Counting Her Days


“JiYeon! I swear it seems like forever since I last saw you!” Hara screamed, bursting through m hospital room.

“Unnie, you might want to keep your voice down.” I warned, giving her a tired smile.

These past three days, I’ve been doing nothing but taking blood tests, urine tests and all the tests you could think of and in those three days it’s always Doojoon Oppa who accompanied me in everything, only going home to change.

“Mianhe, I heard what happened only today, are you okay now?” Hara asked, closing the door gently behind her and approaching me, still not noticing Doojoon.

“I don’t know if I’m okay now, but I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary so I guess I am.” I answered, smiling at her.

“That’s good! So when do you- Hi.” She stopped mid-sentence and waved at Doojoon Oppa wha was currently reading a book. He looked up, gave Hara a tentative smile and looked back down not even bothering to show respect.

“Yah! Oppa! Be a little nicer!” I scolded, bending towards him but as I did I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my stomach.


“Gwenchana?” Doojoon and Hara asked at the same time and he was out of his chair faster than you can say Texas.

“Yeah, I just moved too much.” I assured them.

“So then stop moving!” Now he scolded.

“Well that’s because you’re not being nice!”I retorted.

“What does not being nice have anything to do with you moving too much!?” He asked, playfully glaring at me.

“Ehem.” Hara fake coughed and pressed her lips into a tight line. Funny how I almost forgot she was here.

I placed my gaze back to Doojoon Oppa and just stared at him, silently telling him to introduce himself.

He sighed.

“Annyeong, I’m Doojoon. Ji Yeon’s friend.” He introduce then turned to me, looking peeved.

“Happy now?” He asked.

“Very.” I replied, smiling at him.

I saw the corner of his lips tilt up as he turned around and cleared his throat, going back to his book.

“Well, I’m Hara.” Unnie said, giving him a smile which he nodded in return.

Awkward silence.

I sighed.

“Unnie, shouldn’t you be in a date?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Yes, but I love you more so I told my boyfriend we can have a date tomorrow.” She replied, inching closer to me; sitting on my bed.

“Awwe, you did that for me?” I asked feeling touched. At least I know she loves me.

“Of course! You’re practically like a sister to me! I have no idea why your family treat you the way they do!” She exclaimed.

I froze Doojoon oppa looked up from his book but didn’t say anything.

How did she know? I thought no one knew.

“Oh, uh I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have-“ She started.

“How did you know?” I asked in a small voice.

“I heard Dr. Park and Yubin unnie talking- I’m really sorry if-“ I cut her off.

“It’s okay unnie, but please don’t tell anyone else about this.”I asked, which she just nodded and hugged me.

“Ah-Okay- hurt- me.” I wheezed out but she didn’t hear.

“Hara, you’re hurting her.” Doojooon Oppa said, puling Hara unnie awau.

“Mianheeee!!!!” She apologized.

Hara unnie stayed for bout three hours, Her talking, Me listening and Doojoon reading. When she left, the doctor came.

“So, do you have the test results?” I asked, feeling a bit nervous.

“Actually, no. I just checked and the nurses said your results would come out two days from now.”

“So she can’t come home yet?” Doojoon Oppa asked, standing beside me.

“That’s what I’m here for. You can go home today but I need you to return after two days for your results.” He informed me.

“Oh! Of course.” I replied, slumping; feeling exhausted.

“Jiyeon, make sure you get a lot of sleep and don’t exhaust yourself arasso?” The doctor asked.

“De.” He exited the room and I was left with Doojoon Oppa.

“So ready to face the world?” He asked jokingly, ruffling my hair.


I took a deep breath and stood before my school with trembling hands. Not because I was scared or nervous, my hands were just trembling and they wouldn’t stop.

Deciding to ignore them, I entered the school and smiled at the ahjussi guarding the gate.

“Oh look who finally decided to show up.” I heard Hyuna’s voice say.

“Looks like she lost weight.” One of Hyuna’s friends, Yoseob, exclaimed in a loud voice, making half of the people in the whole parking lot turn to me.

Great, just what I needed.

“Trying to fit in fatty? Cause even though you lost weight, you’re still too fat to fit.” Hyuna mocked, her posse laughing at her lame joke.

Yeah, did I forget to mention I weight? Not a lot but still. I lost weight and I have no idea how that happened since I was just acting like a lazy pig in the hospital. Well, a lazy pig taking medical tests.

I ignored them and continued walking, feeling my head suddenly throb.

“JiYeon!” I turned around looking for the familiar voice.

“Oppa, should’t you be like in the other building?” I asked, tilting my head to one side.

“Yes, but then I saw you walking.” He answered simply.

I rolled my eyes.

“I know there’s something more Hyunseung.” I stated, blinking trying to ignore the pain.

“Okay fine. I actually have a question.” He said, stopping and turning to me. I can feel a lot of eyes staring at me but I ignored them focusing solely on Hyunseung’s handsome face.

“Where were you these pass few days?”

“Oppa, can we not stay under the sun?” I asked, feeling dizzy.

“Sure, but we have 3 minutes till classes start and We’ll both be late if we look for shelter.”

“Can’t it wait till later?” I asked, taking a step back, trying to balance myself.

