Last but not least.



Last But Not Least, Mirror's Maknae: Song Eunjae

And the last of the members are revealed. This true beauty seems to be a mellow, chill girl! Enjoy the member and make sure you pay attention closely to our next update. We have a surprise for all of you~!

(before debut)

Name: Song Eunjae

Nicknames: Jane

Birth Date: 1995/12/29 (16 years old)

Height (cm)/ Weight (kg): 164cm/ 52kg

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Australian

Languages: English and French

Mother: Song Ae Sook, 46, Ramen Shop Owner

Father: Song Baek Ho, 51, Ramen Shop Owner

Sibling: None

Personality: Eunjae is a well mannered teenager, but when she's on her "monthly gift", I advise for everyone to step back. She has crazy mood swings at that time and Eunjae hates it. She hates clubs and parties, mostly because they were too loud and noisy. Eunjae would rather hang out at the practice room busting out some moves or playing her guitar in peace. She's also a perfectionist, which she hates as well but can't help it.

Like 5+:

  • Her guitar
  • Sweet Tea
  • Watching interior design shows or variety shows
  • Taking selcas once in a while
  • Singing ballads
  • Dancing

Dislike 5+:

  • When people don't say what they mean or clean up their own mess.
  • Wearing clothes that are too revealing.
  • Vegetables (except broccoli)
  • Clubs or parties
  • When her favorite character in the dramas she watches doesn't end up with the person she wants.

Hobbies 3+:

  • Dances
  • Sings
  • Plays with her guitar
  • Photography
  • Organizing things

Habits 3+:

  • Perfectionist - fixing something that isn't straight or clean
  • Listens to music before she sleeps
  • Shakes her right leg whenever she's sitting down

How long for training: 4 years

Before Training: Eunjae was a student at her high school, and she would sometimes help out at her family's ramen shop.

Trainee Days: Eunjae tried her best everyday. Sure, there were those days where she was on the verge of breaking down, but she pushed herself on.

How did you become a trainee?: Eunjae was always the top of her dance class; thus, motivating her to go to contests and auditions. There was an audition and she was confident that she would make it. Ten minutes before her turn, she slightly sprained her left ankle because she tripped but that didn't stop her. Eunjae danced that day as if there was no tomorrow. Noticing this, the judges chose her to become a trainee.


  • Zelo (B.A.P.)
  • Na Eun (A-Pink) In middle school
  • Ricky (Teen Top)


  • Jieun (Secret)

Love Interests:

  • Daehyun ~B.A.P.~
  • Changjo ~Teen Top~
  • Minwoo ~Boyfriend~


How you met:

  • Daehyun - They both met in their trainee days. He always admired her dancing skills and singing skills. Daehyun would always blush whenever Eunjae would smile at or with him.
  • Changjo - He was in her dance class at school. They were rivals at first, but they got over it. Both had their own strengths and weaknesses. Changjo saw how pretty Eunjae was getting and started to develop a crush on her.
  • Minwoo - They first met on a normal day in Spring. He was taking a break from practice and so was she. They ran into each other (literally) at the coffee shop. Her sweet tea spilled on his shirt while his iced coffee spilled on hers. Both apologizing, they became friends, but Minwoo wanted more than that.

Stage Name: Jane


  • Fierce Variety - She is fierce when it comes to working hard and she loves her some variety shows, while also being her own variety of things!

Fan Club Name: DJaes


  • She has a guitar named Kai that she treats like her own child.
  • She has been dancing since she was three, thanks to her mother signing her up for ballet lessons.
  • She can dance any genre.
  • She has played guitar for 6 years and singing picked up with it.
  • She prefers to sing upbeat or acoustic songs.
  • She likes to dance to fast and slightly complicated songs.
  • She has a great body wave ;)

For her fans: She has a tumblr and twitter, but TS did not reveal it.

Position: Unknown, wait till debut.

(after makeover)

Wow! Jane is Australian?!?! That's amazing. And it says she doesn't speak Korean, weird. Maybe we should check our facts. Or talk to them at the interview about how they know all the languages! Soon to be revealed: Positions!


Congrats normaltoast :D

Thank all of you who had applied! I will see you all later^^

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That update was just to change my love interest.... Sorry~


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Daehyun's so cute! :3
Can't wait for their debut:) Welcome back, by the way. Can't wait to see their fansigning as well.
boooom!! nice
My day has been pretty good. The vocal instructor is pretty. Can't wait to read part 2.
Dance instructor is so so cute. ;D
Its fine about the update, i've been busy with school as well!
I love Dalmatian's new song~
Ironic that I know the mashup guy too, my favorite "vs" he did is "Fantastic Breath"! ^^
The dance instructor is a cutie. Well his ulzzang is.
I hope the girls get to debut soon. Can't wait to read more.
The manager is so cute! :D Handsome too.
Track? I was in track but I quit cause I jammed my finger from a Basketball game T^T
I like the manger's ulzzang. Cutie. xD Anyway, ....I thnk using the colors is a nice idea. It helps us see who's talking and stuff.
I like my first love interest *ahem, Daehyun, ahem*. ^^

P.S. I'm sick...just felt like sharing it, lol.