I Can Change For You


Tuesday, I was feeling better. A lot better, actually. But when I went back to class, I was immediately assigned detention for two days by my homeroom teacher, but it’s not like I’m going to go. Didn’t I have another punishment too? Hm, I can’t remember so I guess I don’t.

The bell rang as my homeroom teacher was just explaining our homework for the night. Everyone, including me, grabbed their belongings but suddenly the teacher shouted; “The bell does not dismiss you, I do!”

We all groaned and sighed in response and sat our butts back down as she continued speaking. I hate when teachers say that, it’s annoying and plus I have another class to get too!


Finally when she let us go, I had three minutes to get to my next class. I pushed passed the crowed of people; not bothering to say excuse me.
I let out a long breath of hair as I reached my locker and fiddled with the lock. It always takes me a lifetime to open the stupid thing. By the time I got it open; two muscular arms wrapped themselves around me.
I turn my head and come face-to-face with Jonghyun. “Bummie.” He grinned.

I quickly look away and begin to grab my books that I need for my next class. “I need to go. I have a class to get to.” I mutter but I knew he heard me.

I shut my locker as he spoke: “Since when do you care about being tardy to class?” He asked. His arms that were around my shoulders suddenly made their way to my waist.
It surprised me so I gasped lightly; “Jonghyun… I – um…” I elbow him in the rib gently, wanting him to let me go, but he didn’t get the signal.

“What’s wrong?” He murmured against my neck.

I shiver and swing around. He was surprised by the sudden fast movement so it caused him to back off of me. “I have to get to class.” I quickly explain. “Sorry.”

I turn to walk off but he caught my wrist. I hate it when he does that…
“Why do you seem distant? Is it because I told you… that I loved you?” he frowned.

“Um, no.” I shook my head. But it kind of was.
I feel as if we keep having skin ship it’ll just lead him on. And I don’t want to do that because I love Minho and I want to be with him instead.
Jonghyun’s a great person, I know, but he can find someone much, much better than me!

“Look, we can talk some other time, I need to get to class before I’m…” At that moment the bell rang. “…Late. See you, Jonghyun.” I waved before speed-walking down the hall. Not daring to look back.



I used to love having Minho in almost every class (except Athletics, he likes to show off then) but now I hate it. I dread every minute of it.

He said he would not abandon me but there he is, smiling and laughing with everyone else but me. I sigh and rest my head on my arms that were crossed over on the desk, ready to sleep.

“Mr. Lee could you please refrain from catching some Z’s in my classroom?!” snapped my y Health teacher, Ms. Nam. I sighed as I sat up; “Did you just give me attitude?”

“No – I just breathed…”

“Oh. And now you’re talking back?! Mr. Lee you just earned yourself detention after school!”

I leaned back into my chair and crossed my arms around my chest; “Fabulous.” I muttered under my breath.

“What was that? You got more to say?”

Okay, now she’s really just pissing me off. “I said ing fabulous! Now leave me alone!” I snapped. I swear I did not mean to curse or say ‘leave me alone’ out loud.

Ms. Nam looked appalled.

“Haha, the queer’s giving the teacher attitude.” I turned around and see this guy named Mir and his friend Chansung laughing and high-fiving each other. I grit my teeth.

“Wanna my , you ?”
“Oh, he’d love that, dude!”
“ mine too!”

I turned back to Ms. Nam and she didn’t do a ing thing to even try and shut them up.

“He’s gunna get AIDs and go rot in hell~!”

That struck a nerve. And it struck it hard.
I grabbed my belongings; a purple mechanical pencil and the Health textbook and headed towards the door, desperate to escape their immature teasing and death threats.
Before leaving, I got a glance at Minho and he didn’t look very happy.
Psh – what was he unhappy for? They weren’t making fun of him were they?
According to them, Minho is too athletic to be a queer, but they were wrong. Oh so wrong.
I ignored Ms. Nam’s demands to “get back to my seat this instant” and continued on down the hall.