“Just answer me Jiyeon, I’ve been worried sick about you. Why do you look pale? And why aren’t you talking to Hyuna? And why are you alone? Don’t you have friends? Why aren’t they here? Do they know you were in the clinic?” He asked all in one breath but before I could answer someone answered for me.

“She has a boyfriend, I know she was in the clinic and now JiYeon has to get to class.” I heard gasps from students who were obviously eaves dropping as a stunned look crossed Hyunseung oppa’s face.

I turned my head; my mouth hanging open only to see Doojoon Oppa put his left arm around me; pulling me closer to him and him give Hyunseung a tight smile. I didn’t even know he went to school here! I thought he came from outside the country!

Without another word from anyone, Doojoon stirred me away from Hyunseung and proceeded to bring me towards my building.

“OPPA!”I whisper shouted.

“What?” He asked, glancing at me.

“What was that about? Boyfriend!?” I aske, suddenly mad.

“What? I am your boy friend. I’m a boy that is your friend why did you think of something more?.” He explained, smirking at me.

“Oppa! You shouldn’t have done that!” I scolded, pouting at him.

“Why not? It’s true though.” He said, now smiling.

“You like him don’t you?” He continued, suddenly turning serious but continued walking. I didn’t reply, only changed the topic.

“So, you go to school here?” I asked, shifting under his arms.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“What question?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“From the way you’re acting, I think you like him.” He concluded.

“Aren’t you late for class?” I asked.

“Nope, I don’t go to school here, well not until tomorrow. I’m enrolling today.”

“Oh.” Was my smart reply.

“This is my building.” I stated as we got to a huge white building.

“Okay, so want to point where the information office is?” He asked, awkwardly scratching the nape of his neck.

“It’s right beside you oppa.” I stated, giggling.

“Oh, okay. This is my stop are you okay now? You looked like you were about to pas out a while ago.”

“Yeah, I think it’s because of the heat.” I replied.

“Okay take care Jiyeon, see you later.” He said, ruffling my hair. I smiled and we went our separate ways.

I turned a corner and just my luck, I once again started feeling my head pound. I stopped walking trying to regain my senses until I fell. More like someone bumped into me.

“YAH, watch where you’re going!” A voice yelled from above me.

I looked up only to see Yoseob, one of my sister’s friends.

“Mianhe.” I quickly apologized but he didn’t say anything. He just stared at me with horror struck eyes.

“What?” I asked, slightly irritated.

“Your nose id bleeding.” He answered. I brought my hand up to my nose and sure enough red liquid was oozing out.

“You should go to the clinic.” He helped me up but as soon as he did, I felt dizzy and stumbled a few steps. Lucky enough, He caught me before any damaged could be done.

“Thanks.” I replied.

“I’ll just- uh go with you I guess since it is my fault.” I was about to tell him that it wasn’t his fault but I saw the world spin as black patches blinded my vision.

And once again, Ladies and gentlemen, I fainted.



chudo-Ned- : thanks! I really appreciate t! and I'm happy you're affected that means I'm an effective author right? hehehehe ^.^

angela718_sdw : thankyouuuuu!!!!!!! and junhyung? you'll know soon. hehehehe and I'm fat too! so you aren't alone :D and  I honestly love writting Doojoon's character... he's so... inlove worthy... <-------- if that's even a word. :D

MomoLove : thankyou!! and yes I imagined her as IU too but I don't know IU that much so I'm not that confident in writting about her... YET. hehehehe ^.^

fatinnasrah : thankyou! :D

xXMuz1cS0ulXx :Yeah, you can say that... a flashback that will soon prove to be very important.... >:D




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and yes, I am aware there is no such thing as a BT ;)


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Chapter 30: great story ..its make me cried !!! congrats author-nim
YiMijoo #2
Chapter 29: As much as I want jiyeon to survive, i hate how hyuna go that far to save her, poor hyuna. Thanks authornim for sharing such great story
Chapter 30: Great Story! :D
AJ_Kevin #4
Chapter 30: Love the story :D is there any sequel of like how they lived? Or a story on hyunseung's pov? Cause hyuna's gone and life would be sad for him. So i tot it would make an interesting story :)
KimchiAdil #5
Chapter 30: The best i ever read.. thank you so much for making this story..
_young5 #6
Chapter 30: Errr... I think this is my 2nd time or maybe 3rd...i woke up at 2AM, suddenly. Just finished reading this fic..currently 6.40AM. N i am crying like there is no tmrrw.
ednadianne #7
Chapter 30: second time I read this .. and still I'm crying ..
great story !!!
shujun #8
Chapter 30: i'm crying?!?!
yaaa..author-nim..its your fault..
i cry when i read hyuna's letter..
great story..
love u author-nim..!!!saranghanda..!!
Chapter 30: I'm not sure that i've ever heard of a brain transplant before..but still, this is a very good story! It almost made me cry (i don't really cry over a fictional story :) )
Chapter 30: aish , jinjja ? This story , its , its .. #wipemytears# eps 29 !! Uwahhh !! Its , making me cried !!! Author-nim , gomawo for the awesome story !! Hope u'll make more stories like this !! Kekekk .. Anyways , fighting !