Welcome, welcome^^


Mirror's Third Member: Jung Minmi!

Half way through with the members. This girl is one of the coldest girls. She is colder than Numi, I didn't think that was even possible in this girl group, but yet to our avail we see there is a darker side to the mirror! Enjoy our lovely Minmi~

(before debut)

Name: Jung Minmi

Nicknames: Minnii, Rin

Birth Date: 1993/12/24 (18 years old)

Height (cm)/ Weight (kg): 169cm/ 45kg

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese

Languages: English, Korean, Japanese

Mother: Jung HanEun, 30, Shop Owner of Cutey Dimples

Father: Jung SinJi, 30, Owner of Infinite Company

Sibling: Jung Seok - He is a Calvin Klein Model. Their relationship is very good because he was the one that was with her when they were younger when and their parents went abroad for months. He is very older brotherly like and he treats Minnii like a 5 year old but he is the best brother ever.  He is 18 like her and is her 2 minute older twin brother.

Personality: Minnii is very fierce at times, but very quiet and deadly because you don't know what she might do to you. She can be fun at times but when she is pissed its like hell has gone loose. She isn't really hot tempered, but if you even try to hit her, your dead. If she likes something and she cant get it, she won't think much about it anymore. Minnii isn't exactly nice nor is she mean but if you (most likely a stranger) irritate her or just piss her off your already on her 1-week-bad side that also goes to if your trying to be fake and she notices it. You see her good side if your really easygoing and not goody-two shoes. If your her friend your the only one who can see her nice side., but she is actually pretty nice because the only way you can irritate her is if you wake her up and just annoy the hell out of her. She is very observant and knows exactly when your lying to her. She is very choding-like and acts like a child sometimes. People say this is her cute side because she loves to have her stuffed animals and pouts alot. Her face is basically emotionless except for when she smiles, you can see her emotions only in her eyes. Minnii is basically an emotionless doll sitting there waiting for a fight to start or for you to start a fight with her. She never tells anyone if she is hurt or if anything is wrong because she likes to keep it bottled inside. If she is ever angered or mad she expresses it through dancing or a punching bag. She is probably the most worry free person you ever meet because she doesn't have insecurities and doesn't care about much because her school work is really easy. She doesn't get nervous because she is a go-for-it-person. She has a load of hotness that no one but her boyfriends can see. She has quick reflexes and will dodge or catch anything that comes towards her. She is very passionate and dedicated to dancing, rapping, and beat boxing. She loves getting into fights because its excitement and she'll beat you down. You can never beat her at arguments because then your going to be the laughing stock. She loves making everyone laugh. She is someone that you have to watch out for because if you get her mad nothing is ever going to go right. She isn't your normal teenager, she is like a mob all in one person. Minnii is still naive but she understands things more than others. She loves fixing motorcycles and bikes even if she is young. She is so cold hearted that she wouldn't let you get a chance to at least stand under her burning feisty glares. She may be feisty but at least she isn't y like queenkas who think they are hard. She hates to see people getting picked on or ually harassed. She may be called a player because she once had two boyfriends but they actually agreed to sharing her and she actually had fun with it. She loved them both and hated when a doesn't acknowledge her presence around them. She is basically the fighting queen out of the students and loves a show. She never talks to or even bother to make friends because she hates basically everyone, especially the s and at her school.

She hates scary moves but still watches them. She often side tracks and is mostly found reading a book or listening to music. When she is happy she likes to dance, rap, and play the guitar at the same time. She may be the most intimidating in the group but she is very childish which goes straight along with her naive-ness. She loves animals especially puppies and will bring a stray puppy home most of the time. Aside from being a choding she is also very mature compared to the others. She shoots cold and irritated glares as a warning and it doesn't mean much. She knows when to be serious and when not to be. She has a thing of pranking people and scaring people which make others laugh. She doesn't like being alone sometimes because it brings her down. She loves taking pictures and video taping things. She never really gets frustrated because she doesn't know much at all and her personality is like a 20 year olds. You may also find her curled up in a ball sleeping like a cat most of the time but its actually very adorable. People say she kinda reminds them of L from infinite because they both like to trick people, run away, and they both always keep a emotionless face. Minnii is known for being random and the fact that she loves eating lollipops. Minnii actually does have a nice side but that's really rare to see it because she has lots of trust issues. She is like the cool and mysterious girl in the group. She absolutely adores the library and often waits for new books in the horror or crime section because she reads them all. She is actually very obsessed with gum, lollipops, and music, that she wouldn't even really be living without it. She basically can only take hugs and kisses but everything else that's part of skinship is a BIG no-no. People call her weird because when its hot outside she will think its cold or vice versa. She basically wears what she pleases no matter what its like outside. She loves to practice and make things right. She is very active and hyper but sometimes lazy at the same time. She doesn't mean to scare anybody but she often gives people the back off look because she doesn't like people near her. Minnnii gets insomnia most of the time so you'll find her in the gym working out and then curled up in a ball asleep on the couch. Minnii is very quiet that people don't even notice her around, that she is gone, or that she is even right next to you. She loves playing with little kids at the school and play ground all the time. She also loves helping and working for the elders because they are just so sweet and kind. She hates being hot tempered and is very chill. She loves to help the injured and always brings a medical kit around with her. If you actually knew her she is very kind, childish, and funny. Minnii really doesn't know how to apologize unless it is really her fault and she hates being the center of attention. She lies easily so she never ever gets caught. Minnii will come out with the straight truth without hesitating even if it will hurt. Her unnies can't really get mad at her because of her lack of feeling knowledge and naive-ness of feelings. If she is ever sad she would cry herself to sleep when no one is around with her. She also hates it when people feel sympathy for her because she hates the feeling of it. She loves to cook , bake, or rap when she is happy. She is the main fuse of the operation because she keeps things going. She may be young to know much but she can help you through alot. She hates queenkas because they are always in her face so she often goes out to eat or uses her ninja movement to get away. She doesn't have feelings so she is very unaware of accidentally hurting your feelings. She never misses a drifting obstacle and doesn't miss a hit when she fights. She hates to be in the middle of things because she thinks its just really annoying and irritating. Her tattoos and piercings basically tell her personality so she doesn't need a introduction. Minnii gets really curious about things so she will ask you about any question that comes to her mind. You should be lucky she isn't that much of a because it would be a whole lot different. She hates people who are all the same and loves it when people are different. She loves to flirt with guys to make her boyfriend jealous because its fun seeing their expressions. She hates liars even if she is one because if you lie to her she know its an excuse to get away with stupid things.

