I Can Change For You

“Minho-ah~!” Key said in a sing-song voice as he wrapped his arms around Minho from his backside.

“Hey, what are you doing on this floor?” Minho asked, looking back. “Don’t you have your own classes?” True, classes were still going on.

“I wanted to see my boyfriend, is that so bad?” Key said grinning, letting him go. Yes, Minho and Key were now together. They had agreed on going out with each other the previous night.

“But what if you get in trouble for being here?” Minho frowned.

“You don’t get in trouble for things like that, Minnie.” Key said, pinching his cheeks. “People will think I’ll have a class over here.”

“Oh, sorry.” Minho said. “I didn’t know. I don’t really pay attention.”

Key reached up and ruffled Minho’s hair; “Haha, let me walk you to class~! Where you going next?”

“Health.” Minho answered, holding up the book.

“With Ms. Nam?” Minho nodded. Key’s face scrunched up as they began to walk. “Ew. I hate her.”

“Oh you’ve had her before?”

“Yeah, she’s a homophobic . I couldn’t stand her.”

“She’s homophobic?” Minho blinked. “So… could that be why she’s so mean to Taemin?”

He’s talking about Taemin again…? “She’s mean to him?” Key shrugged. And quietly he muttered to herself; “No surprise there.”

“She’s just so biased against him, it’s crazy.” Minho continued.

“Ah… I see.” Key pushed his hands into his pockets as they reached Ms. Nam’s classroom.

“I’ll see you after school.” Minho said, winking.

“I have detention.” Key replied. Since he had skipped yesterday, his teacher had given him crap about it, so he was given more days. He decided that he’d better just go. “So, I’ll just stop by your dorm, ‘kay?”

“Detention? What’d you do?” Minho asked, concerned.

“I skipped class.” Key shrugged.

“You’re so bad.” Minho smirked, poking Key’s cheeks.
The warning bell then rang, and all the students rushed to their classes. Minho pulled him into a quick hug; “Ppalli! Go to class before you get in more trouble.”

“Yes mom,” Key smiled, and turned to go, but he immediately bumped shoulders with … Taemin.

They glanced at each other for about five seconds before Taemin rolled his eyes and entered the classroom. Key whipped around, ready to say a smart retort.

“Stop.” Minho interrupted; a stern look on his face. “Don’t start anything.”

Key clicked his teeth and shook his head. “I wasn’t going to.” He glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and when he saw that nobody was he quickly pecked Minho on lips. “See you.”

Minho grinned in response and disappeared into the classroom.



Once I reached my desk, my eyes widened. My desk had been vandalized…

Offensive words had been carved into the desk.
“, queer, er, poof…” I read silently. “Poof, huh? That’s new.” I had a good idea who did this…
I glanced back at Mir and Chansung and they were snickering, as they high-fived each other.
I knew it. I thought as I sighed and pulled out my chair to sit down, but another person sat down instead of me. “Yah…what are you doing?”

The person turned; “I want to sit closer to the board.” There sat Minho, blinking at me with his annoyingly big eyes.


“Just go take my seat over there.” Minho pointed. It was just a row back, right next to the window. A perfect seat.

“Why would you want to sit here…?” I asked.

Before he could reply, Ms. Nam walked in. “Okay, kids, have a seat. Right now! Hurry up!”

I cleared my throat and made my way towards Minho’s assigned desk.
Why did he do that? Why would he want to sit at that desk with all those foul words scribbled onto it? Why is he being nice to me?
Why, why, why?

Does he want me to keep liking him? I’m not going to. I’ve already told myself that I’m not going to be the same, lenient Lee Taemin.

“…someone stop smoking and fix their lungs by working out? Please answer this, Lee Taemin!”

“Um,” I stammered. I didn’t even hear the whole question! “Can you repeat that?”

“I knew you weren’t paying attention.” She frowned.

“I just asked you to repeat the question so I could get a better understanding!” I replied, trying to make my tone sound calm.

