Fifteenth step.

Strangers On The Air



__It took Yong Guk several days to finally resolve to approach her. It made no sense, really. He had practically begged her to stop ignoring him and now he was the one avoiding her ? It was ridiculous. His attitude was absurd. And she wasn't stupid, she knew something was up, yet she had let all his bad excuses pass. Maybe she was getting used to him disappointing her...

__But what was he supposed to do ? How could he possibly face her after what he had done, the way he had acted ? He felt so embarrassed, stupid, and he could only blame himself. Himself, his vanity, his pride and his self-centeredness. He had never stopped hurting her, making her feel sad and angry, all because he just didn't know. Because he knew nothing.

__And she hadn't bothered telling him. She could have talked back to him, crushed his so-called superiority and made him shut his big mouth a million times already, but she had kept silent all along. Would she even have told him one day if he hadn't found out ? No, probably not. He wasn't worth it, he didn't deserve it, not after the way he had treated her.

__He owed her more than a simple apology. It would take much more than that to make up for his mistakes. He didn't even understand how she could have forgiven his arrogance and excused his ignorance so easily. She was a deeply nice and wonderful person, that was the only explanation. And he only realized it now.

__Only it didn't exactly go the way he had planned. When he reached her classroom to wait for her at the end of her course, she never showed up. Getting impatient, he asked a group of students coming out. After several awkward minutes of them fangirling over him -which was slightly starting to get on his nerves since it wasn't really the time for this-, he eventually got the answer he wanted.


__« Chae In unni ? She left earlier in a hurry.

__- That's right, she got a phone call and left immediately afterward. I think I even saw her cry- »


__But he had heard enough and it only took a second for him to understand what was going on. He immediately ran out of the school and jumped on his motorcycle, rushing to where she would be.


__« Yah. Did you know that Im Chae In had a little brother ? »


__Zelo and Jongup shook their heads, Youngjae didn't react since he was half-sleeping and Himchan simply shrugged, too busy playing with his phone. Yong Guk turned to Daehyun as the latter snickered with a how-can-you-not-know-that look and let out a nonchalant "Of course" before going back to reading. The leader blinked, disconcerted. What did he mean, of course ? How would he know ?


__« My father takes care of him at the hospital. » Daehyun explained, seeing the dumbfounded look of his hyung.


__Hospital ? Yong Guk narrowed his eyes as his brain was slowly processing this information.


__« Do you mean-

__- Yeah. He has some kind of kidney disease or something, I think. I heard it's pretty serious. »


__The leader gasped, believing he had heard wrong. His eyes widened while he realized everything those words implied if they were true. However, he seemed to be the only one disturbed by the news.


__« Why didn't you tell me before ? he almost yelled.

__- Because I didn't think it mattered. » Daehyun answered, trying not to worry about this sudden reaction.


__Yong Guk restrained himself from grabbing his dongseang by the collar or slapping him and tried to calm the anger rising inside. His mind had gone blank, his head hurt and he breathed with difficulty. He was frowning and had a vacant look.

__Caught off guards by this change of attitude, his dongsaengs stared at him in interrogation. 


__« Why do you even care ? »


__Because it did matter. Because it was all clear to him now. How wrong he had been, how stupid he had acted. What she had gone all this time and was still going through. Why she was so fierce, determined, fearless and stubborn. He had truly underestimated her, never would he have suspected she had such a secret. And it explained everything.

__He found her exactly where he had thought, waiting at the bus stop, stamping her feet while constantly checking her phone. He stopped right in front of her in a screeching before turning his head to her. Surprised, she started and stepped backwards.

__With her puffy eyes and few sobs, she looked completely defenseless and disoriented. He had only seen her like this twice before, weak and devastated, and each time he had had the same feeling : he wanted to hug her, to comfort and protect her.

__He pulled his visor up so she could recognize him. She narrowed her eyes and it took her several seconds to realize who she was facing. She widened her eyes and after a moment, he saw a shadow of relief pass on her pale face.

__What was he doing here ? How had he-


__« Get on. »


__His deep voice was not demanding nor advising but more like a question. His worried eyes were staring at her and his hand holding out to her. She had no choice, he was the best option she had. She didn't have the time, the strength nor the wish to ask questions and argue with him today. Once again, he had come to save her, only this time she wasn't going to complain about it.  

__Without giving it a second thought, she grabbed the helmet and put it on before sitting behind him, holding on tightly to his waist.




__Chae In leaned over her little brother's body and gently kissed his forehead while his hair. She sat beside his bed for several minutes and watched him, squeezing his cold hand. When the sound of his slow respiration managed to calm her, she wiped the dry tears off her face and tried to arrange her appearance. In desperate need of fresh air, she got up and walked out of the silent room.

