Second Member (Ashbleeebaby , Co-author)



Mirror Update: Second Member, Park Jangmi

Are you ready for Mirror's Second Member??? Park Jangmi! TS has revealed her, and man is she just a kicker! Even though TS won't release any information on their positions in the group, you can tell that they must be talented if both members already revealed just randomly start singing anywhere at anytime. Well enjoy this post and be prepared for the next members! But they said the next time they release information will be April 1st, sigh, so frustrating isn't it?

(before debut)

Name: Park Jangmi

Nicknames: Mimi, Mickey

Birth Date: 1992/November/30  (19 years old)

Height (cm)/ Weight (kg): 165cm/ 50k

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 French

Languages: English, Korean, French

Mother: Park Eunmi, 56, Accountant

Father: Lee Junghwa, 57, Laywer

Sibling: Lee JiHoon, 25, Jangmi and her brother are very very close, she considers him a best friend that lives with her. They do everything together, whenever Jangmi has something to talk about that she doesn't want to share with her parents she talks to her brother. Her brother lives in his own apartment with his girlfriend but JiHoon finds time to spend with Jangmi and is always free whenever she has a problem.

Jangmi's cousin : Kwon MiSung, 30, MiSung is Jangmi's cousin and MiSung and Jangmi always do things together whenever MiSung is free. They have a strong relationship, MiSung is also there for Jangmi when she needs to talk about something. MiSung is also very close with JiHoon, the three always did things together back when everyone was in grade school.

Personality: Jangmi is a sweet girl with a strong opinion. She may come off as mean but, really, she claims she is only being honest. She isn't spoiled, but when she doesn't get what she wants she will pout and isolate herself. Despite the way she dresses (girly style) she is athletic, even though she will be pissed if she breaks a nail.

She is very clumsy and can trip over air at any time. She has a good sense of humor, she can take a joke, and will crack a joke at any time. She is virtuoso, she loves music and she loves singing, her whole world revolves around music. She has lots of energy but she isn't annoying, it is the kind of energy that make people smile when they are upset.

She will do just about anything in her power to keep her friends and family happy and safe. Jangmi isn't one to express her emotions, if she is feeling upset she will wait until she is alone to cry. But when she is mad, she will go off and say something but will end up feeling real guilty after. Jangmi is really smart and in school she gets Straight As and maybe a B every now and then if she is really having a rough time. She is also a little kid at heart, she loves playing pokemon on her DS and she will most likely have it with her at all times. It will be haning out in her purse where she can pull it out anywhere and start playing.

Like 5+:

  • Scary Movies
  • Summer
  • Singing
  • Writing Songs, Poems, Stories, ect.
  • Shopping~
  • Beaches
  • Candy, Mostly Lollipops~
  • Fruit Snacks
  • One Direction (the British Band) ((And she loves Harry))
  • Her Pink DS (Usually plays pokemon)
  • Family Guy

Dislike 5+:

  • Winter
  • Snobs
  • Cheaters
  • Liars
  • Having to repeat herself
  • Small Spaces
  • The Dark
  • Being ignored
  • The Old ish guy in Family Guy

Hobbies 3+:

  • Singing
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Shopping
  • Hanging with her friends
  • Listening to music

Habits 3+:

  • She bits her bottom lip a lot
  • She always pushes and plays with her hair
  • She sings at random times
  • To share her opinion/Speak her mind
  • Will reach in her purse, pull out her DS and play it for a long time.

How long for training: 8 years

Before Training: She has had voice lessons since 6th grade. Before training, she was going to a university in Seoul and getting straight As while working in a music store at the mall. She hung out with her brother and cousin a lot or whenever they could. She went on family vacations every summer to a beach in California or visited family in France.

Trainee Days: Jangmi enjoyed training since music and singing is her life. She also did a lot of dance which was fun for her because her coaches were fun to be with and loved to have a good time like Jangmi.

It was all fun but it was kind of hard training and still trying to keep up good grades but it was worth it.

How did you become a trainee?: She has covered many songs on YouTube and she sings in restaurants. Her parents own a restaurant in Seoul where she sings some songs every now and then and she just happened to be in the right place at the right time and a music producer heard her sing and said he wanted to work with her.


  • Kevin from U-Kiss
  • Taeyang and G-Dragon from Big Bang
  • Amber from f(x)
  • Dara and CL from 2NE1

Before she became and idol her friends were Park Jieun, Park Eunmi, and Kwon Mi Cha.


  • Jessica and Tiffany from SNSD (She doesn't like SNSD that much)

Love Interests:

  • Jonghyun ~SHINee~
  • Gongchan ~B1A4~
  • L.Joe ~Teen Top~
  • Zelo ~B.A.P.~

How you met:

  • Jonghyun - They met at a K-Pop Idol Club. He saw Jangmi and wanted to go over and start a conversation. He treated her like a friend at first, he was nice and friendly and sweet, and he still does now, but he treats her more like a guy should. He is treats her like a queen, but she doesn't make him get her the world.
  • Gongchan - They met at the recording studio. He was waiting to record songs with his group while Mirror was recording and his eye was caught on her. He was shy at first but he treated her like a friend. He treats her now like any guy should, he respects her and wouldn't do anything to hurt her.
  • L.Joe - They met at the dance studio while Mirror was practicing their dance moves. While on a break L.Joe introduced himself. He was outgoing and a little cocky, but Jangmi thought he was cute. He treats her now with respect and a strong love passion.
  • Zelo -   He met her at a concert. He first treated her like 'Whatever, go away' when she introduced herself to him. Now he treats her like a friend and lover, but he shows off in front of his friends and treats her like trash sometimes and she hates it. It causes their relationship problems but they still love each other with a strong passion.

Stage Name: Mickey


  • Powerhouse Mickey - She has a powerful voice and since her stage name is Mickey she added it on.

Fan Club Name: Wild Ones


  • She has a tattoo on her wrist 

  • Another tattoo of the Korean symbol 'Love' on her ankle.
  • She looooves Lace and Lace patterns.
  • She has a Bordered Collie named Blaze.
  • She loves to wear dresses and skinny jeans and heels and any pretty shirt.
  • She doesn't drink carbonated things.
  • She is a straight A student.
  • She loves the color Peach.

For her fans: Twitter - @Park_Jangmi

Position: Unknown, wait till debut.

(after makeover)


A/N: Annyeong~ It's your author 'tina_luvs_music'!

It's nice to meet you, all who have applied! Thank you for applying!

This character is for my co-author! I have decided to put all love interest on so we can have little love triangles in the future :)

Enjoy :) The rest of the members will be revealed after the Apply is closed (March 31).

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That update was just to change my love interest.... Sorry~


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Daehyun's so cute! :3
Can't wait for their debut:) Welcome back, by the way. Can't wait to see their fansigning as well.
boooom!! nice
My day has been pretty good. The vocal instructor is pretty. Can't wait to read part 2.
Dance instructor is so so cute. ;D
Its fine about the update, i've been busy with school as well!
I love Dalmatian's new song~
Ironic that I know the mashup guy too, my favorite "vs" he did is "Fantastic Breath"! ^^
The dance instructor is a cutie. Well his ulzzang is.
I hope the girls get to debut soon. Can't wait to read more.
The manager is so cute! :D Handsome too.
Track? I was in track but I quit cause I jammed my finger from a Basketball game T^T
I like the manger's ulzzang. Cutie. xD Anyway, ....I thnk using the colors is a nice idea. It helps us see who's talking and stuff.
I like my first love interest *ahem, Daehyun, ahem*. ^^

P.S. I'm sick...just felt like sharing it, lol.