Counting Her Days

"Oppa calm down. She'll be okay." Hara soothes, rubbing Junhyung's back, sounding unsure.

"I can't loose my sister Hara! I really can't- I-I just got her back... All these years I was a jerk..." Junhyung trailed off punching the cemented walls of the hospital, not surprising the nurses since they've seen people punch walls a lot.

"Hyung acting this way won't help her." Hyunseung whispers silently; nervously glancing the the double doors of the emergency room.

"What will help her then? Huh? tell me." Junhyung answered in a deadly calm voice making Hara worry.

Silence washed over the trio who were nervously waiting for the doctors to get out, it's been two hours yet they haven't received any news at all. 

"Junhyung!" Kang- Dae called out, running with his wife towards his son.

"Appa." Junhyung whispered, motioning towards the closed emeregency room.

"What happened? What are they doing to her?" His mother asked with a steady voice despite the tears that were falling freely from her eyes. Junhyung's possible answer was cut when the doctor came out of the room, removing his mask.

"Who are the parents?" 

"We are." Kang- Dae said, stepping forward along with his wife.

"She's in a stable condition right now but I have to talk to both of you regarding some things." He answered vaguely and asked them to follow him to his office while Jiyeon was rolled out of the emergency room to the ICU where she would be transfered in the mean time.



"YAH! I told you I don't care about her anymore! I'm over her Arasso!?" Doojoon yelled at Gikwang and Dongwoon who were currently trying to get Doojoon to go to Jiyeon and win her over.They just hate the fact that they both love each other but can't be together because of a possibility of death. For them not everyone who has cancer dies. There can be miracles.

"What?" Dongwoon asked, blinking rapidly, trying to understand what Doojoon was saying.

"AISH! Dongwoon-ah! Don't stand there like a pabo! he's just saying those things!" Gikwang yelled still trying to pull Doojoon from the couch once again.

"Right." He answered snapping out of his shocked state.

"AISH!" Doojoon complained finally standing up.

"I will say this once and never again. I NEVER ACTUALLY LOVED HER." Doojoon realized out loud making Gikwang, Dongwoon and Yubin who was in the kitchen, freeze.

"What the heck are you talking about hyung?" Gikwang asked trying to make a joke out of it.

"Molla, I don't know if I actually loved her or I just felt like I did because she's Hyuna's sister." He answered, shrugging his shoulders, ignoring the pang in his heart. He was lying through his teeth, seeing how desperate he is to forget Jiyeon, he doesn't care.

"Hyuna!?" They both exclaimed; eyes wide.

"She was my girlfriend before Jiyeon came along and we broke up because of Jiyeon." Doojoon stated.

"But I just saw you acting cold towards Hyuna!" Dongwoon exclaimed.

"I was in a bad mood. Plus we had a talk, We're going on a date tomorrow." He informed silently cursing himself. Now he has to call Hyuna.

"Hyung! You can't just- seriously!?" Gikwang asked, scrunching his face in confusion. 

"I never loved her. So will you please let me back on the couch?" He asked, not waiting for their answer before plopping on the couch.

"There's a phone in the kitchen and it's ringing!" Yubin caled out, shaking her head at her son.

'Lying to endure the pain...' Yubin thought.

"That's mine~" Dongwoon sang running towards the kitchen and answer the phone.


"Dongwoon-ah! this is Yoseob. Jiyeon was rushed to the hospital again!" He said in a panicked voice.

"MWO? Just now? Which hospital?" He asked, making sure to lower his voice at the last phrase so only Yubin could her him.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up are you with Gikwang Hyung?" Yoseob asked, reversing the car so he could get out of the garage.

"We're in Doojoon hyung's house and yes Gikwang Hyung is with me." He informed nodding to yubin who asked silently if they were talking about Jiyeon.

"Arasso, I'll be there in five minutes be ready." With that Yoseob hung up and speeded up.

"What happened to her?" Yubin asked silently her heart beating twice the pace it was normally.

"I don't know all hyung told me was that she was rushed to the hospital again." He relayed, motioning Gikwang over and telling him the same thing.

"What are you three whispering about?" Doojoon asked, entering.

"Nothing, I just asked them if I could hitch a ride with their friend who's picking them up, I need to buy some medicines.." Yubin answered quickly, trying to hold her tears and worry in.

"Omma gwenchana?" Doojoon asked, taking a step near her. Yubin nodded her head and left the kitchen in a hurry with out a word, leaving Gikwang who was starting to worry and dongwoon who couldn't stop pacing around.

"Is there something I don't know?" Doojoon asked in an intimidating voice. Luckily a honk saved them.