__She turned her head and saw Yong Guk sitting on a bench in the corridor. When he looked up and met her eyes, he immediately got up with a worried look. She blinked, not expecting to find him there. Had he waited for her all this time ? She smiled and came sit beside him. Reassured, he sighed then glanced at her. She looked exhausted and he could tell she had cried a lot.


__« What did the doctor say ?

__- That he was lucky. » she simply answered.


__He nodded without asking anything more and she felt grateful. She didn't want to talk about it, there was nothing more to say anyway. His little brother's condition had obviously gone worse, and if something like this was to happen again, there would be terrible consequences. She shivered at the thought and shook her head to chase the dark ideas from her mind.


__« Are your parents coming ? »


__She let out a bitter laugh before shaking her head.


__« They don't even know he's here. And even if they do, they still wouldn't give a damn about it. »


__Yong Guk frowned at her sad face. So she was not in good terms with her parents either ? Was she taking care of her brother alone ? That would explain a lot. Being responsible for a person is a heavy burden, especially for such a young woman. That's why she had to work so much and to be the best dancer, to earn money and get a scholarship. That's why she had to be tough and confident. Assume such a charge daily had probably changed her into what she was today. What exactly had happened ? For how long had this situation lasted ?

__There were a dozen more questions he was dying to ask her. Now that he had discovered this side of her, he couldn't wait to learn more and get to know her better.

__She noticed his eagerness and raised an eyebrow. She could tell a question was burning his lips and she was starting to guess what it might be. She tilted her head and blinked to encourage him. 


__« Why didn't you tell me ? » he finally blurted out.


__She didn't seem surprised. She leaned against the wall and sighed, searching for her words.


__« Because no one else knows. »


__He turned to her and frowned. Why would she keep it a secret from everyone, even her friends ?


__« I don't want people to pity me, she answered his interrogatory look. It's my business and it concerns only me. »


__Yong Guk nodded, lowering his head. He kind of understood how she felt, he probably would have acted the same way in her place. Although he couldn't help but think how lonely she must have felt all this time.

__And he was right. Even if she acted like she was fine with it, Chae In had to admit it felt to good to have finally someone to talk to -even if she hadn't expected it to be him. Someone to share her concern with, even for a moment. She didn't like this feeling of her intimacy being invaded, but with Yon Guk, it was different. She didn't exactly know why but she was happy to have him with her. She was happy he had found her under that bus stop.


__« How did you know anyway ? »


__No need to ask what she was referring to. He knew it was her turn to ask him questions.


__« Doctor Jung is Daehyun's father. But a week ago, I still had no idea. »


__Chae narrowed her eyes, slowly unraveling the mystery she had tried to solve for days without success. She sat up straight and stared at him in interrogation.


__« Is that why you've been avoiding me ? »


__He scratched his neck with a giggle and looked down, embarrassed.


__« Yeah, sorry about that. I just couldn't face you once I realized what an awful jerk I had been to you. »


__She blinked, not expecting such words. Had they really come out of Bang Yong Guk's mouth ? Was she having hallucinations ?

__Unconsciously, her expression softened as she stared at him, waiting for more.


__« The day of the dance battle... Something happened to your brother, right ? That's why you were crying. And that time in the dancing room too. But I never would have guessed... Argh, I'm so stupid, he sighed, his head in his hands. I never thought about your feelings, not once. I only hurt you and made you sad. It's a miracle you didn't lose patience and punch me already. »


__That was true. But she also remembered him hugging her every time to comfort her, so he had sort of already started to make up for it. Chae In laughed, her heart was fluttering and she hadn't felt this light for a long time. Yong Guk's unexpected words had erased all her worries and made her forget all the turmoil he had put her through. She knew he was sincere and it felt good to finally see this side of him.


__« Glad you admit it, she snickered. Seriously, that's the weirdest but also cutest way anyone ever apologized to me. »


__Yong Guk pouted at her teasing and shrugged it off, but he soon got caught by her playful eyes and her soft smile. He blinked, perplexed.

__She was smiling. To him. Finally. He thought it would never happen. He had finally done something right with her. He had made her smile. And he had also underestimated the effect it would have on him: he was mesmerized.


__« Okay then, I forgive you. »


__Dumbfounded, he stared at her with wide eyes. It was too easy, almost too good to be true. She chuckled at his expression and stared into space.


__« I mean, yes, you've been a jerk and I swear I've been wanting to hit you hard a million times already. But you could have never guessed my secret. And I think it's better that way. »


__She smiled at him and he giggled, tilting his head. Did it mean he had passed the test ?


__« I'm tired of fighting with you anyway. » she nudged him.


__He smirked nodded in agreement. He was tired of being the bad guy too. Their little game was leading nowhere and it only ended up hurting them both every time.

