I Can Change For You

The next day at the dance room everyone was kind of excited to see the new routine, but at the same time they felt that it was a pain to be learning a new one.

“Good morning everyone!” Hyuna said, smiling brightly at everyone. “As you all know, Key and I came up with a new routine. It’s a y duet~!”

“y? Like how?” Kikwang asked, interested. He was one of the ones that was real excited for the new choreography.

“We’ll show you now.” Key said as he pressed play on the stereo. Know Your Name by Jay Park burst through the speakers. The dance started off with Key doing cool, smooth, y on point moves by himself. And as the song progressed Hyuna joined him in dancing.

“WOOOW~” The boys cheered as Hyuna started dancing against Key.

Hey…that’s what Key did to me last night. Minho thought.

Taemin looked up at Minho. He felt kind of jealous on how focused Minho was on the dance. Well, he’s supposed to be. Taemin reminded himself. When the two finished, they bowed and everyone applauded for them.

“That was awesome!” “y, very y!” “We can definitely win with this for sure!”

“We have to do that?!” Sandara asked, worriedly. For one, she would be so shy and second she found the dance the moves a little complicated.

Hyuna placed her hands on her hips; “Dara, please.” Hyuna rolled her eyes. “Just do it for the team.”

“You don’t see anyone else complaining.” Key added, suddenly annoyed.

“Yah! Leave her alone.” Taemin snapped.

“How about you stay out of it?!” Key retorted, walking up to him.

Taemin didn’t back down: “How about no?!”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Jonghyun interrupted, pushing Taemin and Key away from each other. “Cut it out.”

They started it.” Taemin muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Guys! I’m sorry. I’ll do the dance so please don’t fight.” Sandara said, trying to cut the tension. “I’ll work hard.”

“Good,” Key nodded, walking back to the front of the dance room next to Hyuna. “Can everyone please pick a partner?”


Key + Hyuna
Taemin + Sandara
Jonghyun + Chaerin (CL)
Minho + Fei
Ricky + Amber
Changjo + Minzy
Kikwang + Sulli
Hyunseung + Bom

Hyuna took the girls to one side of the dance room, while Key took the boys to the other to show them their parts in the routines separately. It surprised Key that Minho was having trouble with the choreography. He was usually a fast learner. It was funny but at the same time cute to see him stumble on some moves. When practice was over and mostly everyone had left already, Key walked over to Minho, who was in the middle of taking off his wet shirt.

“Hey Minho, I saw that you…” Key trailed off when Minho turned around. His body was nice and defined, and his sweat made his body shine in the light.

“Huh?” Minho asked.

“O-Oh, I was just asking if you need more help with the routine.” Key stuttered, trying to keep his eyes off his chest, and that amazing eight-pack!

“Definitely, did you see me? I was a total mess,” Minho chuckled.

“Got that right,” Key joked, walking over towards the stereo. He pressed play, and quickly went to stand near Minho. “1…2 and a 1, 2, 3, 4…” Key counted as the music began.

After another hour and thirty minutes of dancing, Minho collapsed onto the floor. “I – I can’t dance anymore,” he groaned.

Key chuckled; “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad.” He placed a blue powerade next to Minho’s head. “Drink.” He commanded.

Minho sat up and took the drink; “Gomawo.”

“You’re welcome…” Key grinned. “We should head back to the dormitory now. It’s kind of late.”

“Alright,” Minho answered, getting to his feet.

On their way to the boy’s dormitory Minho asked; “Why did you do that…thing to me…yesterday?”

“What thing?” Key raised his eyebrow. He thought about it for a second then suddenly remembered. “Oh – that.”

Minho nodded; “Yes, that.”

“You didn’t like it?”

Minho chuckled: “It was just…unexpected.”

“Oh…” was all Key could say.

“Don’t worry! I liked it!” Minho said, noticing Key’s expression. “You’re an amazing dancer.”

“I’m amazing at everything,” Key smirked, looking up at Minho.

“I’m sure you are.” Minho laughed.

“You don’t believe me?” Key asked. He grabbed Minho’s elbow and pushed him up against the wall. He wrapped his other arm around Minho’s neck, and pulled him down a kiss. Minho’s eyes widened, surprised. The kiss wasn’t bad or anything, actually…it was a bit better than the kiss he had had with Taemin. Key at his bottom lip, asking for entrance which Minho let him. Their tongues fought for dominance, and nipping at each other’s lips with enthusiasm.

“I believe you.” Minho breathed when they pulled apart for air. Key smirked, wiping some saliva off of his chin.

“Yah! What are you two doing?! Get to your dorms!  It’s way past curfew!” One of the school’s monitors snapped.


“Key…? Is that you?” Taemin asked sleepily when Key entered the dorm.

“Yeah,” Key answered, taking off his shoes and tossing his bag to the side. “What are you still doing up?”

“I was sleeping, but your loudness woke me up.” Taemin grumbled.

“Quit your ing.” Key snapped, as he headed towards the bathroom.


Hope you liked it, even though it was a bit short. XD



I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE DANCE. It's so fun to do. LOL.

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Thanks for reading: I Can Change For You. :*


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3