
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-


Key Pov

``Sorry…but I can’t control myself anymore``

Minho leaned closer to me and soon our lips met.I wanted to push him away but my body didn’t move an inch,I was so weak because of the fever.Minho started , and nibbling my lips and his tongue quickly made it’s way into my mouth.He explored my wet cavern and he slowly my tongue making me moan softly.He soon pulled away from the kiss as the oxygen became a need.

He started kissing all the way down my neck,leaving small red marks on my skin.I bit my bottom lip to suppress my moans.That’s not what I wanted,Minho doing all those things to me,that’s not what I ing wanted but my body started reacting to his touch.

Minho moved lower,and I tensed up as he neared my s.Soon,one of my s was in his mouth,as he and it.The other one was being pinched gently.

``M-Minho s-stop-ahh~`` I wanted him to stop but I ended as his hand moved down my hips and squeezed my `if you can call it clothed `member.He kept squeezing it and I shivered at his touch.I felt myself getting hard and that’s not what I wanted. I didn’t want Minho to touch me there or in any other places. Why was happening something like that? Why was Minho doing all those things to me?

``Min-Minho,please s-stop…`` I said as my tears started falling down my cheeks.Minho quickly stopped and he raised his chin and looked at me. His eyes widened and he bit his lip.

``I’m sorry…I’m sorry Kibum,please don’t cry.`` he said as he was watching me with some apologetic eyes.But I couldn’t stop my tears,they kept falling.Minho suddenly lifted himself up from me and he sat on the bed.He grabbed my shoulders and he pulled me up into a hug. I was staying on his lap as his arms were wrapped around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder.

``Please don’t cry,please.`` Minho whispered as he drew invisible circles on my back.I kept crying in his arms for some minutes till I calmed down.

``M-Minho…`` I whispered and he cupped my face with his hands,making me look at him.

``I’m sorry Kibum. Please forgive me…`` Minho said and I saw the sadness and regret in his eyes. He was sorry for what he did…

``Mmm…I forgive you.`` I said and I tried to smile a little. He smiled too and hugged me one more time.

``I love you Kibum…I love you for a long time.`` he whispered and I widened my eyes in disbelief.He loved me? That’s why he did that to me? But…Minho loved me?! Wait…does that mean that all this time…all this time I went to him and cried because of Jjong…all this time I begged him to help me with Jjong…all this time he loved me?

``You’re such an idiot…`` I said and he just chuckled.

``I know…but please don’t feel guilty. I was happy helping you with Jjong and listening to your problems. It made me happy seeing you smile even if you smiled for another person.`` Minho said and I felt tears forming again in my eyes.

``The heck you was. Who would be happy when the person you love,loves someone else? It just hurts you…you pabo.`` I said,my tears already released from my eyes.

``Yeah…it hurt.But I knew that my feelings won’t be returned so it was enough for me seeing you happy.But when Jjong rejected you…I felt a little  happy. I know it’s wrong…but I prayed that you’ll fall for me and forget him…`` Minho said hugging me harder.

``Minho…thank you for loving me. But I still love him…`` I said hugging him back.

``I know…but I won’t give up Kibum. I’ll wait you forever.`` Minho whispered and buried his head on my neck. I felt horrible…I hurt him a lot.I didn’t even know that he loved me even if it was a little obvious because no one in my life cared about me so much.But…I was to blind to realize it.

``I’m sorry…`` I murmured.

``Can we still be friends?`` Minho asked and I nodded.

``Even if you me I would still be friends with you.You’re my dearest friend.`` I said a little amused and he chuckled.

``Then,can I you?`` he asked and I just smacked his head.We both laughed and we decided to forget what happed today.

But suddenly my door opened and someone entered my room.


Jonghyun Pov

 I’m in front of Key’s house and I kept staring at the door. I was such an idiot for not thinking that Minho loved Key. He always was near him. But I never thought that Key might be stolen from me, and I don’t even want to think about it. Key is mine and I won’t let anyone to take him away from me. I won’t be an idiot again.

I opened the door and stepped inside the house. I had the key to his house because we kept having sleep-over lots of times and I kept going to his house to talk with him or watch a movie.He made me a key to his house because he said that it was a pain in the to wake up from his beauty sleep just to open the door in the mornings. And so…I still have the key and I take it with me everywhere I go.

