I Can Change For You

hey i updated quick, like you wanted xD

Let me clear this up;
Key really likes Minho.
Minho likes Key and he’s losing his feelings for Taemin.
Taemin’s in love with Minho.
Jonghyun’s in love with Key.
Hyuna and CL don’t like each other since they both have crushes on Key.
Kai likes Taemin a lot.

Lots of feelings going on so we don’t know how this ’s going to end. It may not end as Minkey. Teehee. We shall see.  Hmm.



Jonghyun and I entered the dance room together. Everyone was already there and stretching out there muscles. I looked at them proudly. We’ll do fine at the competition…which was in a few weeks.

“Alright guys, let’s get started!” I clapped my hands together loudly, getting everyone’s attention.



As I watched everyone move through the mirror, I can honestly say that I’m proud. Everyone’s hitting each move with a lot of power and it just looked y.

As the song came to the end, I held up two thumbs up. “Good! Very awesome! You guys are y!” I exclaimed. I glanced at the clock; 5:20. Usually, practice ended at 6:45, but since everyone looked so amazing today I guess I could let them off a bit early. “I’ll end practice here, since you all looked well.”

“Woo! Seriously!? YAY!” Minzy exclaimed, her and Amber high-fived each other happily.

I laughed at their cute enthusiasm and went to go retrieve my bag. “Oppa.” Hyuna clung to my arm. “Let’s go out for some pizza? Hm?”

“Pizza? INVITE ME TOO.” Ricky shouted, skipping over towards us.

“No! I just want it to be oppa and me.” Hyuna said, glaring at him.

He backed off, pouting. Aw.

“I’m in the mood for some pizza.” CL then walked over.

“Didn’t you just hear me?” Hyuna demanded.

“Yeah, but I don’t care. I’m pretty sure Key would like me to go, Ricky too.”

Upon hearing his name, Ricky appeared again. “Noona, please?”

“Ugh fine,” Hyuna rolled her eyes.

“Let’s meet at that gate at 5:40, okay? We all need to go take a shower.” I said as I sniffed. “You guys smell bad.” I said, holding my nose.

“You smell worse.” Hyuna joked.

“Mwo?” I raised my arm in the air and put my armpit in her face.

“EW!” She shrieked.

“Haha!” I laughed evilly, she raised her fist ready to hit me but I quickly moved out of the way, headed for the door. “Okay, 5:40, yeah.” I called, waving my hand in the air.


“Babe, what’s wrong? You haven’t spoken a word since we left.” I slug my arm around Taemin’s neck as we entered my empty dorm. Hmm, Minsoo must be out somewhere. “Are you angry about something?”

“O-Oh, no.” He said. “S-Something happened.”

“What happened?”

“Um…don’t get mad, please because it wasn’t really my fault.” He stammered.

We entered my bed room and I slugged my bag in the corner of my room. “What is it?” I asked, calmly as I sat in my bed, kicking off my shoes.

“Well…earlier today… Kai wanted to talk to me about something and…well…he uh…ended up kissing me. But I didn’t kiss him back so…!”

I blinked at him. How am I supposed to respond to this? I wasn't entirely mad that he kissed another guy, since Key and I had kissed while we were together but he doesn’t know or need to know that…

“…You’re mad aren’t you? I’m sorry – I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

Wow. Why can’t I be like Taemin? Some guy kisses me, and I immediately come tell my boyfriend. But no – instead I kiss the guy – being Key – back. .

“I’m not mad.” I whispered. I just feel like a complete .

Taemin doesn’t need a guy like me. Once he finds out the truth, he’ll be depressed. I am a liar, an , a douche, just a horrible person.

“Minho, you’re…crying.”


I wipe my face and yep, it was wet with tears. “It’s nothing.” I quickly wiped the tears away.

“Minho, I love you okay?” I felt his arms wrap around me. “So don’t cry, okay?”

“Taemin, I’m a horrible guy.”

“No, hyung don’t say that. You’re perfect. The perfect guy.”

I’m nowhere near to perfect, though.


I danced as I cleaned up at work (I work as a barista in a coffee shop), I was ready to close for the day when a young man came in. I hate when people come in at last minute. “Um, you are still open right?”