"Hyung there's a lot you don't know! you aren't einstein!" Dongwoon answered, dragging Gikwang out and calling Yubin who ran straight out.

"LIARS." Doojoon muttered and was about to stalk them when the house phone rang.

"De?" He asnwered, feeling frustrated.

"Oppa?" Hyuna asked in a small voice, readying herself.

"What do you need?" He asked softly, knowing he had a favor to ask her.

"Can we talk? Please?" Hyuna was on the verge of begging. She was desperate. 

"Aren't we talking right now?" He answered back sighing.

"No, I mean with Jiyeon- Not jut me, I-I haven't been the best sister to her. I don't know what happened between both of you but I -"

"I Love you." Doojoon suddenly said making Hyuna silent. He closed his eyes and leaned on the wall to support his weight. His tears were falling he couldn't imagine saying those words to someone else other than Jiyeon but he just can't be close to Jiyeon right now. He was hurting too much. 

"W-what? I-I thought Jiyeon- I- "

"I Love you." Jiyeon~ he continued silently.

"Y-you do?" Hyuna asked a little breathless, her heart fluttering with his confession. 

"How about J-Jiyeon?" She asked. 

"What about her?" Doojoon asked, suddenly turning cold. 

"I thought you loved her." She stated.

'I do love her.' He thought silently scrunching his chest. 

"You assumed." He stated gaining full control of his emotions. 

"I Love you too." Hyuna replied, smiling to herself despite her situation.

"So will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Of course." She answered now losing her stutter. 


"Ah WAIT!" 

"What is it?" He asked.

"T-tomorrow I have somewhere to go- will you go with me?" 

"Okay." He answered tiredly then put the phone down.

Doojoon dropped on the floor and pulled one of his knees to his chest and propping his elbows on them guilt eating every part of his body. He hates Hyuna for making Jiyeon suffer but he still hated the fat that he has to play with her feelings and somehow he's feeling guilty about everything. 


In another part of Seoul, Hyuna smiled putting the phone down. 

"Jiyeon I'm going to visit you with Doojoon Oppa  tomorrow and make things right." She said to herself.



"Is she okay?" Kang- Dae asked as they sat on the chairs before the desk of the doctor.

"Yes, like I said she's in a very stable condition right now. As of the moment we have nothing to worry about." He answered profesionally.

"So why are we here?" Misun asked.

"We gave her medicines but it seems like they aren't doing anything to with Jiyeon's condition." 

"So what does that mean? Do you have new medicines to give her?" Kang- Dae asked.

"I'm sorry but no we don't, We heard someone in States has the same condition though." He informed.

"So you mean not only Jiyeon has cancer and ITP together?" 

"Yes that's right and it seems like they've developed some pills last week and it seems to be working." 

"So this would mean we have to bring Jiyeon out of the country?" Kang-Dae asked.

"Yes and she would be needing your support so it would be advisable if your whole family moves." The doctor deadpanned.

"Arraso, we'lll have preparations ready." 

"Thank you." Misun silently thanked the heavens looking up. there was hope Jiyeon would be saved but along with that hope is dread. 

Would she still wake up tomorrow?







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Chapter 30: great story ..its make me cried !!! congrats author-nim
YiMijoo #2
Chapter 29: As much as I want jiyeon to survive, i hate how hyuna go that far to save her, poor hyuna. Thanks authornim for sharing such great story
Chapter 30: Great Story! :D
AJ_Kevin #4
Chapter 30: Love the story :D is there any sequel of like how they lived? Or a story on hyunseung's pov? Cause hyuna's gone and life would be sad for him. So i tot it would make an interesting story :)
KimchiAdil #5
Chapter 30: The best i ever read.. thank you so much for making this story..
_young5 #6
Chapter 30: Errr... I think this is my 2nd time or maybe 3rd...i woke up at 2AM, suddenly. Just finished reading this fic..currently 6.40AM. N i am crying like there is no tmrrw.
ednadianne #7
Chapter 30: second time I read this .. and still I'm crying ..
great story !!!
shujun #8
Chapter 30: i'm crying?!?!
yaaa..author-nim..its your fault..
i cry when i read hyuna's letter..
great story..
love u author-nim..!!!saranghanda..!!
Chapter 30: I'm not sure that i've ever heard of a brain transplant before..but still, this is a very good story! It almost made me cry (i don't really cry over a fictional story :) )
Chapter 30: aish , jinjja ? This story , its , its .. #wipemytears# eps 29 !! Uwahhh !! Its , making me cried !!! Author-nim , gomawo for the awesome story !! Hope u'll make more stories like this !! Kekekk .. Anyways , fighting !