Secret Love

Taeyeon One shotss!!!!


Yongguk watched as her little dainty feet hit the ground. He held out his hand to steady her. She smiled up at him with a loving gaze. He smiled back and pulled her into a hug. She snuggled into him and sighed in content. They pulled apart and dashed for his car. Her long brown warm hair flitted in the wind as it flowed behind her. She began laughing when he almost tripped entering the car. He flashed her a little playful glare and laughed also. She stopped him from entering and pulled him back. They stared into each others' eyes and slowly, very slowly, leaned forward. As her sweet soft lips began nearing, his heart beat faster and faster. Only a centimeter's space was left and as he tried to close the gap.....

He woke up.

He stared at the mirror across his room. He was sweating and looked dead tired. It had been years, yes years, since the dream.

*ring ring*


"Hyung!" young Zelo's voice rang out. "Himchannie Hyung and Taeyeon Noona are all lovey dovey in the room. It's disgusting!"

"Oh.." Yongguk trailed off as the news broke his heart. "I'll be over."

Yongguk grabbed all his clothes and went throught them. Although she wasn't his, he wanted to look best in her eyes. He wanted to stand out and shine. He knew he shouldn't feel this way since his dongsaeng was in a relationship with her, but he couldn't help himself. She was too beautiful. Once he got his outfit together, he stepped out and into his porsche.

When he arrived, his heart cringed at the sight. Himchan and Taeyeon were leaning on each other in an embrace. Himchan was asleep, and Taeyeon was fondly patting his hair.

"Hey Taeyeon." he started.

But he was cut off by her shushing him.

"Himchannie is asleep." she whispered.

Yongguk smiled a bitter smile and headed to where Zelo was staring at the tv.

"Yo Hyung."


"Does it hurt?"

"What?" Yongguk stared at the young boy next to him.

"You know, loving her."


"Stop pretending hyung. I see it."

"See what?" he asked dreading the answer.

"You're madly in love with her."

Tears were hanging off Yongguk's eyes, and he couldn't take it anymore.


Himchan woke up, and Taeyeon held a hand in front of covering the gasp. But he heard it, Yongguk heard the gasp. *What must she think of me now? She probably thinks I'm a crazy mean hyung.* With that thought, he ran out.

"Zelo? What did you do to your hyung?" she softly pried.

Zelo shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, "I just reminded him to stop being a coward."

"Aigoo! Zelo-yah! Your hyung is not a coward. He's a nice guy!" Himchan scolded.

"Nice guys finish last!" (see what I did there? XD nigahiga ftw)

"Not true! Himchannie is a nice guy but I love him."

"Yongguk hyung is a different nice guy." Zelo stood up and left to his room.


Yongguk lay in his bed crying out. *Stupid Yongguk! Now look she probably hates you!* He was tired. So tired of loving her. If only he could hold her in his arms and laugh with her, cry with her, comfort her.

*ring RIng ring*



"Yup!" her cheerful voice rang through the phone.

"W-what is it?"

"Well, um...Zelo was being very abrupt earlier, and we didn't want you to feel down so...Wanna hang out?"

*We...not her...we* "Um..sure."

"Great! Meet us at our place!"

*Our...Himchan and her's. Not mine and hers, but Himchan and her's*

"Bye." He hung up. Slowly pulling himself together, he left the house.


At a distance, he spotted Taeyeon waving her hands wildly like a child. He chuckled to himself. She was so adorable and dorky. Her smile grew wider as he stepped out of the car.

"Come on Yonggukie! We're going...bowling!" 


"Whoops!" her eyes grew wide and she gave away into a laugh.

They all smiled and Zelo stepped forward. "Sorry hyung."

"No problem Zelo." THey entered Himchan's car and piled in. Taeyeon was squeezed next to Yongguk and Zelo sat up front with Himchan driving.

They headed off cheerfully. But contrast to their wonderful mood, rain began pooring. It was getting dark and cold fast.

"Uh oh!" Taeyeon shrieked. "The weather!!!"

Himchan had a hard time seeing. The road was too slippery and the headlights were not strong enough to see past the incoming  fog and darkness. The air chilled down 10 degrees and all inside the car shivered.

"It's like in a horror movies." Taeyeon broke the silence, "You know when the creepy thing pops out, or the evil child goes crazy and pushes the car over a ledge."

