Bad Impression

An Unforgettable Visit

            You walked to the field, and joined with your parents and the workers to pluck the oranges into the boxes.

“_____-ah, just take the plastic bag in the cart. And put some oranges there, you get it?” your mother asked you while cleaning the ground up from many fallen leaves.

“What’s that for, eomma?” you asked her back curiously.

“Hoya’s friend come here right, that’s why.” Her mother smiled at you whom just nodded understandingly.

Not a long time later, Hoya and Myungsoo came along to there. Somewhat Myungsoo was really quiet not knowing what to do.

“Myungsoo-ss-, this is ______, my parents and ______’s parents.” Hoya introduced his families to him, “And _____, eomma, appa, ahjumma, ahjussi, this is Kim Myungsoo. He is Kim halmoni’s grandson.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Myungsoo bowed to them slightly.

“Wah, are you son of Kim Dong Jin? (So sorry I put random name XD)” your mother asked Myungsoo.

“Ne, ahjumoni.” Myungsoo showed his tiny smile.

“______-ah, Myungsoo is as same age as you. I think you two can make friends.” Hoya suggested nonchalantly.

“Is that so? Oh, I guess.” You answered him as examined Myungsoo, ‘He looks like spoiled brat or so called spoiled city guy though.’ She said in her mind.



Myungsoo rubbed his stomach carelessly which was grumbling all the time. He didn’t have any steady food, there were only had snacks and some instant ramens. Forcedly, he would make a ramens, and fortunately he didn’t see any gas stove instead of traditional stove which made from land and there were some woods beside it.

“Aish, how can I use this thing?” he mumbled crazily. “I should ask appa to buy halmoni gas stove.” First, there was no hot water in the kettle, second in fact he never used gas stove, and the worse thing was that he must cooked water with that thing now.

“Argh.. it’s really a worst from the worst holiday.” He screamed throwing the plastic cup of ramen.

“Annyeongsaheyo” you knocked the door continuously.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Myungsoo-sii. Are you here?” you knocked it again several time, not having patient anymore.

“What the… Oh, why are you here?” he asked her coldly, it was because of bad mood he had early.

“Uhm, mianhada, eomma asked me to give you foods since she thinks there is no food here.” You handed in a big plastic ware that was full of food hesitantly.

“oh, arasseo ____-ssi.” He bowed receiving the ware.

“Okay, Uhm, I should go now. Annyeong.” You walked away from the house yard as mumbled something bad about his attitude. ‘What a cold city guy. At least he must say thank you though. He didn’t.’

After you left that place, Myungsoo hurriedly opened the ware and his eyes sparkled looking at many foods in there, kimchi jjigae, naengmyeon, tangsuyuk. Even though there wasn’t western food or Japanese food, but these food already made him his lips. It was tempting to eat.



Unexpectedly Myungsoo’s father who was the mastermind of some plans, called your house’s phone number, and your mother answered it.

“Yoboseyo, is this Nam family’s house?” the voice asked her from other line.

“Yoboseyo., yes, it’s Nam’s. Who is this? May I help you?”

“Is this Nam Jung Eun? (Random name again LOL) I am Kim Dong Jin.”

“Oh My God. My neighbor, what happened until you call me? Any problem?” you mother asked Myungsoo’s father confusedly. It’s rare he called her house, and not only rare, it was actually never.

“I think you already know about Myungsoo is in there right?”

“Yes, he is your son and he said that he wanted to spend his summer holiday but it’s ruined because his grandmother wasn’t here.”

“Is that he said?” he asked making sure and laughed, he didn’t do the plan yet but he already made Myungsoo pissed off.

“What’s wrong?”

“Jung Eun-ah, can you do me a favor?”

“If I can, I will. So what is it?”

“My wife and I wanted to make Myungsoo to be a better person, he is a spoiled son we have, It’s our fault though because we really spoil him too much, but can you make him to be more responsible, mature and respect to others?”

“Eh, what do you mean, Dong Jin-ah?”

Myungsoo’s father told his plan about their wish to make Myungsoo to be the better person, he didn’t want his son always depends on his parents forever.

“Even though he looks so cold and arrogant but he is still nice kid.”

“So, what will I do? I don’t think I can change him all, especially if you want to make him to be the heir of your company, we don’t know about those things.”

“I don’t want you change him in those company stuff. You just demand him to do something that can make him think about responsibility or something like that. I really put our hope on you, Jung Eun-ah.”


“I take it as yes right?” he grinned.

“Aish, you are still the old you, always force someone to do what you want.” Your mother grunted wasn’t sure that she could do that, “Okay, I will try.”

“Thank you Jung Eun.” He shouted happily.

“Thank You Jung Eun-ah.” Someone shouted again. It might be Myungsoo’s mother who was your mother childhood’s friend too.



            In the morning, before everyone started doing activities, your mother told the plan about Myungsoo to you and all family members in the house.

“Really eomma? Is that his parents’ plan?” you asked her, didn’t believe it was fact or only a joke.

“Last night Dong Jin, Myungsoo’s father called me and told the plan. So we have to grant his wish. Any one has an idea?”

“So, what are we going to do?” Hoya asked confusedly. He just made a friend with Myungsoo, and now he had to do something that can make Myungsoo wasn’t comfortable.

“Any suggestion?”



-To Be Continued-

April 9th, 2012





What are they going to do?


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HeartGold426 #1
Great story so far~ ^ _ ^ I really like it.
Monkeybread0609 #2
teddykeychain #3
I thought they were going to meet T.T update please ^^
Monkeybread0609 #4
Update please
Monkeybread0609 #5
Update please
teddykeychain #6
You should ! XD
Update!! ^_^
Monkeybread0609 #8
Omg please updatee
Monkeybread0609 #9
Cute and embarrassing please updateee
teddykeychain #10
lmao xD aww that was embarassing xD it's okay author-nim ! Hwaiting ^^ ~