I Can Change For You

A week later.

It’s been a week since that steamy kiss with Key. Minho had been feeling a little regretful about it and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was because for the past few days Taemin had been making his heart flutter whenever he smiled or did anything cute, or maybe it was all those surprise kisses on the cheek (and sometimes the lips, but rarely) Taemin gives him. Either way, he didn’t know.

“I’ll see you, later.” Taemin grinned. Minho and he were standing in front of Taemin’s dorm. “I have tons of homework that I really need to finish.”

“Okay, see you.” Minho grinned back, waving as he walked off down the hall, heading to his dorm.

“Ah, Minho!” Key just reached the top of the stairs. He usually used the elevator but today he thought he needed some exercise. “Hey, did you just leave my dorm?”

“Yeah,” Minho answered. “Taemin’s doing homework so we can’t hang out today.”

Key frowned when he heard the word Taemin. “Come with me!” Key spoke, grabbing Minho wrist and led him back down the stairs.


“Where are we going?” Minho demanded. Key had dragged him outside, into the forest near the school.

“You’ll see when we get there.” Key replied. After a few more minutes of walking, they soon reached a pretty lake.

“Why are we here?”  Minho questioned.

“Aish, you ask so many questions.” Key rolled his eyes as he let go of Minho’s wrist. “We’re here to swim, silly!”

“Why couldn’t you just tell me that? I have swimming trunks back in my dorm.” Minho asked.

Key removed his blue shirt and tossed it to the side as well as his pants; “That would be no fun now would it!?” Key laughed, only in his boxers now.  He skipped towards the lake. Once he was near he turned, noticing that Minho was not following him. “Pabo! Are you just going to stand there?!” Key demanded, as he entered the water. “Come on, the water is great!”

Minho muttered something to himself before slowly pulling his clothes off. “What a nice body you have!” Key yelled.

“Shut up!” Minho blushed, placing a hand on his chest and stomach. He felt so exposed.

“Just get in the water, silly. What is it? You can’t swim or something?” Key asked.

“You know, I’m getting tired of your mouth.” Minho joked, as we walked slowly into the water. “Uwa! It’s cold.” He shivered.

Minho and Key played in the water together for about fifteen minutes till Key exclaimed something about a race. “To that boulder and back! GO!” And off he went, leaving Minho confused for a few seconds before actually catching on.

What a cheater. Minho thought to himself. He was actually a pretty decent swimmer, so he caught up to Key shortly.

Key noticed Minho catching up to him and panicked, he wanted to win the race! Mwhaha. He thought as an evil plan entered his mind.

When Minho reached the big boulder he touched it and turned. Key was nowhere in sight. Weird, shouldn’t he be behind me? Maybe he cheated and went back… While Minho was in deep thought, he didn’t realize that Key was underwater, creeping up next to him.
Before he knew it, his boxers were pulled down. He gasped loudly and covered his manhood. Even though, half his body was under water it was quite embarrassing.
As Key resurfaced, he held up Minho’s dark blue boxers in the air and waved it like a flag. “Haha!” he mehronged as he swam towards land. 

“Yah! Get back here! That isn’t funny!” Minho yelled after him, swimming after the blonde.

When he reached land, Key was doing a little victory dance with his boxers still in hand. “Yah, Kim Kibum when I get my hands on you…” Minho said angrily from the water. He actually didn’t want to get out of the water. If he did, then…Key would see his… Aish, this is humiliating. He thought.

“I’ll give it back to you on one condition!” Key winked, placing a hand on his hip. “Kiss me.”

“…Then come over here.”

“No! You come here.”

“Aish, really?” Minho said. He didn’t want to come out. If he did, Key would see his manhood.

“Oh come on, what are you so shy about?” Key teased, plopping himself down on the grass. Minho still did not move. “You’re boring. I’m going to leave you here if you don’t come out.” Key said, ready to get back on his feet.

“Wait! You can’t leave!” Minho exclaimed. “I-I’ll get out.” Minho face heated up as he got up out of the water.
Key’s mouth dropped. The boy was huge - huger than Jonghyun and Onew. “Why are you just staring? Aish…so embarrassing.” Minho said, turning to the side a bit.

Key found himself blushing as he shut his mouth. “Here! Put this back on,” Key ordered, tossing it back at him. Honestly just looking at Minho’s huge was turning him on. He wanted to touch it – no – taste it, but he and Minho only kissed, and that was about it.

“Your weird, you know that.” Minho said, snatching his boxers away from him.

“You have such a big , my god.” Key said, blinking.

“I think we should get back to the dorms now,” Minho said, hiding his blush. “Let’s go!” He slid his legs back into the water.

“Wait – you never gave me the kiss!”

“I’m not giving it to you!” Minho mehronged as he swam back down the lake.

“Yah!” Key shouted, as he got back into the water, following Minho.


After Taemin finished his homework, he figured he’d pay a visit to Minho dorm. He had never been there since Minho always came to his. “Yah, I’m blaming you if I get sick.” Taemin heard Minho’s voice as he locked the dorm door.

“Don’t worry you won’t get sick.” Key wrapped his arms around Minho’s waist as the two stepped out of the elevator.

“Ewww, get off me!” Minho laughed, playfully, as he used his elbow to poke Key away.

“M-Minho…” Taemin said, shocked. What was Minho doing with Key? Why were they together!?

“Oh Taemin!” Minho said, his smile fading when he saw the sad expression on his face. Key scooted away from Minho awkwardly, knowing that he would get some from Taemin.

Taemin sighed. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep Minho for long and he felt stupid for thinking that he could.

“Taemin?” Minho said.

“Forget it…” Taemin turned and headed back to his dorm.

“Wait-“ Minho ordered, following after. “It isn’t like that.”

Key felt hurt at that comment. What did he mean by ‘it’s not like that’? If it wasn’t obvious already, Key was seriously crushing on Minho. It was a real crush this time. Minho was definitely not just another guy that he could fool around with. Minho and Taemin disappeared into their dorm and Key rolled his eyes. He was angry…and sad… Actually, more sad than angry. Nobody had ever chosen Taemin over him. Ever.

He needed to go somewhere else since he obviously couldn’t go to his own dorm. The first person that popped into his mind was Jonghyun. He turned back to the elevator and pressed on ‘up’ arrow. He didn’t really care that it was almost curfew, Jonghyun would still be up, he knew that for sure. And plus he would alone, since he’s a senior. Senior’s get a dorm all to themselves.

When he reached Jonghyun’s dorm, he knocked loudly at the door. After a few seconds, Jonghyun opened the door and was surprised to see Key standing there. “Key…what are you doing here?”

“…Jonghyun, I think I might cry.” Key whimpered, walking into the dorm.


“I don’t know…just feel like it.” Key lied, sitting on the couch.

 “Awww, do you need Jonghyun hyung to give you some loving?” Jonghyun teased plopping himself down next to Key on the couch. He s an arm around Key’s waist and pulled him closer.

“Is that all you see me as?” Key questioned. “Just some booty-call?!” Tears were threatening to come out of his eyes. He tried so hard to hold them in, because it was rare. It was rare for anyone to see Key cry.

“K-Kibum, now you know that’s not…”

“Liar.” Key sniffed, wiping his eyes.

“Something is the matter! Who made you cry?!” Jonghyun demanded. Key’s behavior was freaking him out.

“Jonghyun, I think I like someone…like legit like – maybe – probably even love…”


what a weird chapter. x_x OTL

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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3