She sighed, but repeated the question for me. It was something about will your lungs feel better after you quit smoking.

“Doesn’t the human body have the ability to heal itself?” I answer, hoping I was right. I really hate this subject.

“Yes, it actually does.” Ms. Nam nodded her head, sounding impressed. “But as your body begins the healing process, it’s important to note that instead of feeling better right after, you may feel worse and sick for a while.”

“Isn’t that like… withdrawals?” someone asked.

“Exactly. Wow, and here I thought this period never paid attention.”

Everyone else laughed at her joke just to be nice.

“Today, we will be…”
I got distracted by the great view that the window was showing me.
Birds flew by, chirping loudly, the grass and trees were green and healthy. The sun shined brightly and I got a glimpse of a colorful rainbow that was hiding behind a tall willow tree. It was so beautiful.
Did Minho want me to see what he saw every day or am I just thinking too much? I should probably go with the latter.

Class zoomed by and I didn’t even realize it. “Is pretty isn’t it?” someone whispered in my ear.

I simultaneously jumped and gasped. I turn my head and I was inches away from Minho’s face.
“Oh my god.” I whisper to myself as I quickly looked away.

“What?” he asked.

My cheeks heated up out of embarrassment. “Why are you talking to me?” I demanded, as I collected my things, quickly.

“Um, I…”
I stood up and pushed passed him, ignoring him. “Taemin-ah…” he called, grabbing my elbow. “Listen.”

“What?” I sighed, looking back. “I have to get to class.”

“Uh… right, you have to get to class.” He let go of me. “Sorry, bye.” He gave me a small smile and walked off.

“Minho, wait.” I blurted out. He stopped. “What is it?”

“I know we aren’t what we used to be… but I want to let you know that I-”

“Don’t.” I interrupted. “I have a feeling you’re about to give me false hope and I don’t want to hear it. I want you to leave me alone, don’t talk to me, don’t-” I gestured towards at our two desks. “-do nice like this anymore, just be ing happy with Key. I don’t want to hear your lies anymore, okay? It’s enough.”

“I have never-“

“Lied to me? Yes you did, and you know you did. Minho, I know I was to in love with you to notice anything else at the time because I was so forgiving. I trusted you, a lot. And this is what I get back.”
“I thought you might be one of the people who wouldn’t fall for Key and just stick with me. But I’m not ever good enough for anyone.”

“No… Taemin, you-“

The warning bell interrupted him and I’m glad it did. I turned and rushed out, tears stinging my eyes.

It kind of felt good telling him all that, but I hope that I wasn’t to mean.





“Minho…” Key called, waving his hands in front of his face. It was lunchtime, and Minho hadn’t said a word or touched his food. “Minnie. Minho.”

“Huh?” Minho wondered, coming out of his daze.

“What are you thinking about?” Key asked calmly.

“It isn’t... it’s nothing.” Minho answered. “Just some test that was difficult, I think I might’ve failed.”

“Yeah right. You’re too smart to fail stuff.”

Minho shook his head. “I didn’t study.”

Key faked a gasp; “Nerdy Minho didn’t study?”

Minho laughed; “Because you kept me distracted. You never leave my mind, you know?”

Key laughed, covering his mouth in the process. “Oh, you’re cheesy too.”

Minho smiled and wrapped an arm around him. “No, but seriously what’s wrong?” Key turned serious again. “That test didn’t fool me.”

Minho mentally sighed; Well, Key isn’t that easy to fool. “What do you mean?”

“Minho, did Taemin say anything? To you?”

“Key, it isn’t like that.”

“So it’s Taemin… again?” Key frowned, putting down his chopsticks.

“There aren’t any lingering feelings-”

“I never accused you of any lingering feeling, Minnie.” Minho bit his lip. “Let’s just finish our meal,” Key quietly said.




“Taemin, would you stop looking over there.” Minzy demanded, rolling her eyes. “So obvious.”

