Chapter 19

Loving You Forever

Charmaine stared down at her cup of tea, unwilling to look up and see Ben's sympathetic gaze.  Under his comforting encouragement, she had told him what happened at the restaurant, her feelings and also her confusion about what to do from here on.  Ben was a great listener.  He didn't pressure her to say anything she didn't want to.  He sat through it all with a soft, sad smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.  Neither did he voice any opinions or gave any indication on what he thought she should do next.  It was relieving and also nerve racking the way he simply sat there looking and listening to her without so much as a peep.  Finally looking up to meet his eyes, Charmaine said softly, "I'm sorry to burden you with my problems."

Ben shook his head and his smile widened a little, "Don't be.  I like it that you're able to open up and talk to me."

Charmaine flushed at his words and then admittedly timidly, "I usually keep everything to myself.  I don't like sharing my feelings with other people.  It makes me feel vulnerable."

"What about your boyfriend?" Ben asked curiously.  When he first learned of her already having a boyfriend his spirits were considerably dampened.  But after hearing what happened with her boyfriend and his mother, his spirits lifted.  Her misfortune was to his advantage and he can't help but be pleased of the outcome.  "Don't you guys talk about your feelings?"

"We haven't been together long," Charmaine disclosed with an awkward smile.  "Only a few weeks.  We're slowly getting to know each other."

Ben crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward onto it.  He looked at her intently and said, "Even though you and your boyfriend haven't dated long but it's long enough for you to know he's the only one for you.  Am I right?"

Ben's question stunned Charmaine.  She can't believe she was having a conversation about Raymond with the last person she should be talking to, Ben Wong.  He had bluntly told her how he felt about her and she had rejected him.  If she wasn't feeling so miserable right now she would laugh at the irony of it.  Uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, Charmaine darted her eyes around the coffee house and said, "This is a really nice place.  Do you come here often?"

Ben knew what she was doing and suppressed a chuckle.  He really wasn't interested in hearing her talk about her boyfriend but if it meant her talking then he could sit through it.  Glancing around the cozy coffee house with pride, Ben replied, "I own it along with the chains all over Hong Kong, plus a number of other businesses."

Astounded by this information, Charmaine said, "Kenneth never mentioned that he comes from a well-to-do family."

Ben laughed, "Kenneth is a very discreet person.  Besides, he doesn't like using my money even though I tell him time and time again that it's not my money but ours.  I have a very stubborn brother in case you don't know already."

Typical Kenneth, Charmaine thought with a fond smile.  Since the first time she was introduced to Kenneth she liked him on the spot and since then their friendship has blossomed.  Kenneth was one of those guys that you would be proud to call a friend.  "That's what makes Kenneth so down to earth and adorable," Charmaine unwittedly said.

"How about me?" Ben asked quietly, his eyes boring into hers.

Baffled by the question, Charmaine asked in return, "What about you?"

"How do you feel about me?" Ben amended, never taking his eyes off her.  He noted the flush on her face and the pink hue made her face come alive.  She was truly beautiful and not for the first time did Ben feel a strange flutter in his heart.

Not knowing how to go about answering the question, Charmaine quickly glance down at her watch and gushed, "I didn't realize how late it was.  I better get going."

Ben flicked a glance at his own watch.  It wasn't even 9:00 pm.  Standing up he pulled out his wallet and dropped a few bills onto the table.  "Tips for the waitress," he told her.  He then went around to Charmaine's side of the table and pulled her chair back to help her up.

Charmaine said a low thank you and followed him out the coffee house.  Once outside on the streets she said, "Thank you for the tea."

Ben bowed slightly and said, "It's always a pleasure where you're concern.  I'll drive you home now."

Charmaine shook her head, feeling that she had taken too much of his time.  More important, she didn't want him to get any wrong ideas.  "Uh… that's alright."  She gestured at the bus stop at the corner and said, "I'll take the bus."

"Don't be silly," Ben chided with good humor.  He peered down at her and asked, "Aren't we friends now?"

