My Stupid Thoughts

Give It Your All

(Kai's POV)

_____ was definitely enjoying her day ordering me around. She's so lucky I was being nice to her. 

I arrived at home and greeted the members. "Where were you the pass 2 days?" They all raised their eyebrows at me, except for SuHo who knew exactly whats been happening and where I've been, he cracked up. He was the leader after all, I had to inform someone where I was. The boys looked at him and started an interrogation scene in a split second. "I was taking care of ____." Gasps, oohs, and ahhs rang through the room. "You like noona!!!" Sehun ran around the room repeating the same words over as if it was a famous quote. I shook my head. "I would never."
You're in denial.
No I'm not.
Explain why you slept with her last night? (Like actually sleep, not that kind of sleep. ^^)
She kept tossing and turning!!! How do you expect me to sleep?
I thought you were a deep sleeper?
I'm a light sleeper.
Go eat a cactus.
I can always cut the spikes off of it, or eat the fruit it grows.
Then eat glass.
If I chew it enough, it wouldn't harm me at all. It has been proven.
Shut up.
You do realize if I hurt myself, I hurt you too. I am you.
I let out a frustrated growl and ruffled my hair. The members looked at me as if I was insane. Maybe I am. "I just need some sleep." They all nodded hesitantly. And I left them to do whatever they wanted.
I was lying in bed thinking about the what has happened the past 3 days. Did I really fall for her? No way, impossible even. I've hated her for 4 years, hate doesn't just go away in 72 hours. 
The way she glared up at me when I held her in my embrace ... It was kinda cute. But she's totally not my style. I like someone cute and y, someone with a nice body, someone... Not her. Someone like Hyuna. 
I remember those days, we loved embarrassing ____. Of course, we never went further than teasing her, cracking jokes, and occasionally tripping her. Just the usual funny stuff. We knew there was a line we shouldn't cross.
Hyuna was a nice girl actually, she knew how to not get herself into trouble -- unlike ____. It was something I always liked about her. If I have to say so myself, I liked Hyuna as a woman. And maybe I still do.
I sighed at all of the erupt thoughts that came rushing into my mind. I should just sleep. And so, I shut off the lights and drifted off into dreamland.
That night, I dreamed about Hyuna.
It's been a week since I've seen _____. We texted from time to time, but she always said she had to go or replied in one word reponses. She's been awfully busy, despite the fact that she's sick.
The boys and I are performing on Inkigayo today. We're performing our new song MAMA. I'm hoping to see _____ and at least say hi. 
After we performed, I caught a glimpse of _____ down the hall. Rushing through the crowd in the hallway, I tried my best to dodge the people blocking my path. I was about to approach her when I saw Hyuna walking towards her. Oh yeah, I forgot. 4 minute was promoting Volume Up.
I walked up to the two of them, they both turned into my direction and smiled. "Kai!" Hyuna s her arms around my neck. I laughed at her excitement, it makes sense though. We haven't seen each other in ages. "How are you?" She let go of me and replied with a grim expression, "Not so great since we haven't hung out in a while." I shook my head at her sillyness. "We'll hang out soon. Give me your phone, I'll give you my number." Hyuna nodded enthusiastically and dug into her pocket to fetch out her phone.
I noticed _____ was turning to leave. I didn't even get to say hi or ask her how she's been. Before I could prevent her from leaving, Hyuna pushed her phone into the palm of my hand. I smiled at her and warily glanced in the direction _____ was going.
I guess I'll just have to wait to talk to her.
Vacation is over and I have school tomorrow :(
I should be doing my homework that I've ignored the whole week,
but instead I'm updating :P 
Oh well, it'll just have to wait~ :)
Shhh! Don't tell on me ><
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Update soon author-nim. I'll be waiting (:
somelove #2
WHAAAAAAAAAA. I just got overdosed on Kai @.@ please update soon Author-nim!
loving the story (:
Kai is so sweet..
She should have just open her heart and accept Kai's feeling....=(
Hohohoho~~ ^o^

Kai said he likes her! This is really daebak, author-nim!! ^^
update soon~~!^^
Update sooN!
Baekhyun is sooo sweet~! xD
Awwww~ Baekhyun is sucha sweetie <3
Yay! Luhan! I feel like _____ and him should end up together instead haha :)
HAHAHAHAHAHA Nice, ___ and Luhan! Nice prank you did there! HAHAHA! I really loved the update ^^