Like 5+:

  • Helping the elders and playing with the little kids
  • Isolating herself from people around her
  • Listening to music while it's raining
  • Dancing
  • Pickachu and HELLO KITTY
  • Curling up in a ball to sleep
  • Sleeping in class
  • Fighting
  • Acting like a robot and pikachu

Dislike 5+:


  • Being woken up
  • Fake people
  • es
  • Romance movies
  • Being spoiled or spoiled people
  • Lovey Dovey people

Hobbies 3+:

  • Racing/Fighting
  • Sleeping in a ball
  • Playing or listening to music on her iPod or MacBook
  • Acting like a robot
  • Rapping/ DJ-ing/ Dancing
  • Reading

Habits 3+:

  • Falling asleep in class when she is bored and tired
  • Thinking out loud and saying what's on her mind
  • Saying what she is thinking or when she is sad
  • Isolating herself from people
  • Being really quiet
  • Glaring at people
  • Pouting and making pouty faces while thinking
  • Telling the hurtful truth to people
  • Being a robot and shutting down at random time

How long for training: 1 1/2 years

Before Training: She was a model for Calvin Klein and other things her brother signed her up for. She went to Woolim High. Her academics and performing arts were the best but none of the students knew this because it was only performed in front of teachers. She was also named the Ice Model because people get glares instead of smiles at times.

Trainee Days: She trained all day and night without rest, but with lots of hyperness and energy. She would go 2 whole days without sleeping to make sure things were okay.

How did you become a trainee?: She auditioned by being scouted at a underground club kind of thing when she had a rap battle against Yong Guk and Zelo and she even won so they recommended her to their manager and everything worked out great.


  • Mirror


  • Kim Jinjee: She always use to bully Minnii when she was little because Minnii didn't have any friends and because Minnii dressed like she was poor.

Love Interests:

  • L.Joe ~Teen Top~
  • Daehyun ~B.A.P.~
  • Chunji ~Teen Top~
  • Zelo ~B.A.P.~


How you met:

  • L. Joe, Daehyun, Chunji, Zelo - When she first met them, she was at underground place chilling and then saw a group of guys beating up a guy at her school so she got in a fight with the group that was beating up the boy and she won. They were really harsh to her, but she didn't care. She whooped his anyways but now they actually care for others unlike before.

Stage Name: Minnii


  • Badass Ice Choding : She acts like a choding at times, but is also cold and ready to fight or talk back when wanting to.

Fan Club Name: Roboticals


  • She can learn how to do anything in 5 - 10 minutes (especially new dances)
  • She knows how to fix and modify cars and motorcycles
  • Knows taekwondo, hand-on-hand, weaponry (like guns), and hopkido.
  • She lacks feelings for people
  • She is very clumsy
  • Her ringtone is Fantastic Baby by Big Bang
  • She sleeps while listening to music
  • She has 3 tattoos





          -Two ( right hand):

          -three (left hand):

  • She has a belly piercing: because shes a rebel like that.

For her fans: She has twitter, Facebook, and Me2day

  • Twitter: Cold_Minnii
  • Facebook: Jung Minnii
  • Me2day: LovesBadassMinnii

Position: Unknown, wait till debut.

(after makeover)

Isn't Minnii just a charmer? I would like to meet her one day soon... Maybe when allKpop hosts the interview with their manager and special guest. Please stay tuned there is another girls profile being taken right now! We might not be able to post it tonight though, but bare with us!

A/N: Congratulations i_lubs_cookies1

This is your character^^ I changed some of the things, I hope you don't mind!

Three more girls to go! Remember the last two are the leader and the maknae! And then the positions of the girls in the group!

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That update was just to change my love interest.... Sorry~


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Daehyun's so cute! :3
Can't wait for their debut:) Welcome back, by the way. Can't wait to see their fansigning as well.
boooom!! nice
My day has been pretty good. The vocal instructor is pretty. Can't wait to read part 2.
Dance instructor is so so cute. ;D
Its fine about the update, i've been busy with school as well!
I love Dalmatian's new song~
Ironic that I know the mashup guy too, my favorite "vs" he did is "Fantastic Breath"! ^^
The dance instructor is a cutie. Well his ulzzang is.
I hope the girls get to debut soon. Can't wait to read more.
The manager is so cute! :D Handsome too.
Track? I was in track but I quit cause I jammed my finger from a Basketball game T^T
I like the manger's ulzzang. Cutie. xD Anyway, ....I thnk using the colors is a nice idea. It helps us see who's talking and stuff.
I like my first love interest *ahem, Daehyun, ahem*. ^^

P.S. I'm sick...just felt like sharing it, lol.