
|♥| My Only Love is You |♥|
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You wondered how did you even end up with this two extreme personalities. Just sitting here with them in the cafeteria made you nervous. You swallowed slowly and chewed silently while Sungjae entertained Minhyuk with his totally random incomplete sentence. That made you realised how minhyuk actually needed a friend like him. Maybe he was the only one who could break his ice mountain. 

"Yah you why are you so silent? Anyway don't worry we're gonna make you love this school." Sungjae munched on his onion rings with his sunshine smile. You nodded and returned with a small grin but as your eyes moved to Minhyuk, your heart sank. There he was, almost living in the north pole by himself, totally oblivious to whatever conversation you guys were having.

"Don't you even talk?" You finally asked after gulping down your ice tea. That caught Sungjae by surprised, who was apparently rather engaged in his own conversation with no one. 

You waited, staring at minhyuk while he slowly placed his ultensils on his empty plate. He lifted his head up meeting you in the eyes. You swallowed hard, taken aback by his gaze. His expression was unreadable. But then he smiled, a smile so fast you thought you were actually imagining it again. Then he got up and left the table giving Sungjae a pat on his shoulder. 

That happened so fast, all you did was asked a simple question. But you got yourself a difficult answer. Unable to recollect yourself, you found yourself

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lisa66384 #1
Chapter 27: thank u 4 using my name (I waz shocked)
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 38: Conviently my name;)
alicheungmss #3
Shinee2013 #4
Chapter 6: love your story!!!
Chapter 39: I was shocked when my name appeared owo. I LOVE IT!
Kpop66 #6
Chapter 6: I can not believe you put my name in here, thank u I love it
Kpop66 #7
Chapter 2: My n ID Kpop66, YAAY
Chapter 39: This is so beautiful T___T
Chapter 39: This story is so cute. It really felt like I was dating Minhyuk. Thanks for writing such an amazing story. •﹏•
ESCshine #10
Chapter 2: I was kind of surprise to see my username. Its so cool! And im totally looking forward to this fanfic already!