I headed to his room and I slammed the door open. What I saw left me speechless.Key and Minho were hugging and laughing.Key was wearing just…what the heck was he wearing?? Anyway,Minho was ing hard and his clothed was poking Key’s but Key didn’t seem to mind or he probably didn’t even knew. But they were both laughing…in such a lovely way…

I ran to his house,worried about what could happen to him…and he was laughing with Minho…almost .What the …

``Jjong...`` Key said ,his eyes widened as he probably didn’t expect me coming here. Minho was surprised to…but I saw in his eyes how much he hated me. And if I think better…he always looked at me in that way.

``Key…what the is going on? I was worried about you getting by this frog and you are laughing with him? And you’re also ? I don’t know what to believe anymore Key…`` I said irritated and I’m sure that he felt my anger in my voice.

``That’s not what it seems...I mean…it  is but-!`` Key started but Minho covered his mouth with his hand.

``You don’t have to explain him…we decided that this didn’t happen.The only thing you must know Jjong,is that I love Kibum and if he come again to me crying because of you rejecting him again , I promise you that I’ll make him mine. So you better take care of him or I’ll steal him from you.`` Minho said in a serious tone and I frowned hearing him. Like I’ll make Key cry again…never.I’ll make him smile in every moment we spend together so he can give up. I’ll never let Key go to him.

Minho got off the bed and he walked closer to me.

``Just…make him happy.`` he whispered to me and then he left the room. I was a little confused…he warned me one minute ago and now he tells me to make Key happy? Is he really my rival or what?

``Jjong…`` Key looked at me a little troubled and I just sighed and walked to him.

``What happened between you two?`` I asked and Key broke the eye contact and looked down,at the floor.

``Nothing…`` he murmured and I got a little mad that he lied because it’s very obvious that something happened.

``Then what are those?`` I asked leaning closer to his face,and touched his neck.Key panicked a little and he didn’t know what to say and I just sighed again and sat down on the bed near him.I grabbed his arms and pulled him on my lap.I circled my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly ,burying my head on his chest.

``He marked you…`` I murmured.

``Yeah…but nothing more happen between me and him! He just marked my neck and kissed me.That’s all!`` Key said and I just felt more irritated hearing his words.

``Kissed?!`` I yelled and I quickly pushed Key down on the bed and I got over him. I pinned his wrists above his head with one of my hands and with the other one I grabbed his chin and raised it. I leaned down,some inches between our lips.

``You are just mine Key. Just mine.Don’t let other persons mark what is mine.`` I said and I quickly closed the gap between us and pressed my lips against his. I his lips and Key parted his lips.Then without wasting another second,I slipped my tongue inside his mouth and I started to explore every part of his hot cavern.I lightly his tongue and he moaned in pleasure.Our tongues kept playing together as he kissed back.The kiss deepened as he wrapped his arms around my neck and pushed me closer.Moans and pants were being were being caught between our lips as we soon broke the kiss,a string of saliva still connecting our mouths.

``I love you Key`` I said and I saw how tears formed at the corner of his eyes.Soon tears rolled down his soft cheeks and I was completely confused and worried. I did something wrong?Why was he crying?

``Key…why are you crying?`` I asked and he just smiled shyly.

``I’m happy…I’m so happy that… you love me back.`` he said between his sobs. So he wasn’t crying because I did something wrong…good.

``I love you`` I said again as I kissed his tears.

``I love you too.`` Key said and he slammed his lips on mine.Our tongues danced sensuously together as we both moaned. It was like a dream…But suddenly Key pushed me away and broke the kiss. I looked at him shocked and confused.

``We shouldn’t…`` he said softly as he covered his lips. I felt the anger boiling inside me.

``What the Key? Why are you rejecting me?!`` I yelled and grabbed his hands,pulling them off from his mouth.

``B-But…I’m sick…and I don’t want you to catch the cold too.`` He said shyly looking right into my eyes. For some seconds I froze in my place. I tried to understand what he just said…He rejected me because…he was worried that I’ll get sick too?

I burst in laugh and he just pouted cutely.When I finally stopped laughing I leaned down on him,resting my head on his chest.I raised my chin to look at him and he was still sulking.

``Key…The person I love is in front of me,in a bed,almost and you tell me to not kiss you because I might get sick too?`` I said and he blushed and nodded.

``Key…I dreamed about this moment for the past years and now that it finally became real,I should stop touching you because you are sick? I really don’t give a about this…I don’t care if I get sick.`` I said and pinched one of his s.He moaned softly and I smirked.

``You’re such a ert…`` he murmured.