Taemin’s head whipped around; “Sorry, I can’t help it. I was a bit harsh with my words, you know.”

Please. If anything he deserved whatever you said to him.” Bom added. “He doesn’t look like he cares anyway. Look at him and Bummie all cuddly.”

“Guys, why is Taemin suddenly sitting here anyway?” CL asked, munching on her food.

“Because we asked him too,” Minzy explained.

“That’s okay, guys I’m not really hungry. I’m just going to go the library. It’s quieter there.”

“Okay, bye.” Bom and Minzy smiled and waved at him as he went.




At the library, the air conditioning was cooler. I rubbed my arms, trying to keep warm.

There were a couple kids with big thick books onto their laps and others were on the computer, gaming or reading news articles.
“Welcome to the library.” A cheery voice called.

“Ah, yeah.” I nodded.

“Taemin-ah?” the same voice called out.

I turn around to see Onew with a wide grin plastered onto his face. “So it is you!” He said. “I haven’t seen you in a long time!”

“What are you…?”

“I work as a librarian here from time to time.” He explained. I nodded, understanding. “How are you? How’s Kibum and Jonghyun.”

My eyes wandered the room; “I’m fine… Key got himself a boyfriend. Jonghyun’s… still Jonghyun.” I muttered, taking a look at my nails, doing anything to avoid eyes contact. “How’s college and stuff…?” God, why am I so awkward?

“I’m doing great.” He grinned. “You haven’t seen your hyung in a long time so why haven’t I received a hug yet?”

“Oh…” In less than a minute, I was in a bone-crushing hug. “H-Hyung… I can’t…I can’t breathe.” I tried to speak.

“Sorry, sorry.” He laughed. “I’m just being-”

“Being Onew hyung.” I laughed along.

“You’ve gotten so much skinnier; you’re like a walking tooth-pick.” He commented, pinching my arm.

“So what?” I smirked.

“Tell you what, after all the classes are over I’ll treat you to my favorite chicken shop!” he smiled. “I haven’t been all that nice to you this year… so I’d like it if we could maybe start anew, kind of?” he gave me a hopeful look.

A wide smile spread across my face. “Sure! I’d loved that.”

“So, what books did you come here for?”

“Oh, I didn’t come here to read.” I shook my head. “Being in the cafeteria was giving me a headache.”

“Ah, I see.”
I followed Onew back to his desk.

“On what days do you work here?” I asked, suddenly curious.

“It depends.” He shrugged, sitting down in his chair. He began spinning around in it. “On days I feel like coming I give the other librarian a call and I show up in her place. The dean was fine with it. Because I’m cute.”

“Because your cute? Yeah right!” I giggled.

“Okay, maybe I was lying. It’s because she says I’m a very good kid.” He shrugged, chuckling.

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” someone hissed at us.

“Sorry!” Onew called back.

I glanced at the clock and frowned. Lunch would be over soon in about three minutes and I would have to leave Onew.
We were having such a good time, too.

It was like Onew knew what I was thinking because he then said; “Lunch will be over soon.” He frowned. “I’m going to be bored with you gone. Only a bunch of nerds come here, and all they do is read.”

“It’s a library hyung. What do you expect?” I questioned.

“Some delinquents to come in here and ‘cause a ruckus,” he answered. “But delinquents steer clear of the library, sadly.”

“You’re weird.” I shook my head as the bell rang. “Aw…” I pout.

“Here’s my number, text me while you’re in class!” He said as he scribbled his number onto a pink piece of paper.

“Seriously?” I wondered, taking the paper from him.

“No, you’ll get it trouble.”

“I’ll still do it anyway.” I grinned.

“I won’t answer.” He joked, sticking out his tongue at me. Since when did he become so playful?

“You will~!” I replied in a sing-song voice as I skipped out of the library.
Onew and I could possibly be close friends! And since Key is with Minho… he can’t interfere this time. >:P


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3