Chapter 26

Meet my 'Girlfriend'

Onew-ish POV


Key's ex died whilst being attacked horrendously by TaeKey/KeyTae shippers then repeatedly ran over by  just to make sure she was dead. Key finally realized his undying love for Taeyeon, they then had a wild makeout session on the classroom table in front of everyone and had ten gazillion kids, the end.



Onew looked at the story he was writing in the men's changing rooms, it was lacking something, then it struck him. Chicken! The story did not have chicken in it, therefore the story failed and did not have meaning. Any story without a single mention of chicken or even a hint about chicken did not deserve to be published, especially if they were cook books or children books about farms.

So he rubbed out the 'the end' and added 'and Onew was happy because due to his letting of  borrow his car he got enough free chicken to eat for the rest of his long and successful life', there the story was now perfect, it contained both chicken and himself eating chicken, this story will be a best seller for sure! You would buy it right?

Speaking of chicken, he had not yet found the free chicken yet instead he had got joustled around until he got lost and found himself in this changing room and to make it worse the music had stopped telling that the show was over so people may be eating chicken right now whilst he was here, lost, alone and chickenless  (A/N: Don't you just want to cuddle him so he smiles again? Or give him some chicken?). Also the lack of music meant he had no way of finding the stage and then the exit. Life .

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming towards the changing room and practically ran out of the room to find those footsteps, hopefully this person can rescue him and lead him to his beloved chicken! He rounded the corner only for the person to bump straight into him, or did he bump into the person?

He thought the person bumped into him actually as he's the one who ended up on the floor. Oh wait the person also landed on the ground, he just got up really quickly, so it could of been either way still. This person had very stylish shoes which he swore he saw before but could not quite place.

You remember what he said about being blessed rather than jinxed? He took that back, he thought it was a heaven sent but instead it got him lost and late for the chicken so every single piece would be gone and then it knocked him over making him lose his notebook containing his best seller.

"I'm so sorry! I should have been looking where I was going." The person began looking as if he was panicking almost from the worry of knocking him down. He, well that's what his voice sounded like he had not yet looked up too busy searching for his notebook across the ground to do so.

"It's okay, I'm used to..." Onew said, sighing in defeat when he  could not find it and excepting the hand when it was offered to him. This sort of reminded him when he had first met Taeyeon actually, he had tripped and she had the consideration to help him up.

He was pulled up and only then did he look at the person, only to meet two familiar brown orbs, he blinked in surprise whilst the person froze up slightly.

"Minho? Jonghyun?" He began, Minho being the one to knock him other and Jonghyun standing back.











TROLOLOL!  Only kidding :P, ignore the sentence in blue as that was just me trolling again (It's just so fun)                                                     ♪You see me trolling, Ya hating, patrolling, you're trying to catch me writin' dirty, trying to catch me writin' dirty, writin' dirty, trying to catch me writin' dirty♪          ♪My music's so loud, you're lovin', dancin', just because I'm playin' SHINee♪, read the lot below for the actual chapter ending :)


"Taeyeon?" He asked surprised to see her here, especially in those clothes. Was this was her plans was? Also her extensions were out giving her more of a boyish look, in fact Onew always thought Taeyeon had masculine features he just did not say anything as he was gentlemanly and he deemed that rude.

"Oh hi Oppa." Taeyeon said smiling, Onew noticed there was something different about her, not just the lack of extensions and the horrendous clothes and it was not her nervousness...

A/N: My baby sisters now know all of SHINee's names, now to teach them the songs :D Sorry it's short :P and yay I have stopped prolonging who it was, it has been seven chapters I have prolonged this answer :)

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Chapter 16: Oh my god, my name was in it XD
Chapter 28: Arghhh *pulling author-nims arm repeatedly* I'm commenting cause your dancing troll and A/N were irresistible. YAH! You'd better have got to the goods and finished that whole, "let me ask you three questions bit?" And congrats (?'s) on manipulating *cough* expanding your sibs into SHINee appreciation.
Chapter 17: Okay, author-nim. The same way you said chap 11 was the last titled chap so this shall be my last comment - cause 45 chaps is alot - unless I'm consumed by readers glee and 'must' comment much like Key realised he needed to tell Taeminnie that he was more important than banana milk.
Chapter 16: Author-nim, you don't realise how much this has brightened my day.
Chapter 15: No author-nim....that was real awkward Onew chicken p**n. yes, I will admit to wanting some chicken now too.
Chapter 14: Author-nim, your artwork is completely discernable. Stop back-handedly fishing for compliments. Sneaky author-nim.
Chapter 12: Okay, author-nim if you don't remember this chap please read it again. *fanning author-nim while serving author-nim a heaping plateful of warm cookies* Pat your back author-nim and buff a shine on your nails across your shirt. You so deserve it.
Chapter 11: I love Taeminnie's dreams. When he's mentioned his dreams and thoughts on variety shows he's so 'spacey' in the cutest way ever.
Chapter 10: Lol author-nim! I've dreamt in Korean too. It was like a historical one and I was an extra helping the 'leads' sneak their love-time and I woke up and was like, "I know Korean?"
Chapter 9: OM Key's wayward thoughts about Tae are are are......reader is flummoxed for words. Is flummoxed even spelled right?