Chapter 50

Loving You Forever

The sky was clear and blue.  Not a single cloud in sight.  Despite the blazing hot sun, a cool breeze was felt every now and then.  In sum, it was the perfect day.  Raymond walked over towards the bench where Charmaine sat.  Her eyes were closed and there was a serene express on her face that was a far contrast from how she had been six months ago.  Since regaining her memory, it had taken a lot of patience and time for Raymond to make her believe he still loved her and his love for her was unconditional.  At first, Charmaine resisted him, having the one set mind that he was only pitying her.  But Raymond proved himself over and over in the past weeks and her resistance eventually wore down.  And also because she loved him just as much as he did her.

As Raymond approached her now, he thanked the Gods for helping them get through this.  The end result was a life time of happiness for them.  "Here you are," Raymond said softly and handed Charmaine a cup of hot chocolate loaded with tons of whipped cream that had melted and was running down the side of the cup.

Charmaine looked at the mess Raymond presented and pushed his outstretched hand away.  "How can I drink that?  It's spilling all over the place."

Raymond gave her a boyish grin and then proceeded to sip from the cup until the whipped cream had depleted to a thick foam along the inside rim of the cup.  He passed the cup to her, "Here."

Charmaine took the cup and sipped.  It was delicious.  She felt Raymond's arm slide around her shoulders and she snuggled up against him.  Raymond was everything to her and she was grateful that he still loved her after all that they've been through.  After regaining her memory, she had a hard time overcoming the shame and trauma Ben had caused.  Even with him dead she wasn't able to put the painful memories behind.  Under Raymond's love and care, those memories began to fade.  Every now and then visions of Ben and what he did to her would come back to haunt her but Charmaine was able to embrace it without feeling emotional.  It was knowing that Raymond was with her that helped her get past it.  Touching his hand softly now, she whispered, "Thank you."

Raymond pulled back to look at her.  With wonder, he asked, "Thank me for what?"

Charmaine looked up at him and all the love she felt for him reflected in her eyes.  Unable to stop herself from breaking down, she said hoarsely, "For always being there for me."

"Charmaine," Raymond said her name with aching sweetness.  "I love you.  Always remember that."

"I know," she replied.  She touched his face and added, "I love you too."

"Hey guys, the food is ready," Gigi called out from a short distance away.

Raymond and Charmaine exchanged resigned looks and stood up simultaneously.  They held hands as they walked back to the barbeque pit where the others were waiting.

"You guys are always sneaking off," Kenneth remarked dryly.  "Not a care in the world that you have starving people here waiting to eat."

Mandy stuck a plate of food in front of Kenneth's face and said wryly, "This is your third plate of food already.  How hungry are you?"

Raymond and Charmaine laughed as they took their seat.  Gigi quickly passed two plates piled high with an assortment of barbequed food and ordered motherly, "Eat before it turns cold."  She then turned and took out a wad of paper and a pen from her bag.  "While you guys are eating, let's plan your wedding."

"I want to be the best man," Kenneth called out with his mouth full.

"Don't you think I should be the best man," Ron retorted.

Charmaine turned to Mandy and said softly, "I would really like it if you would be my maid of honor."

Surprised by the request, Mandy asked, "Me?"

Raymond smiled, his eyes full of gratitude at this woman whom he also loved but not in a way she deserved.  "It would mean so much to us if you accept."

Looking between Raymond and Charmaine, Mandy quickly nodded her head and replied excitedly, "I'll be happy to!  I've never been a maid of honor before."

There was a round of joyous chuckles when suddenly Kenneth stood up.  He looked pointedly at Ron and stated, "Since Mandy will be the maid of honor it's only right that I be the best man, don't you think?"

Raising an eye at Kenneth, Raymond asked wittily, "What does Mandy have to do with you?"  Kenneth and Mandy had never officially announced their relationship but all those around them knew that they have feelings for each other.  Kenneth more opened than Mandy, who was still very shy when confronted with Kenneth's open pursuit.

Mandy lowered her flushed face.  "Raymond…"

Before she could finish, Kenneth took her hand and held it firmly in his.  "Mandy is my girlfriend."  He then peered at her face and asked softly, "Are you?"  His face glowed when Mandy nodded her head.  Still holding her hand, Kenneth turned to Ron, "I'm going to be the best man."

"Alright," Ron grumbled, but he wasn't the least bit upset.  In fact, there was a knowing smile on his face when he looked over at Raymond and Charmaine, who burst into giggles.  When their giggles subsided, Ron said seriously, "Ray, how about a toast for your upcoming wedding?"

"Yes!" Kenneth instantly agreed and handed everyone a paper cup filled with juice.  "This will do until the wedding day."

All eyes Raymond and he reluctantly stood up but not before pulling Charmaine up with him.  Taking both her hands in his, he stared down at her as a loving smile spread on his lips.  "Since the first time I laid eyes on you my heart already knew it belonged to you.  We've been through so much this past year that it only made our love stronger."  Lifting her hands to his lips, he brushed a soft kiss on each one before continuing, "Charmaine, in front of my mom and my close friends I want to say: my love for you is forever."

Charmaine stared up at him with tears in her eyes just as Raymond pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly.  "Forever," she whispered into ear.


I want to thank everyone who have read, commented and supported my story.  I had a hard time writing this story because some of the interactions between the cast (especially Raymond and Charmaine) were difficult to express in writing.  I know this story isn't one of my best and I apologize for it.  Hopefully you will all enjoy my next Charray fanfic more.  Thanks again!

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.