Chapter 10

Loving You Forever

As soon as they sat down, Kenneth claimed he had forgotten something urgent to attend to.  Without giving Raymond and Charmaine a chance to question him, Kenneth dashed out of the restaurant leaving Raymond and Charmaine staring after him with puzzled expressions.  Raymond sort of had an idea on what Kenneth was trying to pull.  In fact, he recalled Kenneth pulling a similar stunt like this back in the school days when he found out that Raymond had a crush on one of their classmates.  The more he thought about it the more likely it appears.  That would definitely explain Kenneth's abrupt departure.  So instead of being angry, Raymond was pleased and made a mental note to thank Kenneth the next time he saw him.  Passing Charmaine a menu, he asked, "What do you feel like having?"

Charmaine took the menu from him and pretended to concentrate on it.  With Kenneth gone, she felt awkward being alone with Raymond.  They have been alone before when he had driven her home from the hospital but somehow being in a restaurant and having dinner with him seemed… seemed…  Before she could find the exact words to describe her feelings, Raymond repeated his question.  Closing the menu she suggested casually, "Let's have dinner another time when Kenneth is available."

Unable to hide the disappointment in his voice, Raymond asked, "Why?"

Charmaine shifted nervously in her seat.  She didn't know why.  All she knew was that being alone with Raymond Lam was causing all kinds of strange and new emotions within her that excites and petrifies her at the same time.  If Kenneth was here with them, then Raymond's attention wouldn't be focused solely on her, as he is now.  With his eyes steadily watching her, Charmaine could feel the heat rise to her cheeks.  Unable to meet his eyes, she stammered, "I-I just thought it would be m-more fun with him around," she stammered.

Raymond didn't say a word at first as he continued to look at her.  He could see a developing red hue on her face and guessed she was feeling shy.  He found that very endearing and something tugged fiercely in his heart.  Since the first time he laid eyes on her that feeling was there.  When he thought he would never see her again, it had felt like a great loss.  Like the feeling one gets when they lost someone special.  But today, when he saw her again it was like he had received the greatest gift of all time.  These feelings were strange in that he didn't really know Charmaine Sheh and yet at the same time these same feelings weren't as strange as he first thought.  The only answer would be because deep down he knew he had fallen for her.  In truth, he had fallen for her at first sight.  Falling for Charmaine wasn't something he had planned on doing.  He already has Mandy who was every bit as lovely and gentle as Charmaine Sheh.  However, the feelings he has for Mandy were not comparable to the strong bond he feels when he's with Charmaine.  In fact, he was not going to let her slip away a second time and not knowing when he'll be able to see her again.  Keeping his eyes on her he asked bluntly, "Does being alone with me make you uncomfortable?"

Charmaine was surprised that he was able to correctly guess her thoughts.  Smiling softly, she admitted, "Yes," then went on to say hesitantly, "We don't really know each other."

Raymond was happy that she was honest with him about her feelings.  She was right – they didn't really know each other.  But Raymond was going to change that starting right now.  Picking up her menu he held it in front of her and teased lightly, "Well if we don't have dinner together then how will we ever get to know each?"

Charmaine was stumped by his question and didn't know how to respond.  She was still trying to figure out what to say when Raymond opened the menu and placed it directly in front of her.

"Please have dinner with me," he urged quietly.

Charmaine heard the pleading in his tone and didn't have the heart to refuse.  "Okay," she said softly.

Raymond felt like he had just been handed the second greatest of all time.  Smiling from ear to ear he signaled for the waiter.


Mandy glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.  It was a quarter past ten and still no word from Raymond.  He must have forgotten today was her birthday.  All along she thought Gigi was part of Raymond's plan to give her a special surprise birthday dinner.  When Gigi informed her that Raymond wasn't coming home for dinner she took it in with a smile thinking that it was part of the surprise.  He wanted her to believe he wasn't coming home and then he would suddenly show up with a birthday cake.  Those were her assumptions.  As the minutes ticked into hours and still no sign of him she knew that he had forgotten.  Vastly disappointed and sadden by it she can't help but feel that her relationship with Raymond was coming to an end.  They weren't like how they used to be.  Back then no matter how busy Raymond was he would call her at least once every other day.  These past couple of months she hardly saw him and when she did he was either on the phone or had to cut their date short.  She sensed something different in him the last few times they saw each other.  He wasn't as talkative or carefree as usual.  Instead, he was awfully polite as if she was just a casual friend and not his girlfriend of two years.  She stole a glance at Gigi and saw the fatigue on her face.  Standing up she grabbed her purse and announced, "Auntie, it's getting late.  I better go home."

Gigi quickly stood up and glanced at the clock.  Noting the late hour she became agitated with Raymond for not coming home for dinner again.  This was becoming a habit of his.  A habit that she hopes would break once he settles down with Mandy.  Smiling warmly at Mandy, she said, "Why don't you wait a bit longer?  I'll give him a call and see where he is."

Mandy shook her head.  "That's okay.  I don't want to bother him when he's working."

Holding onto Mandy's arm, Gigi suggested, "I'll call him right now and see where he is.  He may be on his way home."  Pushing Mandy back down onto the couch Gigi picked up the nearby phone and dialed Raymond's number.  Raymond answered on the third ring and Gigi could hear soft music playing in the background.  "Ray, where are you now?" she asked directly.

"Wait a minute," Raymond said and Gigi could hear him excusing himself from whoever he was with.  She also heard muffled footsteps as the background music began to fade.  Seconds later Raymond's voice came over, "What is it Mom?"

"When are you coming home?" Gigi asked impatiently.

"In a little while," Raymond answered ignoring the tone of Gigi's voice.

"Mandy is still here waiting for you.  She has been here since this afternoon," Gigi snapped.  "Do you want your girlfriend to wait for you forever?"

The mention of Mandy dampened Raymond's mood.  He glanced over at Charmaine.  She was taking small bites of her dessert and the vision she presented was every bit as sweet as the dessert she was eating.  For the hundredth time this evening he found himself mesmerized by every little thing that she did.  Charmaine Sheh was truly a captivating person.  Eager to return to her, he gushed, "I'll be home soon.  Tell Mandy I'll call her later."

"Raymond!" Gigi said but she didn't get to say anything further for Raymond had already ended the call.  Placing the receiver back into the cradle she looked remorsefully at Mandy, "Raymond is still tied up at work.  He said he's sorry and will call you later to personally apologize."


Charmaine looked up from her dessert when she heard Raymond return.  He had left in a hurry when he received the call so she presumed it was something rather important.  "Is everything alright?" she inquired softly.

Raymond nodded his head and sat down.  "Nothing that can't be dealt with tomorrow."  He looked down at her half eaten dessert and asked lightly, "Aren't you going to leave me any?"

Charmaine placed her spoon down and pushed the plate towards him.  "You could have the rest if you don't mind eating after me."

Raymond pulled the plate towards him and spooned a hearty amount of the chocolate soufflé.  He brought it in front of his mouth but didn't eat it.  Looking intensely at her, he said, "If I eat this can I safely assume that we're no longer mere acquaintances."

Charmaine understood his meaning.  She could feel herself blush under the intensity of his stare.  Lowering her eyes she nodded her head and said, "I would say you're a friend."

"I'm satisfied with that," Raymond declared and with a few bites finished the soufflé.  When he was done he again returned that intense gaze on Charmaine and added, "For now that is." 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.