This is a conspiracy.

Give It Your All

(Your POV)

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Where am I? And how did I get here?

I looked around then spotted a note on the table next to the bed I was on:
You fell asleep last night in the practice room and had a fever,
so I brought you here. I'll be downstairs probably when you wake up.
So Kai brought me here. At the thought of him taking care of me, my heart tightened. Wait, no. I didn't mean it like that.
Exploring the hallway, I found myself bumping into someone's hard chest, Kai. He only had a towel on his waist, his chest is bare with little droplets of water, his stomach flat and abs clearly visible.
"I'm so sorry!" I turned my back against him. I heard a chuckle and felt a pair of hands grip the side of my arms guiding me back into the room I escaped from. He pushed me through the bedroom and opened a door revealing a bathroom.
"You're manager came by this morning. We didn't want to interrupt you sleeping so she just gave me a bunch of clothes and told me to take care of you. Your toothbrush is there, towels are in that closet. Take a shower and meet me downstairs." He pointed in all directions showing me where everything is then left me to do whatever. Kai's "being nice to ____" streak is still going. Sweeet.
After showering, I looked over at the clothes he apparently picked out for me set out on the bathroom counter. Gray sweatpants, big white shirt. Those weren't mine.. He even picked out my undergarments! So embarrassing. 
Putting on whatever was chosen for me, I grabbed my dirty clothes and stuffed them in my bag. I walked downstairs to see Kai cooking. "Take a seat, the food will be ready soon." I watched him as he seasoned whatever kind of soup he was making. He looked ... Cu-- Ahem, professional. 
"Chicken soup~" he placed a bowl in front of me then took a seat himself, eating from his own bowl.
I tasted it, yum. "It tastes.. Good." He just nodded. Awkward... After finishing our awkward brunch, I offered to do the dishes but he shooed me away to take my medicine. "Thank you.." I said under my breath, not sure if he heard it or not then scurried off to take my medicine.
We sat in the living room watching tv. "Who's clothes are these?" I purely asking due to curiosity. "Mine." That threw me off. If my manager brought my clothes over, why did he give me his? "Why?" He sighed, "Your manager brought over tight clothes and pajama shorts and what not. I was being nice and lending you my clothes so that you'll be comfortable" he said with a slight annoyed tone.
Either way, I felt all warm inside that he cares about me...
(Kai's POV)
Apparently I have to spend another week or so with this stupid girl 'cause her manager took advantage of her being sick and decided to go on a sweet ol' vacation. She must've wanted to get away from her that much.
You know you wanted her to stay longer.
I'd rather sleep on a cactus.
No you wouldn't.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I would. 
Yes. Who are you anyay?
Your conscious. And I know for a fact you wouldn't sleep on a cactus. And you like her.
Yes, you do. So shut up and pay attention to the girl next to you that's about to freeze her off.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at ____. Sweat was forming making her bangs stick to her forehead. "Are you okay?" She nodded, "I just need some water." She got up and made her way to the kitchen. A second later, she was about to hit her head on the kitchen counter. Luckily my instincts told me to follow her so I caught her just in time.
This babo. Why arent' you waking up?
Wae? Wae? WAE?
Wake up, please? ... It's all my fault.
Why did I let you get the water yourself?
Why am I so careless?
If I was any later, you could've gotten a concussion!
Deep breaths Jongin. You can do it. We'll get through this.
She'll wake up and you'll be able to take care of her every second of the day.
You won't leave her out of your sight.
Nope, not at all.
Oh, oh, OH!
Her eyes are twitching!
She's opening her eyes!!!!!!
"____? .... ______~" She groaned, "Where am I?" I guess she didn't remember her little black out. "You fainted babo. We're at the hospital." After telling her all of the details of what exactly happened, the doctor came in to check up on her. Fortunately, she was allowed to go home today. She decided that she had to go home so we dropped by my house to grab her belongings.
(Your POV)
"Where have you been? Why didn't you call? Text? Leave a NOTE?! Hyeji noona left on vacation and didn't even tell me where you were! She took advantage of you being sick and everything, not that I can blame her, you're such a handful. I mean SERIOUSLY, where have you been?! Are you even gonna answer me?!!!! TELL ME, WHERE THE FUDGE POOPSICALS HAVE YOU BEEN. SERIO----"
I cut off Ryan before she could go on. "Kai, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Kai." "Oh... hi there." I rolled my eyes and pushed past her to get into my house, Kai following me like a lost puppy.
We all settled in the living room, fiddling with our hand. Ryan sheepishly rubbed the back off her neck, "Sorry I freaked out back there." I nodded in understanding, she continued. "You still could've at least given me a notice of your absence in this house though." Before I could reply she went on saying, "Oh. And Changmin oppa has been on a rampage looking for you. Apparently, he heard about your absence at home." My eyes widened. Oh my lord. I'm soooo gonna be murdered the next time I see him.
Kai gave me a look, one of those "what-is-she-talking-about-and-whats-going-on-the-fudge-poopsicals-is-this?" kind of look. Before I could answer him and tell him what exactly is at stake here, Changmin came stomping into our living room. Oh my bloody lord, I'm definitely going to be killed. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" We all stood up at the same time. I was scared of my wits. "I-I ... U-uh.." I hid behind Kai.
Should I run? Yes? No? Oh wait, his legs are 10 times longer than mine. He'll catch me and feed me to the birds in no time... I can just imagine it ...
and then... I shivered not even wanting to think of the possibilites of what happens next. "HELLO?! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!" I snapped out of my thoughts, then came marching in the other four "Gods of the East". Too bad, they looked a little too pissed off. "You didn't answer my CALLS, or my reply to my TEXTS, or even cared to leave a NOTE!!!" Okay .. I don't even know where my phone is buckeroo.
"Oops." That, came from the one and only mouth of the egoistic narcissistic babo, Kai. I swear, he's just asking for someone to beat him up. Changmin glared at him.
A second later, all five of them glared at me. And in unison, "Why didn't you contact us?"
This is a conspiracy.
Oh ho ho ho~ Changmin's protective side is coming out! More shall be revealed in the next chapter!
Anyone notice my Jay Park reference? "This is a conspiracy." Oh, I love myself a little JP here and there. 
Anyway, I love all of the comments <3.
It motivates me a lot to not just leave this fanfic with no end to it.
Muchoooooo gracias guys, love you all <3.
I was supposed to have this chapter up an hour ago.
I was editing the finishing touches when I pressed the "backspace" button and lost everything T-T
I tried my best to recapture the whole chapter to what it was originally.
Many apologies that it is not the best and may have many mistakes.
Please take note that it is 4:01 am right now and I'm not totally sane at the momentT-T
Comment, subscribe? Greatly appreciated and encouraged!
Late night chapter complete~ So I am very happy.
And because I'll be watching Exo-K on M-Countdown in about an hour~<3
I'm really loving these gifs.
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Update soon author-nim. I'll be waiting (:
somelove #2
WHAAAAAAAAAA. I just got overdosed on Kai @.@ please update soon Author-nim!
loving the story (:
Kai is so sweet..
She should have just open her heart and accept Kai's feeling....=(
Hohohoho~~ ^o^

Kai said he likes her! This is really daebak, author-nim!! ^^
update soon~~!^^
Update sooN!
Baekhyun is sooo sweet~! xD
Awwww~ Baekhyun is sucha sweetie <3
Yay! Luhan! I feel like _____ and him should end up together instead haha :)
HAHAHAHAHAHA Nice, ___ and Luhan! Nice prank you did there! HAHAHA! I really loved the update ^^