Eighth step.

Strangers On The Air


__She stifled a grunt of dissatisfaction and let out an umpteenth sigh, her hands on her hips. What was wrong with her ? It had never happened before, or rather she had always arranged it so that her anger and pain never showed through. But at the moment, no matter how hard she tried to concentrate, her head just wasn't in it. And it didn't take her teacher long to notice.


__« Yah, Im Chae In. What's up with you today ? I've never seen you so distracted. Pull yourself together, and quick. »


__The young lady nodded then slowly bowed while apologizing. She turned to her partner with a sorry look before starting with the dance routine again.

__To say that she had no idea why she felt like this would be a lie. Of course, she knew. She was just desperately trying to forget about it, but it hadn't really worked out so far. She couldn't stop thinking about that stupid jerk and the last time they had talked to each other. And without intending to, the scene of him hugging her would keep popping in her head. His attitude was a complete mystery to her and that was probably the most frustrating. Anything could happen with him and she hated that.

__But the worst part was : she couldn't forget how she had felt in his firm arms, leaning against his muscular body, his deep voice echoing in her hear. And that was seriously worrying.




__« But Noona, please~ »


__Chin Ho pouted and blinked at his sister with puppy eyes. Chae In sighed and gave him a sad smile.


__« I'm sorry, Chin-ah. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do anything. Doctor Jung said you had to stay here until your tests are over. »


__He looked down and nodded. She was aware how hard it was for him, even if he had get used to the hospital over time. She had brought him his favorite books, toys and music but the effect didn't last long after he realized how long he would be stuck inside these walls. As a nice sister, she tried her best to take his mind off things, but it worked less and less.


__« But I feel fine... » he complained, crossing his arms.


__Maybe, but he was not, and she knew it. The doctors were doing all they could, but it wasn't enough. All she could do was wait, and hope.


__« Noona... I'm sorry. »


__Chae In raised an eyebrow. She got up and sat next to him, frowning.


__« I always make you worry... »


__She bit her lip, tears forming in her eyes. She grabbed his hand under the blanket and squeezed it to make him look at her.


__« Don't you dare think that, Im Chin Ho. You hear me ? »


__His eyes widened as he realized her sister was almost crying. He had rarely seen her like this, and it was even more painful.


__« I'm the one who's sorry for not being able to be with you more often. I feel like the worst sister in the world... »


__Chin Ho shook his head. He was fully aware of everything she was doing for him : apart from her studies, which already took most of her time, she even had a part-time job in a café and the rest of the time, she was looking out for him. He felt thankful towards her every second of his life.

__He raised his hand towards his sister's face and carefully wiped away the tear rolling down her pale cheek. Surprised, Chae In looked up and stared at him.


__« Don't you dare think that, Noona. You're the best~ »


__She giggled and gave him a warm smile, which immediately comforted him. She ruffled his hair before pulling him into a hug.


__« You'll always come first, little brother, don't you forget that. »




__« ...hope many of you will participate ! We'll have a short break and be back right after this~ »


__Chae In closed her eyes and winced, massaging her aching back.


__« Argh, she grumbled, I really need a- »


__She suddenly stopped as a hand holding a cup of coffee appeared in front of her. She blinked a few times before finally turning her head towards the intruder. Not the least surprised, she sighed and frowned with that same face she would always make every time he appeared unexpectedly. Yong Guk giggled, amused.

__For a moment, time seemed to slow down. She was staring at his playful face, observing every little detail like she saw it for the first time : his full lips, his gummy smile, his dark eyes... Realizing her cheeks were slowly heating up, she mentally slapped herself and cursed between her teeth for being so obvious.


__« At your service, Ma'am. » he grinned at her.


__She sniggered then got up, grabbed the cup he was holding out to her and walked to the trash can where she coolly dropped it. Yong Guk watched her, dumbfounded.


__« Yah, what-

__- If I want a coffee, I can take care of it myself. »


__Fists clenched, his smile immediately changed into the angry look she was used to. That girl really had some guts, that was certain. Chae In slowly reached the coffee machine and took another cup, staring at her opponent with a satisfied smile.


__« Why do you look so surprised ? I don't trust you, Bang Yong Guk. »


__After all, who knew what he could have put in that coffee ? She knew revenge was sweet. Yong Guk crossed his arms with a disgusting smirk, recalling the salty taste of the coffee she had served him at the café.


