Chapter 24

Loving You Forever

Charmaine didn't know how she was persuaded by Ben to go with him for a drink.  Now sitting across from him, her thoughts turned to Raymond and what his reaction would be if he knew she had broken her promise to him.  "I should be going," she said the second she finished her glass of orange juice.

Ben leaned back against his seat and signaled for the waitress.  When the waitress arrived, thinking that Ben was going to ask for the check, Charmaine gathered her bag but froze when he ordered another round of drinks for them.  While the waitress left to fill their orders, Ben turned back to Charmaine.  Giving her a soft smile he explained, "I know something is troubling you and I want to know what it is."

Charmaine shifted uncomfortably under his piercing gaze and said, "Nothing is troubling me."

"Really?" Ben folded his arms and rested them on the table.  A stance that told Charmaine he didn't believer her.  "If you don't fess up I'm not going to let you leave.  I will physically hold you down if necessary.  So you're better off just telling me what's it is."

Charmaine looked at him and seeing his stern expression knew he meant every word.  Puzzled and irked by his overbearing curiosity, she asked with a tinge of exasperation, "Why does it matter to you anyway?"

Her rebuke actually made Ben smile and he said slowly, "Everything about you matters to me."

Charmaine could feel her face heat up and quickly averted her eyes.  Dwindling her fingers for something to do rather than look at him, she said nervously, "I really have to go."

Ben remained in his pose and said a bit rougher, "And I said I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's troubling you."  Charmaine looked up then and he saw a flash of panic cross her features.  Lowering his voice, he added gently, "I just want to help you if I can.  I don't like seeing you so sad and distracted.  Tell me what's on your mind and let me help you."

Ben's soft caring words had an enormous effect on Charmaine.  She wasn't sure whether it's because she herself was feeling the pressure that Raymond has over his mom's sickness, or maybe it's because of lack of sleep.  Whatever the reason was, Charmaine found herself telling Ben all the details of Auntie's condition including the urgency of a surgery.  After she was done, she felt alleviated and was glad that Ben was here, as he was the last time, when she needed someone to listen to her woes.  She finished by expressing her helplessness of not being able to help Raymond when he needs it most.

Ben listened silently without a comment.  Only when Charmaine had stopped talking did he finally ask, "Is that all?  Not having the money?"

Charmaine nodded her head in response.  "There's no way Raymond can come up with so much money in such short time."

"I can give him the money," Ben said casually.

Surprised by what she heard, Charmaine could only gape at him.  She searched his face for a hidden smile, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, any sign that he was jesting with her.  She saw none.  His deadpan expression told her he was serious about his offer.  "You're going to lend us the money?"

Ben kept his eyes trained on Charmaine when he answered, "No.  I'm not lending you guys the money.  I am giving it to Raymond Lam.  However there's a condition to it."

Grasping at the hope Ben was giving her, Charmaine asked anxiously, "What condition?  Name it!"

Ben leaned forward across the table and said quietly, "That you marry me."

Astounded by his outrageous proposal, Charmaine sputtered, "W-What?  Marry you?  I-I don't understand."

Retaining his calm demeanor, Ben clarified, "It's all very simple.  I'll give Raymond Lam the two million dollars if you agree to marry me."

Charmaine stared at Ben with a mixture of hurt and incredulity.  She thought he was sincere in wanting to help her but it had been a lie.  He wasn't interested in helping her.  He was only interested in getting her!  Giving him a defiant stare, she said quietly, "Let me get this straight: you're going to give the two million dollars to Raymond only if I agree to marry you.  Is that correct?"

Ignoring her defensive tone, Ben said, "Yes.  He doesn't have to repay me at all."

Charmaine frowned and when she spoke her voice was low and hissing, "What you're doing is called blackmail!"

Undaunted by her ire, Ben smiled and corrected, "It's not blackmail because I'm not forcing you to do anything against your will.  You have the choice to say no to my offer.  But if you say yes, then I will consider it an even exchange.  You get your money and I also get what I want and that is you as my wife."

Ben's logical explanation of his proposal dispelled Charmaine's prior agitation with him.  He was right.  It's not like he was forcing her to do anything.  He merely offered her an enormous amount of money with terms involved, which she could either accept or refuse.  Like a business contract.  There was still one thing she didn't fully understand, "You barely know me.  Why would you want to marry me?"

Ben stared at her, his eyes moving slowly across her face, taking in every detail of her exquisite beauty.  When he spoke, his voice was so soft and tender that Charmaine had to lean in closer to actually hear him.  "There's something about you that captivated my heart the first time I met you.  To be frank, I fell in love with you on sight."

Charmaine was stunned by his confession.  After a moment's hesitation, she said, "I only love Raymond."

Ben's face darkened at her declaration but he shrugged his shoulders carelessly and said, "It doesn't matter.  I believe as we spend more and more time together your feelings will change.  I have confidence that you will learn to love me."

Taken aback by Ben's determination, Charmaine countered, "What if I never do?"

"I'm willing to take the chance."  Ben's smile widened and with a warm glow in his eyes, he added as an afterthought, "I will still be content just having you by my side to cherish and pamper because I know you will be faithful to me.  That is how much I love you."

"I-I…" Charmaine faltered.  What can she possibly say?

Seeing the dilemma on her face, Ben said, "You don't have to answer me right away.  Take your time and think about my proposal.  If you decide to refuse, then no hard feelings.  We can still remain like we are now, just friends."


Raymond rested his head on the bed beside his mother's hand.  She had finally fallen asleep after being given a sedative.  It was torment having to listen to her groans of pain.  Ron had stopped by earlier to provide Raymond with a status of what type of medication Gigi was on and how it affects her body.  The drugs were only a temporary relief for her.  Surgery was the only answer if she wanted a complete recovery.  Raymond listened with a heavy heart.  He knew Ron had scheduled the surgery for her and was grateful for Ron's money.  However, where was he going to get the rest of it?  It was impossible!  Raymond had gone into nearly every bank he could think of but at the end of each discussion the amount the banks were willing to extend didn't even come close to the amount he needed.  Saddened by the turn of events he could only stay by Gigi's side and pray that a miracle would happen.

Raymond wiped the tears from his face and stood up.  He needed to stretch his legs and perhaps get a cup of coffee to get him through the night.  The floor was quiet at this hour.  Even the nurses' station seemed eerily quiet with only two nurses on duty.  He walked past them into the pantry that housed the floor's only vending machine.  Rummaging in his pocket for spare change, he took out his cell phone instead.  It was off.  He quickly turned it back on and saw that he had a few missed calls.  They were all from Charmaine.  The thought of her brought a small smile to his face.  It was late and she was probably asleep.  Yet he wanted to hear her voice.  He hit the re-dial button and she picked up on the second ring.  "Did I wake you?"

Charmaine who had been sitting up in bed mulling over Ben's proposal replied, "No."

"I miss you," Raymond said and he wanted to see.  He wanted to ask her to come and keep him company in the hospital but it was late and he didn't want her traveling by herself at this hour.

"I miss you too," Charmaine said.  There was a pause where she debated on whether to tell him of Ben's proposal.  Making up her mind, she drew in a steady breath and said, "Raymond, I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?" Raymond inquired softly and then suddenly he heard a commotion by the nurses' station.  Running out of the pantry he saw the two nurses and a residential doctor racing into his mom's room.  Oh no! he thought with panic.  "Something is happening to my mom.  I'll call you back."  He ended the call and ran back inside his mom's room. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.