It's Love

Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


Taemin Pov

I slowly opened my eyes, as the sun’s rays beamed into my eyes . I groaned as I tried to cover my head with the blanket. I was extremely tired because of the lack of sleep and that creepy shining sun was annoying me. Unfortunately I just couldn’t sleep anymore because I felt a  burning pain in my .

Sighing , I threw the blanket off me and I placed my feet on the floor as I was ready to get up from the bed,not paying very much attention to my surrounding. I just wanted to get to the bathroom.

I slowly raised up from the bed,but in the moment I made a step I felt that pain again but this time it hurt much more.

``Ahhh!`` I yelled as my knees gave up and I fell on the floor,exactly on my pretty ! The pain pierced my whole body as I tried to restrain small tears from escaping my tired eyes.

Just when I wanted to try to get up from the ground, Jeongmin entered in the room looking at me confused. Then his eyes drop on the still sleeping Onew from the bed then back at me. But now he looked annoyed at me.

``Yah! What are you-`` I started but Jeong quickly threw himself over me and covered my mouth with his hands giving me more annoying glares. I struggled and I tried to push his hands away and yell at him . Fortunately he wasn’t so strong and I managed to pull him away from me.

``What the is your problem?! Why the heck-`` I started again,yelling but Jeong leaned closer and silenced me with his lips. I tried to push him away because my lips started to sting ,the wound made by Onew still present.  Jeong probably saw my painful expression as he pulled away but still covered my lips with his hands.

``Shut up ,ok?`` he whispered and I just nodded. He let me go and helped me to get up and head to the bathroom.

``I think you should take a shower.`` he said looking at me body ,covered with a white substance and sweat.

``You think?`` I said sarcastically and he just shrugged.

``I’ll go get some clean clothes for you.`` he said pushing me in the bathtub and then he left the bathroom for some minutes. I started cleaning myself,the pain still dominating my body. I had lots of dark hickeys on my whole body and I wondered how could I cover them or something because I definitely won’t go out in the public with those marks visible on me. No one should know that I was…I was…Aish! And twice! I still can’t believe it!

``Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!`` I said to myself as I shook my head,trying to forget what happened this night.

``Pabo.`` Jeong said entering the bathroom.

``Yah!`` I snapped and he just smiled.

``What?  You call yourself a pabo and I can’t call you one?`` he said amused.

``You can’t.`` I said rolling my eyes.

``Ne~ Now let me help you.`` Jeong said coming closer ,taking the bath sponge from me.

``Yah! I can wash myself!`` I yelled.

``Shh!`` Jeong placed his finger on my mouth and sighed deeply.

`` Why the hell I should shut up?!`` I said annoyed.

``Because Jinki is sleeping!`` he said rolling his eyes. I looked at him in disbelief.

``And?! I can’t yell because that is sleeping? Do I look like I care?!`` I yelled again and this time Jeong pinched hard my cheeks and I whined in pain.

``You can’t, so stop yelling.``

``You better give me a good reason for that because I’m very annoyed and I have the guts to threw you down on the floor and go to that ing Onew and wake him up in a very unpleasant way.`` I said glaring at him.

``Fine.`` he sighed.

``If you wake him up he will be in a really bad mood and now that he was drunk ,he will probably have a headache and that is just making things worse.`` he said and I looked at him confused.

``And what’s the difference if he wakes up himself?``

``Well,he will probably still have a headache but he won’t be in a bad mood and quite the contrary ,he will be in a pretty good mood.And the best thing is that he will be the cutest person in the world! Even cuter than you!`` Jeong said cupping his face and slightly blushing. I gave him the `what the ` look and he just chuckled.

``Just shut up and you’ll see~ He really is a different person in the morning~`` he said amused.

We took a bath together and then I dress up with a pair of skinny purple jeans and a large white shirt. Then we went to the kitchen and I ate together with Jeong,

``6.59 am.`` Jeong suddenly said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen.

``Jinki will wake up now.`` he said as he opened a little Onew’s room door and peeked inside. Curious,I looked too,wanting to see how cute could be that pabo.

``Look!`` Jeong exclaimed enthusiastically.

