Is it what we promised?


Debut Song and Album Name

It's half of what we promised, TS Entertainment won't tell us all the information but we will update you as soon as we get it. Now what you all have been waiting for.....


Mirror, Mirror - It sounds like the girls are taking their name into effect. Two days after the girls are revealed, they will have an interview with us! Read about it more below. Shortly after that is revealed they will have a Debut stage, but how will they compete with all the other people having debuts or comebacks, let's wait and see.


TS won't reveal what the album songs or the covers are but they will tell us the name of it. They said it is "Our Reflection." TS said it is to reflect upon the connection with the group and the fans so they will have their first album name with their Fan Club Name.


Before their debut stage the girls will be interviewed and we need so questions! One of them will be "How did you come up with the name of the Album?", but we need more so comment below with some great questions! Thank you for reading the update for Mirror.

A/N: Oh hello again fellow subscribers! :)

Yes, as you read we need questions for the interview! Please comment soon :)

Friendly reminder, one week left! And by the ending date I mean the application closes on March 30th, 2012 at 11:59 PM US Central Time (My time zone).


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That update was just to change my love interest.... Sorry~


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Daehyun's so cute! :3
Can't wait for their debut:) Welcome back, by the way. Can't wait to see their fansigning as well.
boooom!! nice
My day has been pretty good. The vocal instructor is pretty. Can't wait to read part 2.
Dance instructor is so so cute. ;D
Its fine about the update, i've been busy with school as well!
I love Dalmatian's new song~
Ironic that I know the mashup guy too, my favorite "vs" he did is "Fantastic Breath"! ^^
The dance instructor is a cutie. Well his ulzzang is.
I hope the girls get to debut soon. Can't wait to read more.
The manager is so cute! :D Handsome too.
Track? I was in track but I quit cause I jammed my finger from a Basketball game T^T
I like the manger's ulzzang. Cutie. xD Anyway, ....I thnk using the colors is a nice idea. It helps us see who's talking and stuff.
I like my first love interest *ahem, Daehyun, ahem*. ^^

P.S. I'm sick...just felt like sharing it, lol.