Well, the chairs on the tables, and I’m cleaning up right now, does it look like we are still open? I was about to answer but my boss came out from the back; “Yeah, you’ll be our last customer for the day.” He chuckled giddily. “Jonghyun, will serve you~!”

I sigh as set my mop aside as I walk behind the counter. “What will you have?” I said in a uninterested tone.

“Your name is Jonghyun? Mine is too!” the stranger said.

“Very nice. Now what do you want to order?”

“Yah, Bling Bling. What’s with this cold attitude?”

Bling Bling? It’s been years since I’ve been called that… I look up and see my friend from when I went to a normal middle school, Lee Jonghyun {a/n: from CNBlue}. Since both our names were Jonghyun he called me Bling Bling so we wouldn’t confuse ourselves.

I was so stunned that I couldn’t really say anything; I just looked at him with widened eyes.

“Say something, pabo.” He chuckled.

“Um…uh…” I stammered. “Damn…how long has it been?”

“Just five years.” He said as if it were nothing. “I graduated early so I moved out here. I was just walking through the streets and then I saw you through the window. Had a feeling it was you, I mean – who else dances with their mop. You! I mean you always do dorky things.”

“Shut up, brat.” I snapped, blushing.

“You were just about to close up, right? I’ll help you since I don’t really want any coffee.”

“A-Alright, but there isn’t much left to help with. I’ve done everything.” I told him as I began to take off my apron. “Boss~ I’ll be going now.”

“Arasseo.” He replied.


“So, you’re still in school right?”

“Yeah, I go to this boarding school that’s a couple blocks away from here.” I checked my watch. 7:44. Hmm, I can hang out with him for another hour.

“Boarding school? That must .”

“Not really, I have these amazing friends.”

“Bling Bling!” he gasped; “You managed to make friends? Funny, I remembered you as the shy kid.”

“ you.” I retorted.

“When and where?”


“I’m just kidding! Lighten up!” he patted me on the shoulder. “That would be weird, wouldn’t it?”

“Y-Yeah it would.” I shove my hands into my pockets as we continued to walk. “What do you want to do?”

“Let’s go to that noraebang right there!” Jonghyun pointed as he grabbed my elbow. “Let’s see who can sing better.”

“You know that’s me.” I said proudly as we walked over towards the building. “I can hit those high notes perfectly now.”

“We’ll see, we’ll see.”


“I’m going to go to the bathroom,” Key said, suddenly standing up from the table.

“Hyung, let’s go together!” Ricky called, following him.

Hyuna smiled as she watched them go, and once they were out of sight, the smile disappeared and she glared at me. “Oh, scary.” I said, taking a sip from my Sprite.

“Why must you ruin everything?” she demanded.

“Ruin what? I just wanted some pizza.”

“I know you like Key!” she hissed. “More than friends.”

“So? So do you.” I answered. “But there’s no point in trying to pursue him. He’s practically in love with Minho.”

“How would you know that?”

“He tells me things. A lot actually.”

“So? Why’d you come along? It was just supposed to be the two of us!”

“Well, I’m just telling you so that you don’t get hurt – Key won’t fall for you any time soon. Just face it.”





“Hyung, my zipper’s stuck.” Ricky whined from behind me. I just came to the restroom to wash my hands.

“It’s not stuck, Ricky.” I said.

“But, hyung it won’t go!” he did this mini hop. I’m assuming his zipper didn’t go up then. He let out this frustrated sigh and waved his shoulders around.

“Try harder,”

“I am it’s just not – got it!” he grinned.

Idiot. “Let’s go back to the table, now then.”

“Wait – I have to wash my hands!”

Swear, he’s just like a little kid.



So back at the table, I noticed CL and Hyuna weren’t talking speaking to each other. “What’s the matter you guys?” I asked.

They just shook their heads. “Hm…we should be getting back to the school anyway. It’s eight now, and I can’t risk getting busted for not listening to the curfews.”

“Sure thing.” CL said.

“Yeah, I paid already so let’s go.” Hyuna added.

On our way back to the school, Hyuna clung to my left arm while CL held my right hand, intertwining our fingers together.

I’m used to having skin ship with them, but this … this was kind of weird. And I’m pretty sure Ricky felt like a fourth wheel.

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Thanks for reading: I Can Change For You. :*


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3