Onew Pov

I woke up,slowly opening my eyes but quickly squeezing them closed as the bright sunlight shone in through the window right into my face. I didn’t want to wake up,I was too tired…and I had a painful headache. I turned around and I buried my face on the pillow while my hands were placed above my head,not letting a space for the sunlight to sneak. Ah…I so hate the morning. After some minutes I felt like suffocating…so I gave up and turned back around, letting the light to cover my face. I squirmed a little in the bed as I tried to find a comfortable position to sleep but as I didn’t find one I decided to give up sleeping and go to the kitchen to eat something. Maybe chicken…Chicken for breakfast sounds good.

I got up in a sitting position as I rubbed my eyes with my index finger like a child . I yawned while I stretched my hands . I blinked a few times looking around the room. Where were those two?

Anyway,I got up from the bed and I saw that I still was completely . I sighed deeply as I searched for my boxers. I found them together with a large black shirt on a chair near my bed. Probably Jeong put them there. I dressed up not caring if I wasn’t wearing a pair of pants. I heard my stomach growling and I knew that it was the time to eat something delicious~

I took my favorite pillow,with a chicken drew on it and I headed to the door.

Taemin Pov.


My eyes were wide open as I stared at that stupid and…and…so freakin` cute Onew that was rubbing his eyes. Why the hell he was looking so innocent and sweet? It’s hard to admit but he really was cuter than me. With those pouting lips and chubby cheeks and those chocolate eyes. Aish! I can’t believe what I’m thinking…but he looks like a bunny! A cute one! And…And…

I’m speechless. That’s not the I knew. So that’s probably what Jeong meant.

I saw him hugging a pillow…a chicken pillow? Anyway,he was heading toward us and Jeong quickly grabbed my hand and walked back in the kitchen.

``Act normal.`` he said as he started to cook something.Soon,Jinki made his way on the kitchen and I was still mesmerized by his looks. That shirt that was long enough to cover his ,that was slightly ed ,revealing his milky chest was completely driving me insane. That messy brown hair that was partially covering his pretty eyes  looked so ing y yet cute. And that idiotic pillow that was hugging so tightly like it was the dearest thing ever ,made him look more like a child. Damn,how cute can this pabo be?!

``Morning…`` Onew said sitting at the table. He put his head down on the table and closed his eyes. Maybe he was still sleepy, after all we didn’t really sleep to much this night.

``Good morning`` Jeong said smiling sweetly but I just stared at Onew.

``Jeong~ I’m hungry~`` he said pouting cutely .

``Ne~ Just wait 2 more minutes.`` Jeong said happily.

Then suddenly Onew opened his eyes and ours eyes met.Tsk,he caught me staring. But I kept looking at him.We kept staring at each other for a whole minute till he raised his head from the table and leaned closer to me,grabbing my chin and lifting it a little.

Everything happened so quickly that I couldn’t even register how that happened. He just suddenly moved closer to me and connected our lips.It was just a sweet peck as he quickly pulled away. He tilted his head in a cutely way,his eyes transforming into half moons as he gave me one of the sweetest smiles I ever saw.

``Morning Minnie~`` he sang in an angelic voice that kept echoing in my head and I felt my heart skip a beat. My whole body went numb and the only thing I felt and heard was the fast rhythm of my heart beats.

``Yah! That’s not fair!`` Jeong snapped and I quickly woke up from my daze. I felt my cheeks going hot and I buried my face on my hands,hiding my flushed face. I didn’t know why I was feeling like that but I just wanted to make it disappear.It felt weird.

``Sorry~ Come here,I’ll give you one too.`` Jinki said and Jeong quickly made his way to him.

``There.`` Jinki kissed sweetly Jeong pink lips and I saw Jeong blushing.Then,Jeong pinched Onew’s cheeks,earning a cute pouting.Then he went back to his cooking and I glared at him. I don’t know why but seeing him kissing Onew was…making me feel annoyed. And thinking that probably every morning was like that was making me more annoyed and angry. That’s just…not fair!


What the heck I’m thinking?! That’s no way that I’m jealous because I can’t see this cute bunny every morning and kiss his soft and pouting lips and pinch his cheeks…and cook for him…YAH! Lee Taemin you are crazy!

I hit my head on the table as I tried to get off those useless thoughts.I just can’t be jealous!