I’m probably going to get into a lot of trouble but it.

my life.


The following day the dance team all came together for dance practice after a weeks’ break. Everyone seemed a bit distracted but they knew they had to focus because the dance competition was one week away.

Taemin didn’t put his grown-out hair in a pony-tail; he hadn’t been able to get a hair-cut.
In a couple weeks, he decided, he’d be a brunette again. being blonde; Key was blonde. He didn’t want to have the same hair color as him anymore; he didn’t want to share the same dorm with him anymore; and he sure as hell didn’t want—

“Taemin!” Key screeched.

Taemin had not realized he was a step slower than everyone else. Dara had been trying to get his attention but he couldn’t see it, due to his blindingly long hair.

“You look and are dancing like .” Key snapped.

“Key, don’t.” Dara said. He’s probably having a hard time.”

“Yeah? Well, everyone’s having a hard time, so he can just it up and focus.” Key rolled his eyes in annoyance. “We have to do it all over again, and you can blame Taemin for it.”

Taemin huffed; making his way-to-long bangs flutter. He’s trying to get under my skin. Like usual. He told himself.


After practice, Taemin slumped down next to his bag. He searched through it, looking for a bottle of water, but he couldn’t find it.
He was sure he put one in there…
He brushed his bangs out of his eyes with his other hand but they wouldn’t stay. And he didn’t have an elastic band either! ing great. Taemin thought, giving up.

Just as he zipped his bag back up, someone held a half-filled bottle of Gatorade in front of his face.
“Here, Minho told me to give you this.” Jonghyun explained. “Don’t know why he couldn’t do it himself…”

“Because he practically dumped me for Key.” Taemin muttered under his breathe.

“What?” Jonghyun asked. He didn’t catch that.

“I don’t want it.” Taemin sighed. “I’ll buy my own.”

“Are you feeling alright, Taemin?”

“Why do you care? Like seriously, leave me alone!” Taemin snapped, swinging his bag over his shoulder. Jonghyun never liked him. He never even took a glance at him. “Key ditched for you Minho, right? Don’t come to me because you have nobody else to around with!” His voice rose, catching the attention of those who were just leaving. “He’s just a little ing who toyed with your feelings and obviously enjoys sloppy seconds!”


Taemin found himself on the ground with his jaw aching.
He looked up; it wasn’t Jonghyun who hit him. It was Key.

“I’ve had it with you!” Key shouted, kicking him in the chest.

“Yah, Key, what’s wrong with you?” Jonghyun demanded, holding him back from launching himself at Taemin again.  Bom and Minzy rushed to Taemin’s side, as Kikwang helped in holding Key back.

“Stop being a little and accept things! Move the on.” Key spat, trying to push Kikwang and Jonghyun off of him but they were much stronger. “Damn it let me go!”

“Let’s get him out of here,” Jonghyun ordered. Kikwang nodded and they proceeded to drag Key out of the dance room.

As soon as they were out, Key managed to push the two off of him. “Stupid little piece of … Gets on my ing nerves.” Key muttered to his self as he waltzed off.




“Key?” Minho called out as he heard the slamming of his dormitory’s door. He jumped to his feet, just as Key came into view. His facial expression was sour. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Key shook his head; “Taemin was running his mouth and I… He pissed me off and things got out of hand… and I… I’ve never done that before.”

“Calm down, okay.” Minho’s voice was calm and soothing. He pulled Key into a warm, loving hug. “It isn’t that serious. It’s alright.”

“You don’t even know what happened…” Key murmured.

“Well, I’d rather you’d tell me when you’ve calmed down.” Minho answered, patting Key’s soft blonde hair.

Key smiled to himself, as Minho placed sweet kisses onto his head.




After Key was chilled out, they settled themselves down onto the couch and watched TV. “Where’s your roommate?” Key wondered.

“He’s out - probably with his girlfriend.” Minho explained. “It’s okay. Now tell me what happened?”

Key sighed: “Taemin was talking . So I punched him in the jaw, and kicked him in the chest.”

