Chapter 22

Loving You Forever

Raymond stepped in front of Ben, barring him from entering further into the room.  Not wanting to cause a scene in front of his mom, he hissed lowly, "Why are you here?"

Ben lifted his brows and gave him a mocking look that said 'isn't it obvious' before silkily responding, "I'm here to visit Auntie."  He waved his hand at Gigi who was looking at them curiously.

"I don't want you here," Raymond said in a controlled voice but the clenching of his jaw gave away his annoyance.

Bewildered by Raymond's ill manners toward Ben, Charmaine asked in a hushed voice, "Raymond, why are you acting like this?"

Ben turned sideways to look at Charmaine.  There was no mistaking the adoration on his face when his eyes fell on her.  "Hello Charmaine.  How are you feeling today?" he inquired softly.

"That's none of your business," Raymond bit out a little too loud and the tone of his voice carried into the room to where Kenneth and Ron stood.

"What's going on over there?" Kenneth asked and retraced his steps back to the door.  Suddenly remembering that he had yet to make the introductions, Kenneth smiled sheepishly at Raymond and said, "This is my brother Ben.  When he heard about your mother's illness, he insisted on coming with me to visit her.  I hope you don't mind."

"In fact I…" Before Raymond had a chance to tell Kenneth exactly what he thought about him bringing his brother here he was cut off by his mom.

"Of course I don't mind," Gigi called out from her bed.  "I love company!"  She smiled cheerily at them but her face instantly lost its shine when her eyes landed on Charmaine.  "I thought you were leaving," she reminded coolly.

Feeling rejected and embarrassed by Auntie's apparent dislike of her, Charmaine nevertheless forced a small smile on her face and said with goodwill, "I am.  Get some rest Auntie.  I'll come back later."

Raymond once more was annoyed by his mom's unreasonableness.  What will it take for her to give Charmaine a break?  Is that too much to ask for?  Already having the answers to his own questions, Raymond gave Charmaine an apologetic smile, took her elbow and said tenderly, "I'll walk you out."

"Raymond, where are your manners?" Gigi scolded.  "Your friends just got here and now you're leaving.  I'm sure she can walk out herself."

By now, it was obvious to Kenneth and Ron that Auntie was not at all fond of Charmaine.  In an attempt to diffuse the awkward tension in the room, Kenneth said casually, "It's alright.  He'll be back."

Also aware of Gigi's animosity towards Charmaine, Ben decided to use it to his benefit.  Giving Raymond a sympathetic smile, he said with false courtesy, "Stay here with your friends and don't upset Auntie in her condition.  I have to go anyway so I'll walk Charmaine out."

"Go?  You just got here," Kenneth argued.

Ben gave Kenneth a warm smile before turning to bestow that same smile on Gigi.  "I only wanted to say hello to Auntie and see how she is doing," he said with friendly politeness.

Charmed by Ben's gallantry, Gigi replied graciously in return, "Thank you for visiting.  I hope you come and visit again."

Returning his gaze to Charmaine, Ben said, "My car is parked downstairs.  I'll give you a lift to wherever you need to go."

"No you won't," Raymond said sharply causing all eyes to turn on him.  Sensing that now and here is not the time for a confrontation with Ben, Raymond quickly relaxed his features and said smoothly, "What I mean is that we don't want to inconvenience you in any way.  I can take Charmaine wherever she needs to go."

Locking his eyes on Raymond, Ben said with challenge, "It's no trouble, unless you don't trust me to.  Is that it?"

"Of course Raymond trusts you," Kenneth injected.  He patted Raymond on the back and said, "It's just the cop in him.  Always suspicious of everything and everyone."  Lowering his voice so that only Raymond can hear, Kenneth asked, "What's with you Raymond?  Your mom wants you here so let my brother drive Charmaine.  If you're worried that he might make a play for her then don't worry.  He's my brother and I know he's not that kind of a person."

Raymond only wished he could make himself believe Kenneth.  His gut instinct is telling him otherwise.  From last night and now, he can bet on any thing that Ben has his eyes on Charmaine.  And it was his duty, as her boyfriend, to keep and protect her from a low life scum like Ben Wong.  Forcing a brittle smile on his face, Raymond argued, "I feel better if I took her myself."

Charmaine moved her gaze from Raymond's and encounter the cold glare of Gigi.  Knowing if she ever wanted to gain Gigi's approval she would have to persuade Raymond to remain in the hospital.  "Raymond, Kenneth is right.  You should stay and look after Auntie.  I'll call you later."

