Counting Her Days

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where the Cha Jiyeon was brought?" Doojoon asked hurriedly, tapping the nurses desk.

"Cha Jiyeon, she was brought to the operating room right that way." The nurse anwered, politely pointing towards the direction of the room.

"Thanks." Hyuna answered, immediately running towards the direction. 

"Hyung!" Gikwang who was seated on the floor exclaimed, seeing Doojoon and Hyuna.

"What are you doing here?" Yoseob asked, eyes very red from the crying he did minutes ago.

"I'll tell you later, where's Jiyeon?"

"And my family?" Hyuna added, looking around.

"Jiyeon is still in the operating room. The doctor called your parents and Junhyung and brought them to a corner to talk about Jiyeon's condition." Hara answered, twisting her hands again and again clearly nervous.

"How is she doing?" Doojoon asked, obviously refraining himself from yelling because of his stupidity.

"We don't know." Hyunseung answered, speaking up for the first time since they arrived. Being Jiyeon's bestfriend and almost losing her once in a fire made Hyunseung very over- protective of Jiyeon, but now he feels so helpless and defeated. He couldn't do anything but watch and pray that death would wait longer for Jiyeon. 

"Doojoon?" Yubin asked, surprised to see his son there.

"All of you knew?" Doojoon asked astonished, and frustrated that he was kept in the dark for so long. 

"Kind of." Dongwoon asnwered, putting the food he and Yubin brought on the chair.

Doojoon stayed silent and sat beside Hyunseung, trying to control his tears. He realized how much time he wasted, how much time they could have spent together, how he didn't fight for her but should have. How he loved her but didn't do anything about it. How he sould have been there. How he wasn't there to support her and how much he loved her. 

Yoseob, Dongwoon, Gikwang, Hara, Hyuna, Yubin and Hyunseung all peeked to see Doojoon. Unconciously to Doojooon, tears fell from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks, landing on his hands that were his pants, obviously trying not to hit the wall behind him. Everyone felt pity and guilt. they wanted to comfort him but knows nothing would make him alright. It was useless to comfort him cause even they can't comfort themselves.

"Hyuna where are you going?" Yubin asked softly.

"I'm going to my family." Hyuna answered slowly, giving Yubin a sad smile.



"So what do we need to do now?" Misun asked, leaning on her husband for support. Hyuna was just by the corner, listening, not knowing whether she should interupt them and find out what is happening to her twin, or just stay silent and let them continue.

She chose the latter.

"The best thing to do is to have a brain trasplant." The doctor suggested, glancing from Misun to Kang- Dae to Junhyung.

"Okay, let's do it then! We'll pay whatever price just so she's okay." Kang- Dae answered.

"Yes, in your case money isn't the problem but Jiyeon is the seventh patient on the waiting list for brain donors." The doctor answered.

"We'll pay any amount just to have her move on the first." Junhyung said quickly.

"I'm sorry but you can't do that and Jiyeon's blood is AB- one of the hardest to find in the world." The doctor explained, trying to make the family understand.

"What has the blood type got to do with any of this?" Junhyung asks clearly starting to feel frustrated.

"Everything. If the blood type doesn't go with her's she's good aas dead." The doctor stated frankly.

"How much time does she have." Misun asked, tears streaming down her face at the thought of her daughter in a casket.

"Our estimated time is 4 hours, if we can't find a donor by then, we all just have to hope for the best and pray."

Hyuna turned around with her heart beating against her chest. she knows someone who has the same blood type as Jiyeon and that is herself. With out turning back or returning to where the other were, yuna went straight to the blood testing area.



"Where's Hyuna?" Junhyung asked when they returned outside the operating room, waiting for Jiyeon to be transfered in her own room.

"She said she was going to talk to you."  Dongwoon answered with a frown.

"She never arrived." Junhyung answered, sitting next to Hara who automatically held his hand.

"She must have gotten lost." Yoseob supplied.

"Maybe, Junhyung try calling her." Misun ordered, taking the water that Yubin offered her.



After series of tests, Hyuna was found fit and able to donate blood to anyone who needed it and as if destiny planned it, the doctor talking to theCha family earlier, entered the room.

"Excuse me!" She called out.


"I'm Cha Hyuna and I was wondering is it possible for me to donate anything to help my sister?" Hyuna asked vaguely.

"You are Cha Jiyeon's sister?" The doctor clarified, noticing their resemblance.


"Well, there's nothing you can help her with, unless you know people who would willingly give up their life for your sister and has the same blood type as her." The doctor answered, intrueged as to why Hyuna is asking him all these questions.

"I know someone." Hyuna answered automatically.

"Who?"  Hyuna felt her phone vibrate but chose to ignore it as she answered the doctor.

"Me. I'm going to give my self for my sister's recovery and safety. she has so much she could achieve, she doesn't deserve to leave this world yet." Hyuna answered feeling a little emotional.

"Sorry but I can't let you do that with out your parents approval." 

"I'm already 18 years old,I'm legal, I don't need my parent's approval for anything." Hyuna explained and smirked, knowing she is right.

"I'm sorry bu-"

"I can sue, you are denying me of service and I can sue. I have every right to let my sister live yet you won't let me do it." Hyuna said in her most dangerous voice.



"It's been 3 hours and she's not answering her phone." Junhyung said worriedly, looking around for Hyuna. Everyone was tense, there was one hour left before Jiyeon's fate is decided.

Suddenly, the doctor emerged from a corner and approached the Cha family.

"Mr. Cha, Mrs. Cha we have found a donor for Jiyeon." The doctor said clearly not comfortable about what he was about to do.