``But you still love me.`` I said and he just rolled his eyes.

``Now let me mark you as mine.`` I said and crashed my lips on his into a passionate kiss.


Taemin Pov

``Stop touching me you ert!`` I whispered and smacked his hand from my thighs.

``But I know you like it~`` he whispered back and smirked.Then he putted his hand again on my thigh and squeezed it.

``I don’t so keep your hands off of me!`` I said smacking for the nth time his hand away from me. He just kept chuckling silently.

He kept doing it for the past hours and I’m going crazy! That bastard don’t want to leave me alone even if I warn him that I’ll burn his house.

He squeezed again my thigh but I decided to ignore him.Maybe he will get bored and will leave me alone. But I was wrong…he suddenly palmed my clothed member and he started to rub his hand against it. I bit my tongue to prevent a moan to escape my mouth and I kept my eye fixed to the front.Then he suddenly took his hand off but before I could  relax and thank to the god ,I felt his hand on the waist band of my pants.I turned toward him to look at him and he had a silly smile on his face.Before I could do something he  slid his hand in my boxers and grabbed my member. I bit my lip so hard to not let the moan escape my mouth that it started to bleed. I decided to not let this bastard to get what he wanted. I won’t moan even if-

``Ahhh`` I moaned as he started to fast my member. I saw how he smirked and how he looked at me with those brown eyes filled with lust. I so wanted to kill myself for because of him.It was so shameful.

I felt myself getting harder down there.I grabbed his arm and I tried to pull his hand out of my boxers.But no luck…he was to stronger.Damn it…I so hate him for making me feel so weak in front of him.

``You bastard…take your hand out-ahhh`` I said but bad choice to talk because a moan left my throat as he pressed his thumb on my tip and then faster and harder.He kept smirking while I kept losing my mind.I felt myself getting closer to release and I was already embarrassed that I was going to because of this bastard.

``O-Onew stop it`` I murmured,putting my head on the desk and squeezing my eyes closed.Then suddenly…he took his hand out,leaving me with a hard on…I don’t even know anymore if I should be happy that he finally stopped or not because I was on the edge to and now I’m still hard and it’s so ing painful.

I glared at him and he just continued to smirk.

``What? If you want me to continue just say it~`` he teased.Like hell I’ll beg for his touch.That’s what he want and I’m so not planning to gave him what he want.

Fortunately,the bell rang and I stormed out of the classroom to the bathroom to take care of my problem.

The next and last hour he left me alone and I ignored him. I so wanted to go home after the last class but I have detention…and now I’m kinda scared. Till now I thought that I can fight him but now I realized that he's so ing strong and I don’t have a ing chance against him…

The bell rang signaling that the last hour ended and everyone could go home.I gathered my belongings and putted them in my bag.

I headed to the detention room with Onew following me. I saw how he grinned all the time but I just ignored him.When we entered the classroom the teacher didn’t even bother to look at us. He told us to sit down somewhere and we did as he said. Then he took his bag and left the classroom .He locked the door and left.When his steps completely vanished and the silence filled the school,Onew stood up from his seat and headed towards me with a big and evil smirk across his face.

``I’m doomed`` I murmured. He grabbed my arms and threw me against the nearest wall.I cringed in pain as the contact with the wall hit hard my head.But I was quickly silenced by Onew that slammed his lips on mine.He tried to push his tongue inside but I rejected him.Irritated,he bit hard my lip and I gasped.He slid his tongue inside and tasted every corner of my cavern.There was no love in the kiss,just bruising force and lust.Nothing more.

He kept my tongue,as he dominated me.I moaned between the rough kisses and mentally slapped myself for doing it.But I couldn’t do anything…I was weak before him.

He grabbed my hips,painfully gripping into them as he lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist.My eyes got teary as Onew kept kissing me and I felt my throat burning as he didn’t let me broke the kiss to breath.But he finally let go of my lips as he probably needed to breath too.He glared at me and smirked.He kissed my tears that fell on my cheeks and for a second I thought he was sweet but then he leaned closer to my ear and bit it hard making me yelp in pain.

``I warned you Minnie~ Now it’s time to be .`` he said huskily and my earlobe. I was scared,very scared. He was going to me and I can’t do anything about it. I’m weak…weak…


I'll write the for the both pairs in the next chapter...now I have to leave for some hours...but I'll update tonight! Sorry for any mistakes...I'll edit later.

Sorry for teasing you guys~ 

Luv chu~

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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully waiting.....no need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~