``Minnie?`` Onew asked as he looked weirdly at me. Oh…right.I was practically hitting my head on the table without a reason. But I have one. I’m jealous! Yeah I admit it! Because seeing him now hugging that stupid pillow so tightly just makes me want to be in its place! Yeah! I’m jealous of a ing pillow! So what?! It’s not that jealousy because I love him or something! It’s just…He’s very attractive and I just want to him right now! And that pillow stays in my way! Wait...what the heck I'm saying...

I placed my hand on my forehead as I started to get a headache for all this mentally fighting with my own thoughts.. I was confused. I didn’t know why I was feeling like that and I don’t even want to know why…I’m scared to admit that I can probably have some…different feeling for that pabo. That’s the only reason for my weird behavior…and I don’t mean just the jealousy and those thoughts of him being cute. This night I let him me.Again. And I freakin enjoyed it. And I want more.My body wants Onew and I just can’t accept it. I can’t accept that someone dominated me and I liked it. I just…can’t accepted being so weak in front of someone and moan like a for him. It’s just…impossible! And I’ll never admit this and I’ll surely never let this happen again!

``NEVER!``I yelled as I suddenly stood up from the chair.Onew and Jeong were looking at me puzzled but I didn’t plan to give them an explanation.

``I’m leaving.`` I said as I headed to the front door.

``And listen to me you pabo.`` I said pointing my index finger to Onew who tilted his head confused.Damn…why he have to be so cute?! But no…I won’t let this weird feeling to take over me! I bit hard my lip and tried to continue my sentence.

``Don’t even dare to touch me again! ``I said as I headed to the front door.I found my bag and shoes there.I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my bag.I opened the door and I was ready to leave till  Onew grabbed my arm and stopped me.

``But Minnie~ What happen if I can’t restrain myself from touching you?~`` he said sweetly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

``Let me go!`` I tried to push him away with my hands but damn,he was too strong.

``So?~ What happens if I do this?`` he said as one of his hands suddenly moved down on my and squeezed hard one of my cheeks. I instantly felt the burning pain piercing my lower part .

``It hurts…let me go.`` I whined in a pleading tone as I clutched tightly his shirt with my hands. I lowered my head and I bit my lip as I felt tears build up threatening to fall. I felt weak…the pain didn’t even compare to the shame being so weak against him. I didn’t like how his touch hurt me and yet made me feel aroused. Maybe I was a masochist…but why just Onew makes me feel like that? Why…why…my heart beats so fast just by thinking about him?

``Sorry Minnie…but give up. You are mine.`` he said cupping my face and lifting my head,our eyes meeting. He softly kissed my forehead and soon my tears rolled down my cheeks. Why was he like that? Why was he making me feel so weird? Why him…?

``Minnie?`` he asked worried as he saw my tears. I gently pushed his chest, breaking the hug.

``I’m not.`` I said as I wiped my tears away. Without wasting another second that I might regret later,I stepped out of the house and ran away.

I’ll never be his…I’ll never accept those weird feelings I have for him.

Onew Pov

``Jinki…why can’t you leave him alone? Can’t you see that he hates you now? You’re just to cruel to him…`` Jeong said sighing deeply. I turned around,looking at him and I shook my head in disapproval.

``Nope my dear Jeong~  He doesn’t hate me. `` I responded smiling.

``Then what?`` he asked confused. It was so obvious yet he couldn’t see it? Aish,such a clueless brother I have. Didn’t he see how Tae was staring at me and how he blushed? Or how Tae glared at him(at Jeong) when I kissed him?

``Tsk,Tsk,Tsk Jeong. What Minnie feels for me isn’t called hate.`` I said and he just raised one of his eyebrows .

``It’s Love.``


Sorry for not updating is such a long time! I was just too busy...This month is the hell itself...*sigh* 

Anyway,I will update tomorrow too...Key and Tae will meet and yeah Tae will keep denying his feelings for some more chapters. I think.

Well,I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter...I just wanted to show ya guys that Onew might be evil and cruel in this story but he's still cute and gentle! Kehe~

And gosh~ I reached 20 chapters xD and damn I still have so many ideas for this story >.< and I'm already thinking of a sequel=]] Ah anyway :3

I'm really thinking of writing some Onewxsomeone. I want to make Tae jealous~



Well,till next time. I luv chu :3 and OnTae and JongKey=] 

JongKey-I want to believe that it was a kiss xD and Onew was so cute and Minnie too~

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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~