__« If you're trying to be nice, just don't. It doesn't suit you. »


__He carefully leaned on the desk with his arms behind him. He saw her flinch with a worried look.


__« What are you even doing here ? she glared at him. Don't you have anything better to do ? »


__Chae In took a sip, waiting for his answer. He stared at her for a few seconds before opening his mouth.


__« I just wanted to check if you were okay, after your terrible humiliation last week... »


__She almost choked at his attack, frowning. She knew he had something else in mind and though she didn't know what it was exactly yet, it generally never ended up well for her. Suspicious, she decided to end their conversation as quick as possible.


__« How thoughtful of you, but I'm really busy right now. Get out.


__- I'm just saying, he shrugged, you not showing up was even worse that if you had just danced ridiculously and lost. »


__She sniggered and shook her head at his desperate attempt to affect her.


__« You even cried like a stupid little girl, you poor thing. »


__This time, he was going too far. Was this guy schizophrenic or what ? Had he forgotten he had hugged her to comfort her ? Chae In clenched her teeth, suppressing her anger.


__« You made it way too easy for me. I didn't even have to prove everyone that you were no match, you did that all by yourself. Well done. »


__Trying to keep calm, she took a few steps towards him with a defying look.


__« I told you I'll get my revenge. Just wait and see. »


__He nodded to himself and laughed while standing up straight, walking to her.


__« Well, all I can see right now is you stuck here at this crappy radio station nobody listens to. Good luck with that. »


__Yong Guk snatched her cup out of her hands and took a sip while walking out of the room without further words.

__Chae In breathed deeply, holding back a scream. What had she done in her past life to be tormented by the most handsome devil of Hell ? She sighed and sat back on her chair, massaging her temples while staring blankly at the desk. After a few seconds, a red light suddenly drew her attention, a light that shouldn't have been unless she wanted everyone in the school to hear : ON AIR.


__« I really hate you, Bang Yong Guk ! »




__Something was wrong, thought Minhyuk. Staring at his friend in front if him eating her food absent-mindedly, he frowned in suspicion. Since it was tickling him, he decided to try to find out.


__« I heard Bang Yong Guk came at the radio station. Well, the whole school heard, actually... »


__Bingo, he had fired straight. She winced and he saw her expression slowly changing into a concerned frown. She heavily sighed, asking him not to remind her of that incident. He let out a nervous giggle and apologized. Chae In's face softened at his cute expression.

__An awkward silence set in for a few seconds. With a confused look, Chae In stared at Minhyuk. He seemed uncomfortable, like something was bothering him. When he finally spoke, she almost choked.


__« Seems like you two have become inseparable. »


__Chae In raised an eyebrow and glared at him with a you-can't-possibly-be-serious face. Ignoring her, Minhyuk was looking down, silent. His words sounded like an accusation, and she couldn't help but feeling uneasy.


__« I-It's not like I want to, but I just always end up running into him, she defended herself. That stupid jerk is always in my way... » she grumbled before taking another spoonful of rice with a gloomy look.


__Minhyuk silently nodded, immersed in his meal. Chae In blinked, intrigued. Minhyuk wasn't acting like he usually would, and it concerned her. Annoyed, she loudly put down her chopsticks, making her friend jump. He looked up, startled.


__« Lee Minhyuk. Do you have something you want to tell me ? » she crossed her arms, waiting for his reaction.


__His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. Really, she was starting to know him too well. She was even able to read between the lines. He tilted his head stuttered a vague answer.


__« N-no, sorry, it's none of my business anyway... I mean, whatever you say... »


__He flashed her a forced smile before looking down. He closed her yes and cursed between his clenched teeth. Why in the world was he acting so strangely ? Had he gone crazy ? He shook his head under the questioning look of Chae In. After a few seconds, she finally shrugged, willing to get this matter over with. The two finished their meals without a further word.




__« Noona~

__- Sunbae~ »


__At the sound of these two cheerful voice, Chae In jumped. She frowned, convinced she had hallucinations. She turned around and suddenly saw two blond-haired figures rushing to her with giant smiles, pressing behind the counter. She blinked at Junhong and Jongup before smiling.