"Wow Taeyeon noona!" Zelo commented.

"You silly girl. Children are not strong enough to push a car full of 4 full grown adults off a ledge." Himchan pointed out.

"Hey! That could happen!" she retorted. "Right Yonggukie? That could happen right?"

"Uh sure?" he answered. 

The group laughed. 

"Hold up, Zelo, grab me my phone. I think we're heading the wrong way."

"K hyung."

As Zelo grabbed the phone and handed it to Himchan, the group missed the headlight heading straight for them.



Taeyeon woke up with a pounding headache. She groaned loudly as a back pain hit her. What had happened? 

A nurse quickly entered the room. "Miss Kim?"

"Huh?" she stared around the room. She was in a hospital. She started evaluating what might have happened when.. "HIMCHAN, ZELO, YONGGUK OPPA!" She screamed. "Are the okay?"

"Please miss calm down. They are fine..although I'm not sure about the last."

Ignoring the nurse, Taeyeon headed out to the hospital's information desk. "Excuse me, where might Kim Himchan, Choi Jun Hong, and Bang Yongguk might be?"

"Uh room 202, 203, and the E.R."

"E.R?" she screeched.

"I'm sorry but it seems the last one is in the E.R."

Tears began streaming down Taeyeon's pale face. She hurridely entered the E.R department to see Zelo and Himchan near an operation room.

"Oppa, Y-y-yongguk o-oppa."

Himchan ran to his girlfriend and held her tight. "Taeyeon-ah. Hyung he-"

Himchan held Taeyeon tighter and sat her down at a chair. MInutes and hours past when the doors opened.

"Doctor!" all three rushed towards the man. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry to inform you, but he has passed. Bang Yongguk has passed."

The trio broke down in tears.


"He was found covering a person next to him. His body covered the person completely while opening his neck to servere damage. The impact broke his skull. We tried but there was no way."

Taeyeon couldn't breathe. Yongguk had been covering a person next to him? That would only mean, he had saved her from any damage.

"Taeyeon-ah." Himchan hugged her, "Hyung saved you and I thank him. Come on. Stand up for hyung."

She stood up with the help of her good friend and boyfriend.

"I'm grateful to hyung Taeyeon-ah. What would I do without you."

She smiled bitterly and scolded him in her head. *Bang Yongguk you softie. How could you risk your life for me?*


Yongguk watched as the trio walked down the hospital halls. "I love you Taeyeon-ah. Now, I can love you without hiding anything."

"Bang Yongguk, it's time to move on." 

He smiled and followed the figure in white. "Bye Taeyeon-ah... I love you."


Sorry for the y ending and not updating faster :)

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UPDATED! Lol it's been so long >.


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Chapter 18: Ommmggg the Seyeon and Myungtae oneshots were hdjksfalhljgjsfhgadsjg;kadjsf;kajs;jg; GREAT JOB <3
erahmaliati21 #2
Chapter 18: kyaaaa i love all oneshots :**
please don't abandoned this oneshots, author-nim*buingbuing#aegyofailed
kpopcornxo #3
Chapter 18: What? I can’t understand >.<
Please make a Chanyeol x Taeyeon or Luhan x Taeyeon or Kai x Taeyeon fic!!! XD [exotaeng+hardcore chantae seyeon kaitae lutae shipper here!]
sea0horse #4
Chapter 17: i loved the one-shots!!
specially gtae, kyutae, taehae, taejae, changtae and seyeon :3
so many XD
but still, those are perfect odd pairings
Please make a G.O. -Taeyeon / Seungho-Taeyeon fanfic...:-)
taeng_goo #6
Chapter 18: taeyeon+daehyun pleasee
*i'm really like taeyeon and daehyun
please make fanfic about both of them..
i hope you can write about them
thank you :p
Chapter 14: okay. Taeyeon+Daehyun? Or Taeyeon+Zelo? Please please :)
Chapter 18: Taeyeon+Hyunseung please :) ANNNDDDDD EXOTAENG :)
Chapter 15: Kyaaaa. SuTae's fanfice is the best (hee sorry I'm a huge exotaeng shipper)... it is so cute
Suggestion... do Taeyeon n Baekhyun, Taeyeon n Kyungsoo, Taeyeon n Kai hehe