All heads snapped in his direction, smiles of relief and gratitude shown on their faces. As this was happening, Hyuna was lying down on a hospital bed and was being rolled inside the emergency room. As she was turned to the corner where everyone was gathered, she turned her head away from everyone and pursed her lips as she was tyring to control her sobs. Her heart was beating fast, she wanted to say goodbye to everyone.

She wanted one last hug from everyone especially Hyunseung who was her ex- boyfriend. 

She accidenlty let out a small sob, catching Junhyung's attention. 

She could see the double doors of the operation room grow closer.

Se closed her eyes and counted silently to herself.


"Who's the donor?" Junhyung asked, eyeing the hospital bed that was already being pushed into the operating room.







"I'm sorry but I have to start the operation." The doctor said turning around, the same time Hyuna looked back and locked eyes with Junhyung. 

"I Love you Oppa." She mouthed and smiled sadly as she felt her insides lighten up. Atleast she was able to see her brother for one last time and everyone's smiling, relieved faces.


"No." Junhyung said, dropping his phone and tried to stop the doctor. He ran towards the room, ready to stop everything but it was too late, she was already inside the operating room while the male nurses were stopping Junhyung from getting in.

"NO!" Junhyung yelled once again, tears streaming down his face as he was unable to hold his emotions in. He knew it was for Jiyeon but he didn;t like the fact that Hyuna had to sacrifice.Suddenly, memories of his childhood flashed one by one in his mind. How he and Jay would gang up against Hyuna and Jiyeon. How he would tease Hyuna with Jiyeon. How He would gang up with Hyuna just to piss Jiyeon off, it was too overwhelming that he didn't know what to do but fight so Hyuna wouldn't have to give her life up.

"Son! what are you doing!?" Kang- Dae asked, helping the nurses pull Junhyung away.

"Hyuna! S-she's the donor! tell them to stop it!" Doojoon said, trying to force himself out of their grasp. Everyone's head turned to Junhyung.

"I saw her! she was the girl on the bed! Please sotp it!" Please!" Junhyung screamed, moving his arms but it was useless, the nurses were stronger than he was.

"Junhyung, stop it, it can't be Hyuna." Misun said, glancing at the opreating room with a bad feeling. She was irritable and her mother's instincs were telling her to listen to Junhyung but it's just so impossible that it's Hyuna.

"Sir, The operation has begun." A nurse went out of the operation room to inform them.

"Can I ask the name of the donor?" Hyunseung asked, his voice shaking. The nurse looked down on the clip board she was holding and answered.

"Cha Hyuna." That second, everyone froze Misun let out a wailing cry of sorrow as Junhyung sunk to the floor and Hara immediately went to calm him down. Kang- Dae took a step back from the nurse and felt as if a brick was thrown on his head. Hyunseung bent and burried his face in his palms but his tears were so obvious that it was painful to look at him. Yoseob, Gikwang and Dongwoon were trying their best not to cry but failed anyway, on the short period of time they got to know Hyuna and concluded she wasn't bad at all but fun to be with, She may have been a b*tch but she changed. A poker faced Doojoon comforted Yubin who was crying as bad as Misun. 

"Excuse me, but she wanted to you to have this." The same nurse from earlier, handed Misun a bond paper with Hyuna's hand writting on it.


Dear Omma, Appa, Junhyung Oppa,

By the time you'll read this, it's either you're at my funeral or outside the operating room.

I've done so many mistakes to you, especially to Jiyeon that I don't know how to face any of you

anymore. I was so guilty these pass few weeks that  I don't know how to act around any of you.

Jiyeon deserves to live, give her the love you never gave her all those years I lied to you.

Oppa, I know this is a self-fish request but I hope you would hold your wedding for atleast two years

and stay with Jiyeon, compensate for all the lost time you haven't spent with her. 

All these years, we've been ignoring her for absolutely no reason. This all started because of me,

I know I'll be safe with Jay in the other world and I can finally say sorry to him. 

I want to thank you for giving me a wonderful life, all the care, love and concern you showed to me. 

and Despite all I did you were able to forgive me. 


When Jiyeon wakes up tell her she deserves everything. Tell her I wanted this. Tell her I love her

and mostly importanlty, I love all of you. 


With Love, My last letter,












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Chapter 30: great story ..its make me cried !!! congrats author-nim
YiMijoo #2
Chapter 29: As much as I want jiyeon to survive, i hate how hyuna go that far to save her, poor hyuna. Thanks authornim for sharing such great story
Chapter 30: Great Story! :D
AJ_Kevin #4
Chapter 30: Love the story :D is there any sequel of like how they lived? Or a story on hyunseung's pov? Cause hyuna's gone and life would be sad for him. So i tot it would make an interesting story :)
KimchiAdil #5
Chapter 30: The best i ever read.. thank you so much for making this story..
_young5 #6
Chapter 30: Errr... I think this is my 2nd time or maybe 3rd...i woke up at 2AM, suddenly. Just finished reading this fic..currently 6.40AM. N i am crying like there is no tmrrw.
ednadianne #7
Chapter 30: second time I read this .. and still I'm crying ..
great story !!!
shujun #8
Chapter 30: i'm crying?!?!
yaaa..author-nim..its your fault..
i cry when i read hyuna's letter..
great story..
love u author-nim..!!!saranghanda..!!
Chapter 30: I'm not sure that i've ever heard of a brain transplant before..but still, this is a very good story! It almost made me cry (i don't really cry over a fictional story :) )
Chapter 30: aish , jinjja ? This story , its , its .. #wipemytears# eps 29 !! Uwahhh !! Its , making me cried !!! Author-nim , gomawo for the awesome story !! Hope u'll make more stories like this !! Kekekk .. Anyways , fighting !