Chapter 12

Loving You Forever

The restaurant was located on the top floor of an old apartment complex.  When they arrived in front of the building Charmaine gave Raymond a questioning look but didn't make any comment.  Raymond saw the inquiry on her face and gave her an answering smile that basically told her to trust him.  And trust she did.  She followed him into the small lobby and into the equally small elevator that took them up to their destination.  To her amazement when the elevator doors opened she felt as if she stepped into a completely different building.  Marble walls and floors greeted her.  A chandelier with about a hundred lit candles hung from the center of what she assumed was the foyer of the restaurant.  As they walked in, the maitre D quickly approach them.  Smiling at Raymond, he said, "Lam Sir, your table is ready.  This way please."

They followed the maitre D to a table right behind a grand piano.  After seating the couple, the maitre D excused himself so that they could have a few minutes to get comfortable and decide on their order.

Raymond looked across the table at Charmaine and asked with a beaming grin, "What do you think about this place?"

Scanning the restaurant's flamboyant décor Charmaine said, "It's very beautiful and cozy.  Not what I expected from downstairs."

"I'm glad you like it," Raymond said and picked up a menu from the table to hand to her.  "They don't have much on the menu but I guarantee whatever you order will be the best thing you ever eaten."

Smiling at his enthusiasm for the restaurant, Charmaine already knew that she was going to enjoy the food here.  "I'll take your word for it," she said softly.

A waiter stopped at their table.  Just like the maitre D he had on a big smile and the smile was aimed at Raymond.  "Welcome back Lam Sir."

Raymond turned his gaze from Charmaine to look at him.  "You're working the night shift too now Oscar?"

Oscar nodded and leaned towards Raymond to say, "I need the extra money to pay for my classes.  I'll be graduating in two months," he added the last proudly.

"That's great news!" Raymond exclaimed, "I knew you could do it."

"I couldn't have done it without you," Oscar responded with a slight catch in his voice.  "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't…"

Raymond stopped Oscar from saying anything further with a playful slap on his arm.  "Don't get teary eye on me now."

Oscar instantly pulled himself together.  He then looked over at Charmaine with appraising eyes and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your beautiful friend?"

Raymond shook his head and said flatly, "No."

His outright refusal caused Oscar to laugh out loud.  When his laughter subsided he asked in a professional tone, "What can I get for you this evening?"

Raymond looked across at Charmaine, "Have you decided yet?"

"I'll have the shrimp and avocado salad," she replied and closed her menu and handed it back to Oscar.

Oscar took the menu and placed it under his arm before turning his attention to Raymond, "What about you Lam Sir?  The usual?"

Raymond's usual was lamb chops and a side order of grilled vegetables.  However, tonight he wanted to try something different.  "I'll have the same as her."

"Very well," Oscar said politely.  He turned to leave but stopped right beside Raymond.  Bending slightly he whispered into Raymond's ear, "I won't tell Mandy I saw tonight."  Raymond abruptly turn to give Oscar a warning glare but Oscar was already halfway across the room.

Charmaine saw the scowl on Raymond's face and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Smoothing his features, Raymond shook his head and said, "It's nothing.  Why don't we talk about your day?"


Mandy spotted Gigi pacing in front of an electrical appliance store and quickly rushed over.  "Are you alright Auntie?"

Gigi smiled with relief and clasped Mandy's hand, "I lost my wallet and don't have any means of getting home.  Raymond isn't picking up any of my calls."

"Don't worry Auntie.  I'm here now and will take you home," Mandy offered and held Gigi's arm as they walked down the street towards the bus stop.

At the light, Gigi turned to look at Mandy.  Mandy was looking straight ahead at the traffic light waiting for it to turn green.  Raymond is fortunate in finding such a wonderful girl like Mandy, Gigi thought.  Not only was Mandy pretty, she was also genuinely nice and caring, especially to elders like herself.  There aren't much girls like that nowadays.  Now if only they would get marry then she'll definitely have nothing more to worry about.  "Are you still mad at Raymond for not coming home for dinner that night?" Gigi asked just as the light turned green and they started walking again.

Mandy halted for a brief second before resuming her pace.  She shook her head in response.

"Next Saturday is my birthday.  No matter how busy Raymond is, he always, and I mean always, takes me out to dinner to celebrate.  I hope you'll be there as well."

Instead of guiding Gigi towards the line for the bus, Mandy took a detour into the nearby park.  She gently pushed Gigi onto a bench and sat down beside her.  "Auntie, Raymond broke up with me."

Shocked by the news, Gigi grabbed her hands and asked anxiously, "When?  He didn't say anything about it to me!"

Mandy shrugged her shoulders helplessly and in that same calm voice said, "It was only two days ago.  Perhaps he didn't get a chance to."

"I'm going to set him straight right now," Gigi vowed and got up to leave.

Mandy stopped her and forced her to sit back down.  "Don't, Auntie.  It's for the best."

Not understanding how Mandy could be so calm about the entire thing, Gigi asked in wonder, "You don't love him anymore?"

"I still do," Mandy admitted with a small hopeless smile.  "But I also know that its time to let go."

Puzzled by what she was hearing, Gigi asked, "I don't understand.  You still love him and yet you're willing to break up with him.  Is it because Raymond doesn't spend enough time with you?  I'll speak to him about it and I'll tell him to spend more time with you."

Mandy instantly shook her head.  She then flipped her hands around so that she was now holding Gigi's hands.  Smiling gently at Gigi, she said with a heaviness in her heart, "Raymond doesn't love me anymore.  Yes, I'm heartbroken about it but at the same time I'm happy that he had been honest with me about his feelings.  So Auntie, please don't be angry with Raymond over this."

Gigi let out a heavy sigh and muttered, "Since you guys have already made up your minds, what more could I say."


"Here you are," Raymond announced and turned the ignition off.  He jumped out of the car and hurried over to Charmaine's side to help her out.  "I'll walk you up," he offered.

Charmaine nodded shyly and led the way into her building.  During the elevator ride up they remained silent, standing as far apart as the elevator allowed.  At her floor, Charmaine quickly stepped out and headed in the direction of her apartment.  She stopped in front of her door and turned to Raymond, "Thank you for dinner.  I had a great time."

Raymond smiled down softly at her and said, "It was my pleasure and I had a great time too."

"Goodnight," Charmaine said and turned to unlock her door.

Raymond watched as Charmaine stuck her key into the lock.  She turned the knob and was about to open the door when he blurted out, "Wait, can I see you again tomorrow night?"

Charmaine turned back to face him.  She lifted her gaze to his and the moment their eyes locked she couldn't seem to look away.  She nodded her head slowly in response.  She saw Raymond smile just before he bent his head and kissed her. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.