Minho’s already large eyes widened. “You what? Oh my god, is he okay!?”

Key rolled his eyes; “He’ll live. I’m not that strong.”

“Don’t do that ever again.”    

“Do what?”

“Hit him. Don’t hit Taemin.” Minho shook his head. “And please stop being such an to him. I think he already goes through enough.”

“That was the first time I ever hit him.” Key reminded. “He just made me mad and what’s with you…? Suddenly defending him and all…” Key gasped. “You still like him don’t you?”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions…” Minho tried to say.

“No! Answer my ing question!”

“Is it so bad that I’m asking you to not be such a bully?” Minho demanded.

“You like him. That’s why you’re avoiding my question.”

“Kibum, stop it.”

“Then why’d you break up with him, huh?” Key wasn’t even listening anymore. “God Minho! I hate when you-”

Minho pressed his lips against Key’s, successfully shutting him up.
Key sighed and let his eyes come to a close.
As the kiss deepened, Key wrapped his arms around Minho’s neck and Minho’s left hand rested on his waist while the right was on his thick thighs.

“Does that answer your question?” Minho asked, once he pulled away.

Key leaned his head against Minho’s. “Maybe… a little.” He sighed; “Sorry Minho… I just like you a lot and I overreacted and I’m sorry.”

Minho kissed his nose; “It’s okay Kibum. I understand.”


“You alright, Taeminnie?” Minzy questioned, giving Taemin a bag of ice.  Her, Taemin and Bom were in the nurse’s office tending to Taemin’s wounds themselves since the nurse was out at the moment.

Taemin took it and held it to his cheek, nodding. “I’ll be fine.”

“Kibum is such a jerk,” Bom sighed. “Is your chest okay? Are you breathing alright?”

“What are you, my mother?” Taemin asked, frowning. “I’m fine.”

“Taemin we are just-” Minzy began.

“Trying to help, right.” Taemin interrupted. “Why though? Why now? You guys know Key bullies me all the time, but…”

“It isn’t like you can’t stick up for yourself, you know. You’re a man too!” Minzy placed her hands on her hips. “Nobody can fight your battles for you.”

Taemin sighed. “You know what? You’re right. I’m pathetic and I just need to disappear.”

“Oh baby, no.” Bom said. She patted his head in a loving way. “Life doesn’t always you know.”

“Mine has.” Taemin muttered.

“You just need to have a little fun. Just hang with Bom and I from now on.” Minzy smirked. “People like you deserve happiness and love!” She then hugged Taemin.

“We’re here for you Taeminnie~!” Bom added, joining their hug.

“Thanks, you guys really.” Taemin said. “I really don’t deserve your kind words.” Bom and Minzy laughed in response. “We should get back to our dorms… curfew, you know.”

“Oh you’re right!” Bom released the two of them and grabbed her bag. Minzy and Taemin followed suit.

“I’ll walk you guys to the girls’ dormitory.” Taemin smiled.

“Such a gentleman.” Bom smirked. “But you don’t have to, we’ll be alright.”

“Yeah!” Minzy pounded on her chest twice, and then held up the peace sigh. “Peace out, yo.”

Taemin laughed and shook his head. “Okay, then.”
As he walked off he decided that he wasn’t going to be the same anymore. He was going to make Minho regret ever breaking up with him.
And he’ll figure out a way to deal with Key.

It probably won’t be easy, but Lee Taemin will find a way.


this is longest chapter I've ever written lol. It was like 17 pages on Microsoft Word.
I didnt even mean to write that Taemin, Bom and Minzy part but it kind of just happened.
Key goes from y to some-what nice [only to minho and jonghyun he's sincerely nice].
And Taemin's gunna go from some-what nice to... we'll find out soon enough.
and oh, i have ideas for another Minkey....
i havent even started on my ambw fic at all, i dont have any ideas... well i do but idk. /confused here/

okay then. xP

these cute mother ers ;n;





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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3