__« What are you guys doing here ?

__- Hyung told us you were working here, so we wanted to come by and see you.

__- This place looks great, Noona. We'll try to come more often. »


__Chae In giggled at their enthusiasm then thanked them. She had to admit, they were atrociously cute and despite their young age, she could already tell they were to become handsome and manly men. Besides, their bubbly attitude towards her would always melt her heart, and she couldn't blame them just because they were friends with a certain someone a.k.a. Stupid Jerk.


__« What can I get you ? »


__They ordered and kept chatting with her while she was preparing. She soon saw the rest of B.A.P walking in. They glanced at her before sitting around a large table in a quiet corner of the room.

__Her gaze remained on the leader, even after he had turned to her with his usual smirk. Like a few days ago, time seemed to slow down for a while and her mind escaped. She couldn't take her eyes off of him, and it suddenly hit her. God, why did he have to be so devilishly handsome ? It was a torture and she was pretty sure he enjoyed it. She suddenly started to think about her conversation with Minhyuk. Weeks ago, Bang Yong Guk and Im Chae In were still total strangers to each other, but now, he kept on coming across her. Was it what they called destiny ? Was it simply chance ? If fate really existed, could it be the reason why Bang Yong Guk would always appear to her ? Was she supposed to see some kind of sign ? Was the universe trying to tell her something ?


__« Thank you, Noona~ »


__Chae In blinked and shook her head, quickly coming back to reality. She smiled back at them before they bowed and joined their hyungs with the drinks. Finally alone, she closed her eyes and sighed. She clenched her teeth and hit her head with her fist several times.


__« Get a hold of yourself, you pabo... »


__She sighed again and tried to focus on her work. Why was it bothering her so much ?

__She didn't even believe in fate.




__« What ? »


__Yong Guk couldn't stand the stares of his dongsaengs on him anymore. He put his coffee down, waiting for an answer. Himchan sighed, Daehyun shook his head and Youngjae raised an eyebrow.


__« Seriously, Hyung ? the latter eventually said. You're gonna maintain that you came here just because our maknaes asked you to ?

__- You don't usually give in so easily, Daehyun continued.

__- Can't you just stop acting all tough and admit you wanted to see her ? » Himchan concluded with an annoyed look.


__Yong Guk's eyes widened in shock. He glared at them as he felt his anger rising.


__« Yah, does that even make sense ? Am I crazy ? »


__He saw the people around turned to him with a frown and realized he had screamed. He breathed deeply to calm himself but still stared at his friends angrily.


__« Why ? It wouldn't be such a terrible thing, Jongup shrugged.

__- Yeah, Junhong said, Chae In noona is nice, beautiful, smart- »


__One look from his hyung made him immediately stop. He pouted then shrugged.


__« Don't get the wrong idea. I just enjoy torturing her, that's all. »


__They rolled their eyes, muttering "Whatever" or "Yeah, right" while looking away or going back to drinking their coffee. Yong Guk narrowed his eyes before grabbing his cup in his turn. What was wrong with all of them ? Had they decided to get on his nerves ? What a nonsense. Him, liking that stupid woman ? That was just impossible, no, inconceivable. She was just a woman among so many others.

__She was only a haphazard encounter.



And before I could realize it, before I could even do anything against it, it was too late.

It was there... This inexorable attraction to you (Him)





» Ȧut hør’s nøte.

Hello dear readers,

I sincerely apologize for this chapter being so late !

My studies take most of my free time, so it's hard for me to write a new chapter...

I made this one longer than usual and very interesting, so hopefully you'll forgive me~  :D

Comments are greatly appreciated,

Thank you  




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Chapter 20: Awwwn, that was really a sweet move from b.a.p :')

Sad to know that there are only four chapters left... But looking forward to them!
Chapter 18: Glad you're back :D :D :D missed the story :)))
mmmmmilf #3
Chapter 16: Hollehh. Great bang yongguk is jealous. Me gustar :3
jayparkaom #4
mmmmmilf #5
Chapter 15: Oh my goodness, they kissed!!!
Chapter 15: Oh, finally, something nice :D
Va-Nila #7
Chapter 14: Awwie I loved this chappie
mmmmmilf #8
Chapter 14: Awe BYG is so sweet he gave her a gift sdjgasdfydsahufhskf
mmmmmilf #9
Chapter 12: Ehrmehrgheedddd.
Drama, drama, dramaa XD