__As he was watching her, smiling at him, he felt his heart warm in his chest. At this moment, he forgot the outside world for a while and, realizing what an idiot he had been, it slowly became an evidence to him. It didn't matter what other people or even his friends would think. He wasn't going to silence his feelings anymore, he wasn't going to pretend that amazing girl in front of him hadn't seized his heart for good.

__A text on his phone suddenly woke him up from his daydreaming. He glanced at his phone and realized what time it was.


__« It's late. Do you want me to drive you home ? »


__She looked up and narrowed her eyes. It was really tempting and also very nice of him but she wanted to spend the night with her brother. She gave him an apologetic look and shook her head.


__« I wanna be here when he wakes up.

__- You're sure ? » he frowned, concerned.


__He knew she wouldn't get much sleep and there was school the following day, but she was used to it since it wasn't the first time. She nodded with a smile to reassure him.

__He gave up and grabbed his jacket to put it on before turning to her.


__« I have to go but call me if anything's wrong, okay ? »


__She nodded again and got up as well. He gazed at her and sighed, visibly annoyed by something.


__« I know you're not the type to ask for help but if you need anything... Well, I'm here. »


__She acquiesced and grinned. He patted her head and bid her goodnight before walking away. She watched him leave and bit her lip. She wanted so hard to stop him and ask him to stay with her a little longer. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before shushing her head and let her heart talk -for once.


__« Bang Yong Guk ! » she called.


__He turned around as she walked up to him. He blinked at her, waiting for her to say something. She bit her lip and looked down, unsure.


__« Thank you. For everything. » she softly said.


__He expected anything but that. The fierce and confident Im Chae In was actually thanking him ? He scratched his head, embarrassed but internally pleased.


__« If you hadn't been there earlier, I don't know how I would have... I mean, without you, I..., she sighed, angry at herself for tripping over words like this. Thank you for staying with me. » she eventually managed to say.


__That was it, that killed him. He couldn't resist anymore, it was pointless now. He found her uncontrollably beautiful this way. Her cuteness and softness melted his heart.

__He stepped closer and grabbed her hand. He gently her hair then her pale cheek. To his utmost happiness, she didn't show any resistance, even squeezing his hand and intertwining their fingers. He grinned and leaned forward.


__« If I hug you, you promise you won't cry this time ? »


__She hit him lightly with a pout.


__« Stupid jerk. » 


__He chuckled at how adorable she was but before he could make any move, she filled the gap between them and cuddled up with him, burying her head in his chest. Without hesitation, he closed his arms around her shoulders, holding her firmly against him.

__There it was again, this wonderful feeling. She felt so good, so safe in his arms, she wanted to stay there forever. His scent had captivated her, his embrace had captured her and he was gladly his prisoner. She didn't want to run away anymore, she didn't want to deny nor retain her feelings for him.

__After a while, they reluctantly parted but he kept her close to him, an arm around her waist and his other hand still holding hers. They stared at each other like they met for the first time, contemplating every centimeter of each other's face.

__Eventually, Yong Guk smirked and slowly leaned forward. This sudden proximity gave Chae In shivers, as she felt his soft breath on her skin. Their mouths brushed several times and finally yielding to this unbearable teasing, she put her hand around his neck and gently pressed her lips against his.




 I knew loving you made me weak and vulnerable, but I didn't care...

Because it was also the best feeling in the world. (Her)





» Ȧuhør’s nøte.

Dear readers,

a looooong chapter today, to apologize for the lateness !

Another big step in the story is finally done,

I'm truly happy I got this far  ^^

Seriously, I just LOVE this chapter !

(I'm sure you know why kekeke~)

Please leave your impression, good or bad  :)

Thank you so much for subscribing & commenting~

Take care  




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Chapter 20: Awwwn, that was really a sweet move from b.a.p :')

Sad to know that there are only four chapters left... But looking forward to them!
Chapter 18: Glad you're back :D :D :D missed the story :)))
mmmmmilf #3
Chapter 16: Hollehh. Great bang yongguk is jealous. Me gustar :3
jayparkaom #4
mmmmmilf #5
Chapter 15: Oh my goodness, they kissed!!!
Chapter 15: Oh, finally, something nice :D
Va-Nila #7
Chapter 14: Awwie I loved this chappie
mmmmmilf #8
Chapter 14: Awe BYG is so sweet he gave her a gift sdjgasdfydsahufhskf
mmmmmilf #9
Chapter 12: Ehrmehrgheedddd.
Drama, drama, dramaa XD