First Member! (Me)


First Member of Mirror: Sang Eunmi

The First member has finally been revealed! By the looks of it she is a bad girl, like bad boy, type even though her a light brown hair is the opposite of the personality. I hope she is as good as they describe.

(before debut)

Name: Sang Eunmi

Nicknames: Sumi, Numi

Birth Date: 1994/9/10  (17 years old)

Height (cm)/ Weight (kg): 155cm/ 45kg

Ethnicity: 1/4 American, 1/4 Japanese, 1/2 Korean

Languages: English, Korean, Japanese

Mother: Sang Taesung, 45, Math teacher

Father: Cha Sungmin, 56, Professor at Medical schools

Sibling: Cha Sunwoo (Baro, B1A4) - Eunmi and Baro were bestfriends, or siblings, even though their parents divorced. Baro would tell Eunmi his secrets and problems and Eunmi would tell him the same. This is where Eunmi got her nickname and her stage name, Numi. He is 19 years old.

Personality: Eunmi is the type of girl that you don't want to be around if you don't know her and you aren't close to her. She is, as her classmates use to call her, Lucifer in Disguise. She is rude and cold-hearted to people she doesn't know, or even people she knows and doesn't care about them. Even though she seems as rough as a diamond on the outside, she is extremely nice to her close friends, mainly Baro, Jinyoung, CNU, Sandeul, and Gongchan, as well as her group. She hates skirts and the color pink, except for rose pink, and if she has to wear it she pouts for a bit but then agrees to wear it. She is always seen listening to music or dancing. Once she falls in love, she falls hard and its too hard for her to get back up and leave the guy.

Like 5+:

  • Candy
  • Coffee
  • Music
  • Flowers
  • Outside areas (parks, forests, ect.)
  • Spending time with friends
  • Singing
  • Horror movies
  • Playing Piano

Dislike 5+:

  • Annoying people
  • Drunks, Smokers, Drug Addicts
  • Skirts and most dresses
  • Show offs
  • Girly girls
  • Attention seekers
  • Cussing (but uses it when needed)
  • Romantic Movies
  • Guys (to a point)
  • Pink

Hobbies 3+:

  • Singing or listening to music while walking around the dorm or outside
  • Playing video games or watching tv
  • Playing Basketball and Volleyball
  • Hanging out with group members

Habits 3+:

  • Chewing finger nails or gum
  • Avoiding people
  • Speaking English when frustrated
  • Tweeting to much
  • Singing off-key while wondering around the dorm
  • Staying up late when she needs to sleep

How long for training: 5 years

Before Training: Eunmi was a smart child, one of the top students in her school, but all the kids disliked her because she never wanted to make friends. After school was over she would go on runs to stay in shape or she would help Baro at a Ramen shop. Eunmi was always listening to music, singing, or dancing, at home, at school in the dance room that no one goes to, and at the Ramen shop.

Trainee Days: At first it was a little hard, since she was new to it, but then after the first week she had gotten the hang of practice and how not to be late. After the third year of training she and some other girls were put into a girl group and was told more were to come. From this time the long practices that everyone feared started to come and the high heels were coming into the practice room. She was getting scared that she wouldn't be good enough to debut but then she became really close with the girls she was training with and her nerves faded away.

How did you become a trainee?: Eunmi was strolling around a park, singing to SNSD's Kissing You, near TS buliding waiting for Baro to come and take her to an ice cream shop when the CEO of TS Entertainment walked out of the building and heard her. He attempted to approach the girl but thought it would be weird since she was young. He stood there and listened until a boy around the same age, Baro, came up to her. He then walked up and talked to her and asked if she would like to trainee under TS Entertainment and Eunmi agreed.


  • B1A4
  • Jessica and Sunny of SNSD
  • Yenny and Sohee of Wonder Girls
  • Kwangmin and Minwoo of Boyfriend
  • 4 Minute
  • Donghae, Sungmin, and Yesung of Super Junior
  • G.NA
  • Teen Top


  • None really except when its for fun, but thats just a short time thing.

Love Interests:

  • Seyong ~MYNAME~
  • Drama ~Dalmatian~
  • Jinyoung ~B1A4~
  • Jeongmin ~Boyfriend~

How you met:

  • Seyong - When she had gone to Music Bank with B1A4 she met MYNAME. Baro introduced her to Seyong and Insoo since they were close and became friends with Seyong more than Insoo, but they still talked. She and Seyong don't hang out that often, but sometimes they will hang out with the rest of MYNAME and Mirror. She thinks it's funny how Baro introduced them to her because it was the most randomest time ever.
  • Drama - Before training, Eunmi was working at the Ramen shop with Baro and he and his friend Day Day walked in to get Ramen. Baro had noticed how much Eunmi liked this guy so he let her take Drama's order and serve them. Drama was really surprised when they first met that she was young and working at a Ramen shop he kept coming back but was to late because it was the day before she had became a trainee at TS. Now since he figured out that she will be debuting soon, he will go to the debut and talk to her again to see if she rembers him.
  • Jinyoung - Baro introduced Eunmi to Jinyoung when his group was ready for debut. She developed a small crush on him because he was the leader, but yet talented and has a nice voice, and they are so close. At first he was extremely quiet and was embarrassed when Baro told him  Eunmi spoke English and  she said was something about his style and how weird it was, but now that he knows Eunmi they are very close and are really good friends.
  • Jeongmin - Kwangmin introduced Eunmi and Jeongmin to each other while they were heading to Boyfriend's dressing room for her to congratulate Minwoo. Jeongmin tried to woo her from the start but now has stopped since he noticed it was pointless and she would never like him, but she does and she doesn't want to make it awkward between them.

Stage Name: Numi


  • Musical Lucifer - Her style is different, she can sing well and it is very powerful, she can dance to almost anything, and rap some songs. 'Lucifer' comes from her old classmate and she insisted on keeping it because it suited her personality quiet well.

Fan Club Name: Yummi (pronounced as yummy)


  • Her brother, Baro from B1A4, are realated but have different last names because of parents separation.
  • She has her mother's maiden name, Sang.
  • Her favorite flowers are Cherry Blossoms and Roses.
  • She always replies to her fans on twitter.
  • She is very close with her group and B1A4.

For her fans: She has a twitter: mirroreunmi94

Position: Unknown, wait till debut.

(after make over.)

Well wasn't that exciting! The first member is a little sister of B1A4's Baro? Amazing! I can't wait for the other members! I also can't believe that TS sent us a picture of her pre-trainee and pre-debut! I think all they did was change her hair color.

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That update was just to change my love interest.... Sorry~


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Daehyun's so cute! :3
Can't wait for their debut:) Welcome back, by the way. Can't wait to see their fansigning as well.
boooom!! nice
My day has been pretty good. The vocal instructor is pretty. Can't wait to read part 2.
Dance instructor is so so cute. ;D
Its fine about the update, i've been busy with school as well!
I love Dalmatian's new song~
Ironic that I know the mashup guy too, my favorite "vs" he did is "Fantastic Breath"! ^^
The dance instructor is a cutie. Well his ulzzang is.
I hope the girls get to debut soon. Can't wait to read more.
The manager is so cute! :D Handsome too.
Track? I was in track but I quit cause I jammed my finger from a Basketball game T^T
I like the manger's ulzzang. Cutie. xD Anyway, ....I thnk using the colors is a nice idea. It helps us see who's talking and stuff.
I like my first love interest *ahem, Daehyun, ahem*. ^^

P.S. I'm sick...just felt like sharing it, lol.