"That's it then," Ben announced with triumph.  "Goodbye everyone."  Giving Raymond a gloating look he placed his hand on Charmaine's back and ushered her out the room.


Raymond finished putting away the last of the dishes into the cupboard and left the kitchen.  He walked out into the living to find Charmaine on the couch with her head lying limply on the armrest and her eyes closed.  As he got closer he realized that she was asleep.  He tiptoed towards her and sat down beside her to look at her.  He never got tired of looking at her.  Asleep, she was even more beautiful, with her eyelashes forming a fan around the lower part of her eyes.  Her lips were slightly parted and her even breathing sounded musical to his ears.  Taking care not to wake her, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.  She shifted and then her eyes suddenly fluttered opened.  "Did I wake you?"

Charmaine quickly sat upright, her fingers rubbing at her tired eyes.  "Sorry," she murmured.  "I didn't sleep well last night and must have dozed off."

Raymond nodded with understanding and then pulled her into his arms.  He held her while he inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair and a feeling of peace seized him.  They had returned from the hospital over an hour ago.  His mom went out of her way to ignore Charmaine and several times Raymond was about to say something.  Each time, Charmaine prevented him from doing so by diverting his attention.  It worked.  Soon visiting hour was over and they had to leave.  Instead of eating out, Charmaine offered to cook.  They returned to his place where she prepared a scrumptious meal which Raymond barely ate.  His mood just wasn't into anything at the moment.  Not when his mom is lying in the hospital with her life withering away.  He had spoken at length with Ron earlier and his mom's cancerous cells were spreading rapidly.  She needed surgery and fast.  Throughout the day he tried to keep his mind focused but visions of his mom dying drifted endlessly in his head.

"What's wrong?" Charmaine asked suddenly as she pulled away to scrutinize him.  She saw the creases on his forehead and the bleak look in his eyes.  She knew it concerned his mom but to what extent, she didn't know.

Raymond lifted her hand and brought it to his lips where he nuzzled it.  Looking down at the floor he said, "My mom needs surgery.  Time is running out."

"Her condition…," Charmaine trailed off.

"Yes," Raymond answered her unasked question.  "It's gotten worse.  Ron told me that if she doesn't get the surgery soon she's not going to make it."

The despair in Raymond's voice when he told her twisted at Charmaine's heart.  She wished she could help him but how?  She didn't have that kind of money.  Even if she were to borrow from the bank she wouldn't be qualified for such a large amount.  Yet, she believed things will work out at the end and she wanted Raymond to believe that as well.  Cradling his face she vowed, "We'll think of a way to help Auntie.  She'll make it through this."

Raymond stared into her eyes and an emotion so deep and powerful filled him.  He had never felt this way about anyone before but he recognized what the feeling was.  Tightening his hold on her hand, he whispered, "Charmaine, I love you."

Charmaine's eyes widened at his declaration of love.  She sort of knew he did but to hear him say it out loud made her heart swell at the simplicity of those three words that held so much meaning.  Lowering her eyes shyly she said, "I love you too."

Raymond pulled her into his arms and held her in a fierce bear hug that had Charmaine gasping for air.  Realizing that he was hurting her he quickly loosened his hold to stare down at her again.  "You don't know how much having your love means to me."  Suddenly Raymond remembered that Ben had driven her from the hospital that afternoon.  Searching her face, he asked starkly, "Did Ben Wong try anything on you?"

Charmaine was astonished by the question and her face told him so.  "Raymond, what do you have against him?"

"I don't like the guy," Raymond grinded out.  "He's not what he appears to be and I'm asking you not see him again.  Can you do that?"

Thinking that Raymond's request stems from jealousy and nothing else, Charmaine said placately, "Raymond, he's only a casual friend and he'll always be only that.  You're the one I love and want to be with.  Can't you trust me?"

"Promise me," Raymond persisted, his face hard and set.

Charmaine knew better than to argue with him.  Besides, Ben Wong was an insignificant person in her life so whether she saw him again didn't matter.  Raymond was the only person that matters to her.  If agreeing would appease him then she would that.  "I promise."

"Thank you," Raymond smiled.  He glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "It's late.  Spend the night with me?"

Charmaine nodded and seconds later she was again pulled into his arms. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.