How did you know it’s boring there?” he asked.

“It’s a stone park. I bet there’ll be just stones there.”

He laughed.

The car stopped. I looked out of the window but I assumed we haven’t arrived yet. It doesn’t look like a stone park outside.

Jiyong stepped out of the car. I was about to follow when he pushed my head back.


“There is a set of clothes in there,” he said, pointing at a bag. “Change into that then come out.”

He closed the door before I could even protest. I turned to the bag and peered into it. What I saw made my jaw drop. Is he telling me to wear these kids’ clothes? Oh yeah, it fits me but still, I would look like a kid wearing these.

I opened the car’s window and peered outside. However, Jiyong wasn’t anywhere to be found.

After I changed into the clothes he prepared, I hesitantly stepped out of the car.


poster credits to pinky861

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LiLa_Lo #1
Chapter 41: Thank you for a great story.
LiLa_Lo #2
Chapter 31: Omo, why do I have this feeling about this ninja. Naaah, of course not.
Chapter 40: I love this story you feel the meaning of true love of two people who deeply in love by each other.
Unixai21 #4
Chapter 41: I loved the story... Thank you authornim
dummyfan #5
I like it. And I love reading Jiying's POV too. Actually I enjoyed reading them simultaneously... Great job!
Chapter 41: ahh , unnie , i love this story , i cry and smile and cry like a pabo while reading it , haha !! but what happened to jiyong after he got shot? thank you , unnie ! love it !
seungbros #7
Chapter 40: What.... Happened to jiyong?...
DaragonButterfly #8
Chapter 40: great authornim love your story...congrats...
iamnay #9
Chapter 41: this is so good !! you nearly make me crying ><
Chapter 40: i almost need a day and a night to finish this story.. ASDFGH >.< why i just found this story of yours?? T___T such a bittersweet story (which is become one of this other side)..
emotions and tears.. waaaaaah~~ T_____T i love this story.. <3 <3 <3