Were they, she asked herself?  Charmaine would define him as an acquaintance and the brother of a friend but not her actual friend.  But seeing the hopeful expression on his face made her say instead, "Yes."

Ben nodded with approval, an elated smile spreading across his face.  "Come then.  I'll drive you home."  He then placed his hand under her elbow and steered her towards his car.


Raymond brought his hand to Gigi's forehead.  It was cool to the touch.  She was sleeping or sedated, depending on which term you preferred to us.  It was to keep her from feeling the pain.  The pain killer has not set in yet and once it does she will no longer need to be sedated so long as she keeps taking those pain killers.  Expelling a ragged sigh, he removed his hand and sat down on a chair facing her.

Mandy walked into the room, a cup of coffee in one hand and a wrapped sandwich in the other.  "Here," she held it out to Raymond, "You haven't eaten anything all night."

Raymond refused the food, his eyes glued on his mom.  "I'm not hungry," he muttered.

Mandy set the food down on the table beside him.  "You have to eat something.  You need to keep up your strength for when your mom wakes up."

Raymond knew she was right.  There was going to be a long battle ahead for them and he can't let himself be dragged own because he wasn't eating.  Wordlessly, he picked up the sandwich and unwrapped it.

Mandy watched Raymond silently as he took bite after bite of the sandwich until it was completely gone.  Satisfied she took the empty wrapper from him and tossed it into the nearby trash bin.  "Can I get you anything else?"

Raymond drank the coffee in one gulp and tossed it in the trash bin.  "No thanks."

Mandy hated seeing Raymond like this.  She wished there was more she can do to help him through this hard time.  Sitting down beside him, she said, "Your mom is strong.  She has always been a fighter and I don't think even cancer can take her down.  So I'm sure she'll be okay.  I know it.  You believe me right?"

Raymond turned his gaze on her and her face mirrored the worry which he was feeling.  Yet there was also something on her face that he didn't feel.  And that was optimism.  Mandy had always told him to think positive no matter what.  If you think positive then things will turn out good.  But if you revere in negativity then only bad things will happen.  It was this attitude in her that first attracted him to her.  It seems like a life time ago and yet it had only been two years.  "Thank you Mandy."

Surprised, Mandy frowned and asked, "For what?"

Giving her a weak smile of gratitude, Raymond said, "For being here."  He lifted her hand in his and added, "For everything."

Mandy looked down shyly and said, "I will always be here for you Raymond, no matter what happens."

Raymond gave her hand a gentle squeeze then released it.  He turned his attention back to his mom and mumbled, "I shouldn't have upset her."  His thoughts suddenly turned to Charmaine.  Charmaine!  He had been so worry about his mom that he had completely forgotten about her.  What will she think of him now?  He had to see her, to explain everything, to know that they were still good.  He jumped up from his seat.

Seeing Raymond's abrupt movement, Mandy quickly grabbed his arm and asked frantically, "Raymond, what's wrong?"

"I have to see Charmaine to explain everything to her!" he blurted out and turned towards the door missing the crestfallen look on Mandy's face.  He opened the door but stopped to look back at her, "Mandy, I won't be gone long.  Can you stay here with my mom until I return?"

Mandy fought back her tears and nodded.  When Raymond was out of sight she dropped down on the chair and let her tears fall.


Raymond sped towards Charmaine's place.  It was still early so she wouldn't have gone to bed yet.  He parked at the corner of her street and walked the remaining distance to her building.  As he drew nearer he saw her walking up to the building.  "Charmaine," he called out her name and even managed a weak smile, despite his current mood, when she turned his way.

Charmaine heard her name being called and turned towards the voice.  It was Raymond and he was fast approaching.  "Raymond," she said his name, her heart melting at the sight of him.

Raymond felt his heart constrict at the sight of her.  He was only a few feet away when a man stepped up behind her.  The man turned in his direction and recognition hit Raymond with full force.  Ben Wong!  What the hell was Charmaine doing with him?! 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.